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Gender In Class Assignment 10.1 In Class Assignment 10.2 Selected Readings and Posters in Modern Gender Issues Supplemental Readings Gender Comparative.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender In Class Assignment 10.1 In Class Assignment 10.2 Selected Readings and Posters in Modern Gender Issues Supplemental Readings Gender Comparative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender In Class Assignment 10.1 In Class Assignment 10.2 Selected Readings and Posters in Modern Gender Issues Supplemental Readings Gender Comparative PPT Ferraro text on Sex and Gender

2 Transgender in Pop Culture

3 Transgender in Pop Culture 2

4 Transgender in Pop 3 Aerosmith: Dude Looks Like a Lady E The Kinks “Lola” Y

5 Transgender Pop 4 Boys Don’t Cry Wiki page:'t_Cry_(film)'t_Cry_(film)

6 The Crying Game 1

7 The Crying Game 2

8 Transgender in Pop 5 The Crying Game 3

9 The End of Men: 3 rd Article Read 12/4 and answer questions by 12/6 Thursday. Marriage: Modernity, has it eliminated the need for marriage? Social Status: Is marriage as much about social status for women as it used to be for men? Economic Status: In the modern post-industrial era, women’s independence has transformed the institution of marriage, the family unit, and redefined sex roles in society. Kinship/Children: What are women’s options for children/family? What does the modern blended family kinship network look like? Power: Is there a shift in modern society toward empowering women? Is this really the END of Men? *The Decline of manhood and Rise of the Perpetual Boy?

10 10.3 Articles

11 Friedl/Heise Articles 11/22 & 11/26 These articles highlighted the problems that women face in society due to their gender. Today we shift to men in the modern age and then the different types of genders. Gender will be the focus of the Practice Paper 1 Quiz on Thursday. You can review gender and today I will go over the format, but you can’t study for the content of the quiz. This follows the same pattern/format of the IB exam.

12 What about men? How has marriage, family, and social status associated to gender affected men? Economically? The Atlantic Monthly article “The End of Men” by Hanna Rosin

13 The Audible Anthropologist: Nick Herriman Latrobe University, Australia From iTunes University you can subscribe to his podcast/lecture. They are brief 7-15 minutes usually but a great supplement for class topics. Gender has adult situations embedded in the discussion about gender. I won’t be playing this podcast as it may be upsetting so I have boiled it down to how it applies to our study of Gender.

14 Main Ideas Nick Herriman AA Gender is socially constructed: not inherent established by your culture and society. Examples of how different Favellas/Slums Traveste Machismo: empowering, possess Same Sex Relationships: Forbidden Category: Not Men (Women and Sex as male but sexual with other men).

15 Nick Herriman Borneo: Long Houses Related to each other Don’t see difference bw men and women Emphasize sameness/oneness Gender doesn’t determine sex role Good at selecting seed Good at clearing forest Cross section of subsistence and gender in creating identity. No reason why a man can’t give birth: breast feeding.

16 Sambia Papua New Guinea Women pollute men although they are necessary. Boys segregated from men Have to be made into a man Rid of all female influence Rite of Passage: constitutes homosexuality in the West yet is essential to becoming a man.

17 Alice Dreger TED Talk sex/biology and Identity atomy_destiny.html atomy_destiny.html “We draw the line…” gender and race Social surgery

18 Yee Won Chong Lm4vxZrAig Lm4vxZrAig Transgender issues Gender Identity Modern concepts (Modernity) of Gender Identity

19 Chapter 11 From Ferraro Text Supplemental Sex and Gender

20 What We Will Learn To what extent does biology influence maleness and femaleness? Are males dominant over females in all societies? How similar are gender roles throughout the world? Do women and men in the same culture communicate differently? How can extreme gender ideology lead to the exploitation of women?

21 Gender Gender refers to the way members of the two sexes are perceived, evaluated, and expected to behave. Sexual dimorphism refers to the physiological differences between men and women. U.S. culture recognizes only two genders, male and female, but other cultures recognize a combined male/female gender.

22 Gender Masculinity – The social definition of maleness, which varies from society to society. Femininity – The social definition of femaleness, which varies from culture to culture.

23 Femininity A nine year old girl from Vermont in camouflage is being taught to hunt black bear with her own 20- gauge shotgun. This is certainly an atypical definition of femininity in the United States.

24 Gender This Hijra man, who presents himself as being “like a woman,” is an excellent example of the socially constructed basis for sexuality.

25 Human Sexuality The sexual practices of humans, usually varying from culture to culture. Extramarital activity – Sexual activity outside marriage. Sex drive – Desire for sexual activity.

26 Sexuality Heterosexual – A person who is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex. Homosexual – A person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex.

27 Sexuality Gentlemen, start your engines. Such performance enhancing drugs as Viagra— designed to treat impotence in older men—are being used today recreationally by men of all ages.

28 Gender Roles Men have greater body mass and strength and are better equipped for hunting, warfare, and land clearing. Women do tasks that are compatible with pregnancy, breastfeeding, and child care.

29 Gender Roles This baseball player engaged in child care in the locker room is just one example of changing gender roles in the United States.

