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Congressional Committees How Congress Works. Have you ever served on a committee? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

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Presentation on theme: "Congressional Committees How Congress Works. Have you ever served on a committee? What are their advantages and disadvantages?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Congressional Committees How Congress Works

2 Have you ever served on a committee? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

3 Each house of Congress must consider thousands of bills, or proposed laws, in the course of a session To make it possible to handle, each house has developed a system of committees.

4 The Types of Committees Congress has 3 types of committees: 1.Standing committees 2.Select (special) committees 3.Joint committees

5 Standing Committees Permanent committees in both houses –Deals with agriculture, commerce, veterans’ affairs, etc.

6 Select (Special) Committees Meet for a limited of time until task is complete –Deals with intelligence (H), Homeland (H), Security (S), Aging (S), Ethics (S), and Indian Affairs (S)

7 Joint Committees Occasionally, the Senate and the House of Reps. form joint committees, which includes members of both houses Meet to consider specific issues –Discuss economics, printing, taxation, library

8 Committee Assignments When senators and reps first come to Congress, they try to get assigned to important committees that affect the people who elected them Farmland man= Agriculture committee Factory Man= Labor Committee

9 Important Congressional Committees Create an “in-notebook” foldable On the next page in your interactive N.B., FOLD the page hotdog style from RIGHT to LEFT Spine of Note book

10 Cut TOP HALF ONLY of foldable into 8 sections

11 Label each section accordingly Agriculture Transportation Armed Services Foreign Relations Education Enviroment Science Small Business

12 Agriculture Safe Water Act Pesticide Rules Health Standards

13 Transportation Speed limits Number of people in vehicle Highway safety

14 Armed Services Rules of engagement Rules at Basic Weapons/Supplies Recruitment

15 Who we invade Restricted tourist act Where it is safe to go on vacation Who to trade with

16 Education School Schedule: 180 days Age 6 to 16 (required)

17 Environment Natural Resource conservation Mandatory recycle laws No hunting of animals (exceptions) Conservation laws

18 Science No combining certain chemicals Cloning Experiment rules and regulations

19 Small Businesses Low taxes More profit Help with loans

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