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Class 3 Constant Changes. Who First lived in Britain? Pupils thought about who can help us learn about the past?

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Presentation on theme: "Class 3 Constant Changes. Who First lived in Britain? Pupils thought about who can help us learn about the past?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 3 Constant Changes

2 Who First lived in Britain? Pupils thought about who can help us learn about the past?

3 We know that there are many different people who help us learn about the past. We have learned about the job of an archaeologist and created our own archaeological dig.

4 We thought about artefacts and the information they give us and have even investigated poo! (Not real poo of course!) We researched the diet of Romans and Vikings and were able to determine whose poo was whose from its contents.



7 We learned about the term pre-history



10 We have learned about Early Humans


12 We have thought about the job of a palaeontologist And made our own fossils

13 We know that palaeontologists have to be very careful with delicate fossils and have practised our own skills by digging chocolate chips out of cookies!

14 We have thought about fossil formation

15 And grouping different fossils

16 We have investigated and described different rocks

17 and have learned about the three main different types of rock

18 We have been exploring in our own Volcano role play to find out more information about rocks

19 We have finished our topic by investigating Cave Paintings and creating our own.

20 And written our own Pre-historic stories

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