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Today is Thursday August 7 th 2014 Inspirational Math Quote of the Day MATH The only place where you can buy 64 watermelons and no one asks why…

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Presentation on theme: "Today is Thursday August 7 th 2014 Inspirational Math Quote of the Day MATH The only place where you can buy 64 watermelons and no one asks why…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is Thursday August 7 th 2014 Inspirational Math Quote of the Day MATH The only place where you can buy 64 watermelons and no one asks why…

2 What do you remember about this???

3 What do you call these? What do you call this coordinate point?

4 Is this a a)Segment b)Line c)Ray Why? What can you tell me about this line?

5 How many points does it take to create a line? Can I make a line with any 3 points?

6 Mathematical Operations What does the word operation mean? So what does operation mean in math language? Add + Multiply ( ) divide / Subtract -

7 What is x? 5 + x = 11 6x = 42 What do we call x? What does variable mean? What all can be a variable? y, c, f, s, j, e, b …



10 David rode his bike for 17 miles on Saturday. On Sunday he rode his bike for 25 miles. How many miles did he ride his bike all together?

11 Word clues for addition Altogether Increased by In all Combined with sum total +

12 Clues for subtraction Difference Less than/fewer than Decreased by How many are left - Minus

13 Clues for multiplication Product Times Twice ( x 2) ( )

14 Clues for division Quotient Split Divided by Out of Ratio /

15 What’s the key word? Yesterday, Alex saw 14 birds in his backyard. Today, he saw 12. How many birds did he see in all?

16 What’s the key word? Mrs. Smith had 16 pieces of pie. She has 4 daughters and wants to split up the pieces between each of them. How many pieces does each child receive?

17 What’s the key word? Vincent own a fruit stand in New York. This month he ordered three times as many pounds of fruit as he did last month. If he ordered 13 pounds of fruit last month, how much did he order this month

18 What’s the key word? Tony is 72 in. tall. Amanda’s height is 15 in. less than Tony’s. How tall is Amanda?

19 What’s the key word? Joey has 17 Xbox One games at his house. Joey has a friend Charlie who also plays Xbox One. When they combine their games they have a total of 52 games. How many games does Charlie own?

20 What’s the key word? Ashton got 32 questions out of 45 correct on his last test. His mother told him that he could go to the movies if he made an 80 or better on his test. Can Ashton go to the movies?

21 Your Turn!! Write out 4 word problems using the key words we talked about today. Each one needs to use a different operation. Ex. 1 multiplication question, 1 addition questions, 1 division questions, 1 subtraction questions Challenge: Write one word problem that uses more than one operation. Ex. Problem used both multiplication and subtraction

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