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Spine Rehabiliation AAPM&R Vertical Planning Rachel Brakke, MD and Michael Cicchetti, MD.

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Presentation on theme: "Spine Rehabiliation AAPM&R Vertical Planning Rachel Brakke, MD and Michael Cicchetti, MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spine Rehabiliation AAPM&R Vertical Planning Rachel Brakke, MD and Michael Cicchetti, MD

2 Committee Members James Atchison, DO, (Chair) –Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Rachel Brakke, MD –University of Colorado Anthony Chiodo, MD –University of Michigan Michael Cicchetti, MD –Buffalo Spine and Sports Medicine, PLLC Christopher Standaert, MD –University of Washington 6/14/2016presentation 2

3 Background 2011- “Positioning the Specialty” –Focus on a few defined areas of physiatric care –Incorporate vertical planning (horizontal already in place) with a goal to change the trajectory of the specialty

4 Background 2013- Board of Governors prioritized two areas –Spine/Pain –Stroke Rehabilitation 2013- Workgroups convened comprised of representatives from Academy committees and “expert” members-at-large –Summary report of this workgroup was approved and the Board approved the next step

5 Now what? i. Define the scope of the initiative and charge of the committees ii. Define the committee structure, accountabilities and reporting mechanisms iii. Define plan review and approval procedures and allocation of resources

6 i. Define the scope of the initiative and charge of the committees Document the consensus of the future environment for Spine Complete comprehensive list of ideas/initiatives to be considered Pursue due diligence on ideas generated Prioritize recommended strategies Create operational plan for recommended strategies

7 Spine Vertical Planning Skills training –Adequate for all graduates to provide spine care? –Adjusting GME requirements of PM&R graduates –Need for a spine fellowship? Health Policy engagement for Opioids, etc Practice Management Alternative Payment Models/Models of care Reimbursement Registry Define parameters and approach to work with corporate partners Awareness

8 ii. Vertical planning structure Chair and 4-5 members (subject/topic experts) Spin off workgroups for due diligence and implementation Chair has ex-officio invitation to Board of Governors

9 iii. Define plan, review and approve procedures and allocation of resources Current process White paper- current project to describe the validity and appropriateness of the physiatrist as the central figure in managing spine care

10 Strategic Plan: Multi-Year Planning The goals determined by this committee represent what will constitute success for the Academy. The achievement of each goal will move the Academy towards the realization of its envisioned future.

11 The Spine Physiatrist… Goal #1 – Document a definition for comprehensive MSK spine Care –Prerequisites for the physiatrist: Thorough knowledge base of MSK, neuromuscular, spine anatomy (normal and abnormal) Strong physical exam skills Imaging and lab indications and interpretation Cognizant of red flags and yellow flags Understand the natural history of diseases commonly and uncommonly encountered and how to manage longitudinally. Understand the medical ecosystem and how to direct patients through the system (PT/OT, Chiro, Medical, interventional, surgery)

12 A Model System…What does this look like? Goal #2: Develop a cost-effective model that aligns our spine expertise with future delivery system assumptions and incentives. –Multidisciplinary with physiatrist as the conductor of the orchestra. –We need to determine who to align ourselves with –Leverage physiatrists within surgical practices so that the physiatrist is the gatekeeper and partners with them. –Ensure that our spine models account for anticipated shifts in reimbursement models (fee-for-service to value-based).

13 Training Gaps Goal #3: Identify GME training barriers to ensure all residents and fellows are appropriately trained in spine/MSK care. –Separate Resident barriers from Fellowship barriers –Survey residency programs to define potential educational gaps –Address concern that if more training is needed for spine will it detract from other core training?

14 Spine Educational Requirements Neurological exam Functional screens Manual segmental exam Electrodiagnostic testing and interpretation Imaging indications and interpretation Physical therapy indications, prescription writing, assessing treatment, outcome data Fluoroscopic injections (indications, contraindications, complications and outcome data) Fluoroscopic training Surgical indications, contraindications, complications and knowledge of outcome data Knowledge of chiropractic, manual therapy techniques, prediction rules, assessment of care. Knowledge of alternative treatments indications, complications, outcome data (Prolotherapy and other RIT, acupuncture, etc.) Psychology and psychosocial relationships to pain Pharmacologic treatment options Red and yellow flags for identifying sick patients, difficult patients or at risk patients Nutrition, wellness and preventative care Medical (e.g. knowledge of chronic diseases commonly encountered in spine patients)

15 Practicing Physicians Identify knowledge gaps for members already in a spine practice? –How alike are we? –Can we all get on the same page? –How do we do this? –What CME materials vs. other materials are needed to address these gaps?

16 Proving this model works! Goal #4 – We must prove that a physiatric- centered spine model is effective. –For patients –For referral sources –For insurance companies –For the physiatrist * Each of these areas may need to be addressed individually but without loosing site of the whole.

17 Sharing our vision with the world Goal #5: Raise awareness and value of a physiatric- centered spine model in key settings and with key stakeholders in healthcare. –Communicate outcomes, cost-savings to PCP’s, spine surgeons, non-spine ortho, insurers –Market to new healthcare systems, ACO’s, etc. –Mobilize our membership to adopt a comprehensive model –Disseminate marketing and implementation plan

18 Thank You 6/14/2016presentation 18

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