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Peer to peer induction: Piloting a junior doctor led orientation to speciality rotations within orthopaedics I.Densham 1, S.Alwan 2 & S.McNally 3 1- FY2.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer to peer induction: Piloting a junior doctor led orientation to speciality rotations within orthopaedics I.Densham 1, S.Alwan 2 & S.McNally 3 1- FY2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer to peer induction: Piloting a junior doctor led orientation to speciality rotations within orthopaedics I.Densham 1, S.Alwan 2 & S.McNally 3 1- FY2 – A&E 2- FY1 – General Medicine 3- Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Eastbourne DGH


3 Background: Peer to peer induction Interest in medical education Transient lives of the junior doctor Patient safety Literature Cardiology Urology Orthopaedics GP ENT Gastroenterolog y Paediatrics O&G Colo-rectal surgery Ophthalmology

4 Aims Gauge existing induction practice Establish perceived need for and content of enhance induction To develop current induction resources Organise and carry out ‘preparation free’ peer to peer sessions prior to change over Follow-up

5 Methods Questionnaires sent to FY1s, FY2s, GPVST1s &2s – total 56 doctors Orthopaedic referrals analysed Induction resource created Contact was established between orthopaedic peers – sessions run (7 Orthopaedic juniors) Follow up questionnaires for 7 successors

6 Results 31/56 Drs responded to initial Questionnaire (55%) Regarding need 97% feel induction is useful 57% read up before starting 94% would attend non-mandatory induction Regarding current process 90% had some form of induction 89% led by senior doctors 36% had opportunity to discuss role with predecessor Regarding content Almost all items were considered useful by all respondents (rotas, permanent personnel, events, WRs, clinics, ward facilities, numbers, protocols, documentation, common referrals) Regarding delivery 97% would like to have met with predecessor 91% like idea of 1:1 semi-structured peer-peer sessions Mixed opinion regarding role of senior led inductions 100% happy to deliver preparation free induction


8 Follow up All pairs contacted and met All items on the check list were discussed to varying degrees The induction resource was used in all cases Acknowledgment that the job is the best way to learn – Less anxious, more familiar – Structure to gain most from rotation

9 Implications – the future? Easy to implement – Develop resource - Pair up & email Juniors doctors keen for leadership / teaching / responsibility roles Evidence for the benefit of peer-peer schemes Complements senior led inductions / teaching Good succinct resource provides structure for relevant realistic learning

10 References 1.Mulroy S, Rogers I R, Janakiramanan N &Rodrigues M. What do junior doctors want in start-of-term orientation? The Medical journal of Australia (2007) Volume: 186, Issue: 7 Suppl, Pages: S37-S39 2.Jen M H, Bottle A, Majeed A, Bell D & Aylin Paul. Early in-hospital mortality following trainee doctors’ first day at work. Plos ONE 4(9): e7103. doi10.1371/journal.pone.0007103 3.Wadoodi A & Crosby J R. Twelve tips for peer-assisted learning: a classic concept revisited. 2002, Medical Teacher Vol. 24, No. 3 : Pages 241-244 4.Gibson D R & Campbell R M. The role of cooperative learning in the training of junior hospital doctors: a study of paediatric senior house officers. 2000. Medical Teacher Vol. 22, No. 3 : Pages 297-300 5.General Medical Council. The Doctor as Teacher - archived policy document (1999) Available online: http://www.gmc- [15/10/10]http://www.gmc- 6.Salerno-Kennedy, Henn P & O’Flynn S. Implementing peer tutoring in a graduate medical education programme 2010 The Clinical Teacher Volume 7, Issue 2, pages 83–89.Volume 7, Issue 2,

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