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By the Members of Group 4: Erin Shaffer Lavon Holland Meagan Reed.

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Presentation on theme: "By the Members of Group 4: Erin Shaffer Lavon Holland Meagan Reed."— Presentation transcript:

1 By the Members of Group 4: Erin Shaffer Lavon Holland Meagan Reed

2 Please Do Now:  Take the following Poll:  To access:

3 Poll Question: “Where were you most effective getting work done for “Math in the School Program?”  Let’s take a look at our results………....

4 Teaching Data Analysis

5 Planning for Focused Instruction:  “The amount of statistical information available to help make decisions in business, politics, research, and everyday life is staggering.” Such as:  Consumer surveys guide the development and marketing of products.  Experiments evaluate the safety and efficacy of new medical treatments.  Statistics sway public opinion on issues and represent--or misrepresent--the quality and effectiveness of commercial products.

6 Planning for Focused Instruction:  “Through experiences with the collection and analysis of data, students learn how to interpret such information.”  “Young children will not develop statistical reasoning if it is not included in the curriculum. Work in data analysis and probability offers a natural way for students to connect mathematics with other school subjects and with everyday experiences.” (NCTM)

7 Objective and Rational for teaching Data Analysis:  Therefore, students should be able to….. formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them; select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data; develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data (NCTM).

8 References:  NCTM – Standards Over View for Data Analysis and Probability:  PDE – SAS webpage for Standards:  Hickory Dickory Dock: Navigating through Data Analysis, article by: Niezgoda, Deborah A. and Moyer- Packenham, Patricia S.

9 Additional Resources: Textbooks:  Everyday Math (2004) – 6 th Grade: Teacher’s Manual, Math Masters, Home Connection Handbook, Assessment Handbook  Helping Children Learn Mathematics, by: Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, and Smith (2007) Math Specialists:  Miss Aitken – mentor at Northeastern S.D.  Mrs. Grimm – teacher on leave, during long- term substitute at Dover Area S.D.

10 Engaging Tasks and Materials for the classroom: Using Everyday Math  Search for persuasive and misleading information (lesson 1.10)  Take class polls and create line plots around the room (lesson 1.2)  Play Landmark Shark game (lesson 1.4) es/demosite/playdemo.html?acti vity=M5A006&activitytype=dcr&l evel=3  Analyze graphs found in magazines, newspapers (lesson 1.6)  Create a step graph using math master pg. 10 (lesson 1.8) Children’s Literature:  People by Peter Spier  Play Ball: Sports Math by Time-Life Books Interactive websites: 

11 Let’s try an activity together:

12 Summary:  Helping students see the bigger picture and applying deeper connections to data analysis and the real world.

13 From Cross Validated

14 From Cross Validated

15 From Cross Validated

16 From Cross Validated

17 From Cross Validated

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