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March 04 Slide 1 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Electronic Health Certification of New Zealand Agricultural Products.

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Presentation on theme: "March 04 Slide 1 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Electronic Health Certification of New Zealand Agricultural Products."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 04 Slide 1 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Electronic Health Certification of New Zealand Agricultural Products

2 March 04 Slide 2 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Industries Involved  Meat  Dairy  Plants  Game  Seafood

3 March 04 Slide 3 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Objectives  Access  Compliant with international standards.  Speed  Security  Reliability  Flexibility  Simplicity  Affordability

4 March 04 Slide 4 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Functions  Track status and market eligibility of product  Generate certificate documents  Customise certificates  Notify consignments in advance  Provide assurance by ensuring authenticity

5 March 04 Slide 5 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © CERTIFICATION Processing Plant Storage Farm/ Vessel Overseas Authorities Customer TRANSPORT Importer Company Product information Independent Agency Verify & Sign 1 2 3 4 5 View certificate on E-cert web site 6 E-cert 1 2 Model

6 March 04 Slide 6 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Major Roles  Consignor/consignee (industry)  Inspector (independent verification)  Border Inspector

7 March 04 Slide 7 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Certificate Creation 1

8 March 04 Slide 8 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Certificate Creation 2

9 March 04 Slide 9 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © New Zealand Inspection

10 March 04 Slide 10 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Border Inspector

11 March 04 Slide 11 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © E-cert Export Certificate

12 March 04 Slide 12 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © International Introduction 1 Print paper Export certificates through E-cert 2 Provide access to Border Inspectors to view certificates 3 Provide for Border Inspectors to approve certificates on-line 4 Provide electronic versions only and dispense with paper

13 March 04 Slide 13 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © E-cert Advantages  Reduce fraud  Low cost to setup for other countries  Provide traceability easily  Reduce errors  Rapidly respond to changing market requirements  Respond to food security requirements  Pre-clearance of documentation/product on E-cert

14 March 04 Slide 14 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Core Features  Eligibility documents (ED)  Export certificates (EC)  Online data entry  Batch data entry  Online certificate view  Local language  Online clearance  Online user manual  Layout country specific  Data view in XML format

15 March 04 Slide 15 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Electronic Health Certification Submission of data by exporter:  interactive via web browser  batch file via web browser  computer to computer ftp transfer Receipt of data by importing government:  interactive via web browser  direct computer download using XML

16 March 04 Slide 16 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © E-cert 1 2 Data Transfer Model Request File “On demand” file request Request file & timing 1 File automatically collected - sFTP 2 “Automated” file request 2 File available to collect HTTPs 1

17 March 04 Slide 17 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Architecture  High availability through duplicate servers  Data protection through replication and firewall  Communication security through encryption  National and international access 24*7 through web application

18 March 04 Slide 18 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Minimum Desktop Specification  Internet access, >=56kb/s  >=128 MB RAM  Browser (IE 5.5, Netscape 6.x etc)  Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0  E-mail client (MS Outlook, NS Messenger etc)  SFTP client for regular XML extract (FileZilla etc)

19 March 04 Slide 19 E-cert Overview T e P o u O r a n g a K a i O A o t e a r o a © Drasko Pavlovic Animal Products E-cert New Zealand Food Safety Authority Auckland + 64 – 21 – 22 11 968

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