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 A popular magazine that began presidential public opinion polls in 1916  One of the first public opinion polls in the US  Was hailed as “amazing right”

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2  A popular magazine that began presidential public opinion polls in 1916  One of the first public opinion polls in the US  Was hailed as “amazing right” and “uncannily accurate”

3  Unscientific surveys used to gauge public opinion on a variety of issues and policies  Used to predict popular vote in presidential elections

4  A subset of the whole population selected for the purpose of predicting or gauging opinion  Oversampled from the upper middle class and the wealthy so it wasn’t fair

5  Its important to phrase a question properly or it could result in a different answer.  Responses to highly emotional issues such as abortion, same sex marriage, and affirmative action are often skewed depending on the wording of a particular question.

6  Random- gives each voter the same chance at being selected  Stratified- the population is divided into subpopulations and random samples are taken from each

7  Telephone polls are the most frequently used to contact people  Television stations ask people to call in  Most common form of telephone polls is random digit dialing surveys  In-person interview are conducted by some groups

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