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Chris Pile, MD Medical Director Virginia POST Collaborative Sue Ranson, MSN Chair Palliative Care Partnership of Roanoke Valley.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Pile, MD Medical Director Virginia POST Collaborative Sue Ranson, MSN Chair Palliative Care Partnership of Roanoke Valley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Pile, MD Medical Director Virginia POST Collaborative Sue Ranson, MSN Chair Palliative Care Partnership of Roanoke Valley

2 “Death is an inevitable aspect of the human condition. Dying badly is not.” Jennings, et al, 2003

3  Need for more specific advance care planning at the end of life.  The process of making POST available as a communication tool for end of life care wishes.  How POST is affecting end of life care at the bedside.  Resources


5 An Index Case Mr. Jan

6  Advance directives not documented  DNR order not communicated in transfer  Fragmentation in care (2 hospitals)  Overtreatment against patient’s wishes  Unnecessary pain and suffering  System-wide failure to respect pt’s wishes  Failure to plan ahead for contingencies  No system for transfer of plan

7 Living Wills Have Failed  25% of adults have ADs  50% of people with advanced illness  Completed without guidance  Not applicable until patients are “terminal”  Focused on a menu of choices rather than desired (and reasonable) outcomes  In one study, families accurately stated what was important to their loved one who had a terminal illness only 50% of the time.*  Depression and Impact of Event scores were significantly lower for bereaved families when they had participated in Advance Care Planning.** *Engleberg, R., Patrick, D. & Curtis, J.R. (2005) ** Journal of Pain & Symptom Management March 2007 7

8 Century of Change* 19002008 Average age of death 47 years of age78 years of age Causes of death Infection 34% Heart Disease 25% Heart Disease 9% Cancer 23% CVA 7% COPD 6% Accidents 5% CVA 5% Time of disability before death Days, weeks2 Years average *2008 CDC statistics 8

9 Chronic Disease with Exacerbations 9

10 Evolving Realities  Increased prevalence of chronic disease  Increased comorbidities and frailty with medical advances adding to complexity  People receive care: They do not want From which they cannot benefit  People fail to receive care: They do want From which they will benefit  Death is “optional” 10


12 What is POST?  POLST Paradigm  A physician order set  Can be completed by any provider or a trained Facilitator but must be signed by qualified MD, DO, NP or PA  Complements, but does not replace, advance directives 12

13 Components of the POLST Paradigm  Standardized practices and policies  Trained advance care planning facilitators  Timely discussions prompted by prognosis  End-User training for Providers and EMT  Clear, specific language on an actionable form  Bright form easily found among paperwork  Orders honored throughout the system  QI activities for continual refinement 13


15 Healthy Adults: Emergency Planning People with Progressive Illness: guided planning End Stage Illness: Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment

16  Name a Healthcare Agent  Prepare for sudden injury or event  Complete basic Advance Directive Source: Carol Wilson, Riverside Health System; Used with permission

17  Understand potential complications and treatment options  Consider benefits and burdens of end of life treatments  Discuss preferences with family  Make Advance Directive more specific  Re-evaluate goals with changes in condition Source: Carol Wilson, Riverside Health System; Used with permission

18  No longer hypothetical  Express preferences for treatment as medical orders  Use POST form in communities where it is accepted Source: Carol Wilson, Riverside Health System; Used with permission

19  For every adult  Requires decisions about myriad of future treatments  Requires interpretation  Needs to be retrieved  For the seriously ill  Decisions among presented options  Medical orders which turn a patient’s values into action  Follows patient across settings of care on consistent document *Fagerlin & Schneider. Enough: The Failure of the Living Will. Hastings Center Report 2004;34:30-42.

20  No specific end of life care orders means patients want full interventions. ◦ Maybe, maybe not... ◦ And what’s the default if the patient can’t tell you?  A DNR order means a patient doesn’t want more than comfort measures.

