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A New View into Earth A Science and Facilities Program for study of the structure, dynamics and evolution of the North American continent.

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Presentation on theme: "A New View into Earth A Science and Facilities Program for study of the structure, dynamics and evolution of the North American continent."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New View into Earth A Science and Facilities Program for study of the structure, dynamics and evolution of the North American continent

2 USArray US Seismic Array a continental scale seismic array to provide a coherent 3-D image of the lithosphere and deeper Earth SAFOD San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth a borehole observatory across the San Andreas Fault to directly measure the physical conditions under which earthquakes occur PBO Plate Boundary Observatory a fixed array of strainmeters and GPS receivers to measurereal- time deformation on a plate boundary scale InSAR : Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar images of tectonically active regions providing spatially continuous strain measurements over wide geographic areas. Components

3 Science Goals  Unravel the structure, evolution and dynamics of North America.  Investigate the relationship between mantle structure/dynamics and crustal tectonics.  Probe the behavior of active fault systems.  Study the details of the earthquake nucleation and rupture process.  Advance our understanding of natural hazards.  Explore the inner workings of volcanoes, and magmatic processes leading to eruption.  Examine the links between tectonics and surficial processes, and between tectonics and fluids in the crust.  Stimulate the investigation of entire geosystems through broad, integrated studies across the Earth sciences.  Integrate observations and results, manage vast arrays of data, and provide easy access to tools for manipulation and visualization of those data.  Build upon partnerships between the academic earth science community and other national and international organizations

4 a Facility Data for Science and Education Funding and Management NSF Major Research Equipment Account Internal NSF process Interagency collaboration Cooperative Agreement funding Community-based management MRE - $172 M / 5 years Product - Data Science-appropriate Community-driven Hazards and resources emphasis Cutting edge technology Free and open access Fundamental Advances in Geoscience Funding and Management Science driven & research based Peer reviewed Individual investigator Collaborative / Multi-institutional Operations - $71 M / 10 years Science - $13 M / year Product - Scientific Results Multi-disciplinary trend Cross-directorate encouragement Fundamental research and applications Education and human resources an NSF Science Program Facilities in support of Science Ideas - People - Tools

5  Greatly expand the culture of shared and coordinated resources within Earth sciences Coordinated data management Technical resources E&O expertise Integrative and multi-disciplinary research  Involve and engage many colleges and universities  Improve science education, science literacy, and the profile of the Earth sciences Rational and Impact

6 EarthScope - Full Spectrum Deformation GEOLOGYGEODESYSEISMOLOGY P. SILVER - PBO EarthScope-based Coordination Discipline- based Expertise Community-based Facilities

7 USArray


9 S an A ndreas F ault O bservatory at D epth

10 Plate Boundary Observatory Imaging the Deformation of Tectonic North America in Four Dimensions Physics of earthquakes Physics of magmatic processes Plate boundary dynamics and evolution

11 PBO – A Two-Tiered Deployment of Geodetic Instrumentation A backbone of ~100 sparsely distributed continuous GPS receivers to provide a synoptic view of the entire North American plate boundary deformation zone. Clusters of GPS receivers and strainmeters to be deployed in areas requiring greater spatial and temporal resolution, such as fault systems and magmatic centers (775 GPS units & 200 strainmeters).

12 GPS Backbone; The Big Picture Extend from west coast to eastern edge of Rocky Mountains, and from Alaska to Mexico (with international collaboration). Consist of ~100 continuous GPS receivers at 200 km spacing. Provide a synoptic view of North American plate boundary deformation. The Backbone will:

13 The San Andreas Fault System – A Natural Laboratory for Studying Earthquake Physics What determines the sequencing of seismic events? How do earthquakes nucleate? GPSStrainmeters

14 In terferometric S ynthetic A perture R adar Hector Mines InSar Image (Sandwell et al)

15 a Topography 1 km Stress Change Earthquakes PBO Site-specific Irregular Scalar Measurements Constellations for Plate Boundary-Scale Vector Measurements a a Ice Sheets Volcanoes Long Valley, CA Northridge, CA Hector Mine, CA Greenland