30 Division of Labor (Worldwide Trends) - Generally Male Tasks Hunting large animals Fishing as a primary task Tending large animal herds Mining, smelting, and metalworking Conducting warfare Boat building Working wood and stone Clearing/preparing the land for crops Making musical instruments Making nets and ropes

31 Division of Labor (Worldwide Trends) - Generally Male and Female Tasks Fishing as a secondary task Tending small animals Planting and harvesting crops House building Making certain craft items Local market trading

32 Division of Labor (Worldwide Trends) - Generally Female Tasks Childcare Collecting fuel and water Food preparation Gathering wild plants, fruits, and nuts Making clothes Household maintenance

33 Gender Roles Traditional gender roles are sometimes reversed in 21st century America, as with this female fire fighter.

34 Gender Roles In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 20% of all preschool children are cared for primarily by their fathers.

35 Sexual Asymmetry The universal tendency of women to be in a subordinate position in their social relationships with men.

36 Genderlects Linguistic gender differences.

37 Gender Stratification A division in society where all members are hierarchically ranked according to gender. Purdah – Rules involving domestic seclusion and veiling for women in small towns in Iraq, Iran, and Syria.

38 Gender Stratification In some societies women are excluded from certain areas that are “for men only,” such as this all men's bar in Perth, Australia.

39 Gender Equality Among the Minangkabau of west Sumatra, decision making among wives and husbands is relatively equal and cooperative.

40 Gender Ideology Thoughts and values that legitimize gender roles, statuses, and customary behavior. – In some African societies, men’s physical well- being is thought to be jeopardized by contact with a woman’s menstrual discharge. – In Bangladesh, men are associated with the right side and women with the left side, a dichotomy that also denotes purity–pollution, good–bad, and authority– submission.

41 Gender and Education This boy from Gambia (west Africa) is much more likely to attend school than his younger sister.

42 Feminization of Poverty Refers to the high proportion of female- headed families below the poverty line, which may result from the high proportion of women found in occupations with low prestige and income.

43 Question ______ is a system of thoughts and values that legitimize gender roles, statuses, and customary behavior. a)Gender ideology b)Gender asymmetry c)Gender identity d)Gender roles

44 Answer: a Gender ideology is a system of thoughts and values that legitimize gender roles, statuses, and customary behavior.

45 Countries with Highest and Lowest Scores on the Gender Empowerment Measure Norway0.84 Iceland0.83 Sweden0.82 Denmark0.82 Finland0.80 Netherlands0.78

46 Countries with Highest and Lowest Scores on the Gender Empowerment Measure Canada0.78 United States0.76 Sri Lanka0.27 Egypt0.26 Bangladesh0.22

47 Women and Economic Equality Although they assume a subordinate position in their family lives, some African women are able to maintain considerable powers, authority, and autonomy by virtue of their economic activities, as with this vegetable vendor in Ethiopia.

48 Exploitation Caused By Gender Ideology Male gender bias – A preference found in some societies for sons rather than daughters. Female infanticide – The killing of female children Nutritional deprivation – A form of child abuse involving withholding food; can retard learning, physical development, or social adjustment.

49 Honor Killings A euphemism referring to a practice found in various Middle Eastern cultures whereby women are put to death at the hands of their own family members because they are thought to have dishonored the family.

50 Dowry Death The killing of a wife by her in-laws if the wife’s parents fail to pay additional dowry.

51 Violence Against Women Physical violence against women, the result of gender ideology, continues to be a problem in the United States.

52 Gender in the U.S. Breadwinner – A traditional gender role found in the United States that views males as being responsible for the economic support and protection of the family. Housewife – A traditional gender role found in the United States that views females as responsible for child- rearing and domestic activities.

53 Gender in the U.S Double workload – Situation in which employed married women, particularly those with children, are both wage employed and primarily responsible for housework and child care. Occupational segregation – The predominance of one gender in certain occupations.

54 Men’s Lifespan Men tend to have a shorter life span than women, in part because they engage in more high-risk occupations.

55 Paper 1 Objective: The IB exam paper 1 examines how you analyze a selected text. Do you recognize patterns, concepts, and can you cite specific examples that connect to the text. Structuralism Materialism Feminism/Androcentric Bias Marxist Revisionism (conflict theory) Any Anthro concept/term

56 Paper 1 Format Text approx. 700 words Question 1: simple analysis “Describe, Explain…” framed in IBSCA themes (Thematic Journal: identity, gender, kinship, etc. 6 points: goal 3+ Question 2: thematic analysis of text “Explain….” for example: how did globalization affect the labor force and gender/social status 6 points: goal 3+ Avoid quotes, use the appropriate key terms/concepts, focus on the text for these two questions and the thematic journal.

57 Question 3 Paper 1 IBSCA This question demands that you take the subject in the text and compare/contrast with another subject (one of the ethnographies we studied: Dobe Ju/Hoansi, GOTS, SL, R or an appropriate article/example). DO ONLY ONE other society: more than one is wrong. Compare and contrast: make a T-Chart, use as many themes as reasonably possible given your time limit. 8 Marks: cite AUTHOR (last name), Place/People (the Ju/Hoansi of the Dobe), and context (1960s So.Africa/Kalahari in post-colonial transition). Goal 4+ Overall goal for paper 1: 9-10 total points, easily 10-11, which has been a passing or “4” grade for this part of the exam. Overall you want to generate 10 points on paper 1 to get to 42-44: IA: 10 Paper 1: 10 (20 total) Paper 2: 22-25 (42-45 total and consistently a 42 or above has been a “4” overall for the IB SCA course).

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