21  DNR Status is not a predictor of the care patients wish for at the end of life—many with DNR chose limited or full interventions as well as artificial nutrition.  PO(L)ST is a neutral form—allows patients to have or limit treatment.  PO(L)ST reduces making assumptions based on DNR status alone. Fromme, E.K. Zive, D., Schmidt, T.A., Olszewski, E. & Tolle, S.W. (2012). POLST Registry, Do-Not-Resuscitate orders and other patient treatment preferences. Journal of the American Medical Association, 307(1), 34-35.


23 2007200820092010201120122013 History of POST in Virginia IDEA +1 Local Pilot ProjectState Stakeholders Grant & In-Kind Support + = Virginia POST Collaborative & 13 Regional POST Programs

24 Developing Programs National POLST Paradigm Programs Endorsed Programs No Program (Contacts) *As of February 2013 24



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30  Clear Message: Who is appropriate for POST?  Becoming a participating pilot project region.  Advance Care Planning Facilitator Training  PCP Training  End-User Training  Public Education

31  POST is for:  Seriously ill patients*  Terminally ill patients  Those with advanced frailty  Gives options to limit or have care  Voluntary  Can be revoked or changed  Comfort measures always offered * chronic, progressive disease/s

32  Careful discussions that elicit care preferences ARE the main thing.  Who will facilitate these discussions ? ◦ Non-physician POST ACPF’s must be certified in order to have conversation and assist in POST form completion

33  Designated ACPF training model for Virginia  Fundraising from state and regional funding sources (including GTE) for training process.  Pre-workshop online learning modules + all-day workshop.  17 training sessions with nearly 500 facilitators trained from multiple disciplines

34  Problem: Few physicians have time to participate in RC Training  GTE Grant: Develop, pilot and refine a one- hour training for physicians caring for POST- appropriate patients.  Theme: Promote It, Sign It, Honor It  CME credits granted

35  For care providers who are likely to come in contact with a patient with a POST form.  Participating hospitals, nursing care facilities, hospices, EMS, and other care settings.  GTE Funding to refine template presentations in multiple formats: ◦ Live presentations ◦ Online self-paced module  Thousands of end-users trained in pilot regions.

36  Primarily limited to pilot project regions.  Growing interest and multiple requests from patients/families  Virginia POST Website: ◦ Funding from National POLST, GTE and a hospital system. ◦ Full website up and running by Summer 2013

37 Roanoke Valley Pilot Project QI Study

38  Began in December 2009  Most ACP discussions and POST forms were done in nursing care facilities  QI data collected from medical records of nearly 100 residents/patients with POST forms: ◦ 98% congruency between orders written and care delivered

39  9 transfers ◦ 1 to ALF ◦ 4 to ED (2 for foley insertion, 1 for GI bleed; other unknown) ◦ 2 admitted to hospital (1 died in hospital, other returned to facility) ◦ 2 transferred to VAMC Palliative Care unit.  Place of Death: Only 1 patient with a POST form died in an acute care unit in the hospital  Residents who died without POST form: 25 % died in acute care setting in hospital  Implications to hospitals/facilities for readmission scrutiny

40  PO(L)ST is achieving its goal of honoring tx preferences of those with advanced illness or frailty.  Plus----PO(L)ST serves as an ACP conversation catalyst”

41 Bringing POST to LGMC  Identifying key stakeholders  Select champions from administrative and clinical areas  Devote Resources  Implementation: ◦ Developing Policies and Procedures ◦ Education and Training across the system ◦ Go-live ◦ QI

42  National POLST Paradigm:  Virginia POST Collaborative: National Hospice Foundation: National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization: Palliative Care Partnership of the Roanoke Valley: “Hard Choices for Loving People” by Hank Dunn

43  National POLST Paradigm:  VHHA: html  NHPCO: Caring Connections:  National Health Care Decisions Day:

44  POST provides a better means than AD alone to identify and respect patients’ wishes  POST completion will improve end-of-life care throughout the system  Use of POST requires communication to make it work in your community  Local, Regional and Statewide collaboration is pivotal to making POST available as a uniform, portable and legal document and process.


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