16 EarthScope/USArray : Components  Transportable Array »fixed design broadband array - “Bigfoot” »flexible pool: broadband, short period, high frequency instrumentation »magnetotelluric systems  Permanent Reference Network »GSN/NSN quality Seismometers »geodetic quality GPS receivers  All data to community in near real time

17 USArray : Permanent Reference Network  EarthScope - ANSS integration  Fixed reference points for calibration of transportable array »~10 GSN quality installations »~25 NSN quality installations »~ 16 Geodetic quality GPS receivers  Uniform continental-scale coverage »~125 stations »300-350km spacing  Permantent Observatories - adds fourth dimension, time  Direct, real-time, continent-scale seismicity and crustal deformation


19 Location Number of Sites Lower 48 1600 Alaska 100 Canada 200 Mexico 40 Offshore 120 USArray Mobile Component Nominal Coverage

20 USArray : “Bigfoot”  400 broadband seismometers »70 km spacing »1400 km grid  50 magnetotelluric field systems  ~18 month deployments at each site  rolling deployment over ~ 10 years

21 USArray : “Flexible”  Focused targets within array footprint »~ 400 broadband instruments »~ 2000 short period high frequency (1-50 Hz) sensors and recording systems  Flexible receiver - source geometry  High-resolution imaging of crustal features Fuis et al.

22 PBO and USArray Siting and Integration PBO Backbone Continuous GPS Existing400 New 100 Clusters 800 GPS + Strain 1:4 USArray Permanent Broadband Seismic ANSS 60 NSN + ~100 regional 120 new GSN/NSN Transportable Component “Bigfoot” 400 Flexible Component High Freq2000 Short-period/BB 400

23 30  N 110  W 100  W 120  W 50  N 40  N 30  N 110  W 100  W 120  W 50  N 40  N IMSZ Broadband PBO Backbone ANSS/NSN PBO GPS - Existing & Planned USArray - ANSS Seismic - Existing & Planned

24 New DAS development  Kinemetrics Q330  RefTek 130-01

25 Prototype USArray station Socorro, NM

26 Joint Seismic/GPS station Socorro, NM



29 Example of Science Integration S-wave splitting axes Surface structure { Moho structure { Mantle structure { Kimberlite pipes GRL, June 1, 2001


31 Coupling between the crust and mantle Rodenay, Shragge, & Bostock Zhu & Helmberger Crustal control on upper mantle structures. Mantle control of crust in orogenic belts and along plate boundaries. Cascadia Subduction Zone

32 USArray : Operational Data Products  Complete waveform archive at DMC  Preliminary phase picks  Event segmented database  Associations with regional network and teleseismic catalogs  Merge regional networks with broadband data

33 Volume of Data at the IRIS Data Management Center USArray Source: T. Ahern “24 bits Wide - 20 terabytes Deep”

34 USArray : Derived Products  Arrival times  Earthquake locations  Surface-wave group/phase-velocity  Receiver functions  SKS splitting measurements  Amplitude/magnitude measurements  Attenuation/t* measurements  Polarization measurements (3-C, array)  Noise measurements

35 USArray : Knowledge Products  Point determinations of crust and upper-mantle structure  Earthquake mechanisms  Maps of crustal thickness and structure  Maps of group and phase velocities  Maps of surface-wave and regional attenuation  Maps of crust and mantle anisotropy  Three-dimensional velocity models of crust and upper mantle

36 USArray : Interpretive Products  Composition of the crust and mantle  Temperature distribution at depth  Rheoloy of the crust and mantle  Nature of continent-forming processes  Tectonic evolution of North America  Structure of sedimentary basins, aquifers  Urban site amplification  High resolution fault imaging  More … Goes & van der Lee

37 One Model for Science Integration IRIS Stanford UNAVCO JPL Data gathering systems Data management organizations Collaborations, working groups Publications, presentations, data products

38 Another Model for Science Integration IRIS Stanford UNAVCO JPL EarthScope Community Modeling Environment Integrated Model of the Active Geophysical Environment FSM RDM AWM SRM Data gathering systems Data management organizations Kinematics Dynamics

39 EarthScope : Partnerships  NSF  USGS  Regional Networks  IRIS - SCEC - UNAVCO - SCIGN  Education - DLESE, State/Local  State Geological Surveys  International (Canada/Mexico)  Ocean Sciences (OBS/OOS/Neptune)  Industry

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