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P UBLISH & P RESENT Personal Narrative Presentation ESL English 9/10 Period 7.

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1 P UBLISH & P RESENT Personal Narrative Presentation ESL English 9/10 Period 7

2 F EATURES OF A G OOD P ERSONAL N ARRATIVE  Tells a story about a specific, memorable experience  Establishes a clear controlling, or central idea  Locates scenes and incidents in specific places  Uses descriptive details and dialogue that appeal to the senses to describe characters and setting  Maintains a consistent tone/overall feeling  Relates a clear sequence of events in logical order  Communicates the significance of events

3 P RESENTING YOUR N ARRATIVE  You will be reading your narrative aloud to class. Your presentation will be considered a QUIZ grade. Here are things to consider for your presentation.

4 I NTRODUCE Y OURSELF AND THE N ARRATIVE (2 POINTS )  First, introduce yourself. Then, tell your audience the topic of your narrative. For example, you might say, “Hello. My name is _______________. My narrative tells why I no longer think that ______________________.” OR “I am going to tell you a story about ____________.”

5 R EAD WITH E XPRESSION (5 POINTS )  Use your tone of voice to show how you felt. You may also use appropriate hand gestures and facial expressions to make the story interesting.

6 W ATCH YOUR P ACING (10 POINTS )  Don’t rush your presentation. Read slowly and clearly. Speak at a pace that is comfortable for your audience. Look up from time to time to see people’s reactions. Does anyone look puzzled? If so, slow down.

7 M AKE E YE C ONTACT (5 POINTS )  Don’t hide your face behind paper. Look over the paper at your audience to make eye contact from time to time.

8 M AKE IT L OUD & C LEAR (10 POINTS )  Make sure the audience can hear and understand what you are saying. Practice pronouncing difficult words beforehand.

9 N OW, L ET ’ S P RACTICE !  First, open the document “The Day I Ate Purple Potatoes” on the eboard. Then, and listen to the sample audio, “Personal Narrative Sample” on the W: drive  sharehs  Lee  Audio  As you listen, pay attention to the tone of the voice, expressions, and pacing.  After you listen to the audio, with a partner, find errors on the written narrative. Highlight and correct the mistakes.

10 N OW, L ET ’ S P RACTICE !  Then, practice reading your personal narrative to a partner or record your voice to Audacity.  Ask your partner for feedback. After you receive feedback from your partner, reread the parts of the narrative that needs improvement.

11 A SK FOR F EEDBACK /C OMMENTS Ask the following questions to your partner:  Was the beginning interesting? If not, how could I improve it?  Was it easy to understand my controlling idea? If not, how could I make it clearer?  Did the narrative feel complete? If not, what suggestions do you have for a stronger ending?  Did I read with expression? Does my voice show how I felt?  Was my voice loud enough or too low?

12 A SK FOR F EEDBACK /C OMMENTS  Did I watch my pacing? Did I read my narrative at an appropriate speed or was it too fast or slow?  Did you understand most of what I said? What words or sentences do I need to practice for pronunciation?  Did I make eye contact as I was reading or was I only reading from the narrative? *These questions are on the eboard. Open the document “Personal Narrative Feedback Questions.”

13 P RACTICE !  Come to class ready to orally present your personal narrative on Monday, March 22. Practice speaking at home.

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