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+ Ms. Flynn Team Firebird Language Arts Room 121.

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1 + Ms. Flynn Team Firebird Language Arts Room 121

2 + A Little About My Family… Born in Vermont, and since then have lived in North Carolina, Maine, Arizona, Texas and Colorado. My dad was in the Air Force and served in Iraq; both my parents are pharmacists. I have a younger sister, Bailey, and two cats named Umbra and Sedona.

3 + A Little About Me… I live in Raleigh and am engaged to my fiancé, Matt. Favorite subject in middle school: English and Band Favorite hobby in middle school: water fights, bike riding, reading Favorite hobby now: photography, reading, games Sports: softball, tennis, rugby In college, I worked for the school’s newspaper and was in choir. I got my literature degree at CU-Boulder.

4 + A Little About This Class… I’ll incorporate humor wherever I can. I want this class to be cozy and comfortable…emotionally and physically. I need your help with that. You will have opportunities to provide input. Extra credit: it will typically require you to correct/redo work or go above and beyond. I do not take extra credit requests. I work/compete a lot with Mr. Mackey. We will use computers, but not necessarily every day.

5 +

6 + Class Expectations Participate. You will be doing lots of small group conversation this year. Use that opportunity to talk! Be a part of the class. It’s not that scary. Be respectful. Be nice. Like, seriously. To everyone at all times. I don’t care if you’re “just playing around”. Read a lot. You should have a book with you every day. Be proactive. Don’t do something that you know will get you in trouble. Show up with a positive attitude. I will try to do the same. I’m not a morning person. Try your best. That is all I can ask of you. I’ll take care of the rest.

7 + Procedures Hallway: 3 Ts—no talking, no touching, no turning around Entering the classroom: go straight to your seat quietly, get out agenda and write homework. DO NOT stop inside the doorway to start asking me questions. Sharpening pencils: please bring mechanical pencils! If not, you can sharpen during warm-up time or when no one is addressing the class. Hand signals: Tissue—hand over nose Immediate needs—fist (going to be sick, for example) Silent coyote—should be silent within a few seconds

8 + Procedures Bathroom: outside of our scheduled bathroom breaks, you’ll have two emergency bathroom passes per quarter. Silent No horse playing Wait in the line to return if you don’t have to go. No cell phones go into the bathroom. Laptops: do not open or use the laptop unless you have been instructed to. You should only be doing what you are asked to do and other apps should be closed.

9 + Procedures THINK before you speak. Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind? Problem with me or a consequence I’ve given you? That is fine, but see me after class. Do not start an argument about it in class. I will listen to you if you are respectful and will be more inclined to change my mind.

10 + Pet Peeves (Irritants) Making me repeat myself incessantly. IDK. Telling me you “didn’t get it” when really, you didn’t do it. Meanies.

11 + Acting like it’s the first time you’ve seen rain…every time it rains.

12 + More Pet Peeves Lying: You’re middle-schoolers. You are going to mess up, make mistakes and do dumb stuff occasionally. I’ll respect you if you are honest about it. Overreacting Hollering at me while raising your hand

13 + The Consequences

14 + The Good Consequences Good grades Lunch/patio with your friends Smarties Sting bucks High five Positive notes/calls home Bragging to other teachers

15 + The Bad Consequences Get loops—silent lunch, no patio Change of seat After class conference with me Bounced to another class After school detention Meeting with team of teachers Meeting with parents Office referral (extreme cases)

16 + The Ugly You have to want to get here to get here. If all of the standard consequences don’t amend your behavior issues in my classroom, then I will get creative. This could involve, but is not limited to: Your parents (grounded, perhaps?) Your coaches Your friends Just don’t go here. It’s much easier to play along and have a nice time.

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