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Political Polls AP GOPO September 28, 2015. What is a poll? Public opinion polls - a device for measuring public opinion through a sample which is representative.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Polls AP GOPO September 28, 2015. What is a poll? Public opinion polls - a device for measuring public opinion through a sample which is representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Polls AP GOPO September 28, 2015

2 What is a poll? Public opinion polls - a device for measuring public opinion through a sample which is representative of the whole population Exit polls - public opinion surveys used by pollsters to predict electoral winners

3 History of Political Polls in U.S. George Gallup is called the father of the public opinion poll He created a way to sample the population. A sample is small portion of the population that serves as a representation. 1935 he started a polling firm Gallup is synonymous with opinion polls in some countries Gallup erred once in predicting the 1948 Dewey v Truman election

4 Lets take a poll. The WS Transit System is affordable, timely, and accessible. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly Disagree

5 Do you think the school district should uses scramblers to reduce cell phone use in school? a. YES b. NO

6 Do you believe NC legislators should consider innovative ideas in education to reduce state spending? a.Yes b.No

7 Do you believe NC legislators should reduce spending by shortening the school calendar year and adding an additional year for HS graduation? a. Yes b. No

8 What is the problem of these poll questions? 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. 95_national-political-polls-work.html 95_national-political-polls-work.html

9 Results of Presidential, Senate, Gubernatorial Polls e=nwa e=nwa

10 What polls do the media outlets use? 129617#49129617 129617#49129617 5/nuts-and-bolts-political-polls/ 5/nuts-and-bolts-political-polls/ Compare and Contrast the two clips.

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