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Based on exit poll data conducted and compiled by

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1 Based on exit poll data conducted and compiled by

2 Essay test- 11/12 Agenda: 11/5-11/6 1.Synthesis—How do we achieve this point in our essay writing? 2.Structured Academic Controversy— Was slavery harmful or beneficial to antebellum America? Objectives: 1.Students will be able to identify the three ways to get the synthesis point in USHAP essay writing. 2.Students will debate the different arguments over slavery in the antebellum period.


4 The “Synthesis” Point Appropriately extends or modifies the stated thesis or argument (counter argument) Explicitly employs an additional appropriate category of analysis (e.g. political, economic, social, cultural, geographical, race/ethnicity, gender) beyond that called for in the prompt Argument appropriately connects the topic of the question to other historical periods, geographical areas, contexts, or circumstances Response synthesizes the argument, evidence, and context into a coherent and persuasive essay by accomplishing one or more of the following as relevant to the question:

5 What is Synthesis? There are three types of synthesis: 1.counter arguments, 2.An additional category 3.Connections Important to recognize that synthesis is the “icing on the cake” – You need a cake to have proper icing Integration into argument

6 Synthesis: the example’s prompt We are going to be identifying synthesis by looking at various examples that correspond to the following prompt: Explain and analyze the political and economic causes which led to the independence movement from the end of the French and Indian war until the end of the American Revolution

7 Type 1- Counter Argument Counter argument- an idea that opposes your thesis For example, Howard Zinn on causes of the American revolution While political and economic issues were central to causing the colonial independence movement, some historians argue that social issues were the main cause of independence movements. They emphasize the role played by wealthy, white colonists who attempted to convince all other colonists to rebel against Britain. By emphasizing the role played by a certain segment of Colonial society in forming independence movements, these historians claim that political and economic issues were less important as causes.

8 Type 2- additional category of analysis An additional body paragraph- student example: What category of analysis does this student use? What do you notice about how the student ties in that category?

9 Type 2- additional category of analysis Topic Sentence: Lastly, the colonists used oratory and writing to streamline patriotic fervor and win over the public’s support for America EvidenceAnalysis Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” preached that it was indeed common sense to fight for independence against the British, arguing that, based on the Enlightenment ideas of natural rights, our natural rights were being violated by the British, so it was in our right to rebel. Common Sense was published all across the colonies, persuading thousands to rebel. Patrick Henry’s Address at the Virginia Convention “Give me liberty or give me death”! This famous speech was a call to arms for Virginians, who were not swayed by talks of war but still searching for peace, to embrace the idea of war. He argues that war is the last resort, but we are on the last resort! His speech was also printed like Common Sense, and the aforementioned quote was a rallying cry for patriotism and a call to arms for the war effort The Declaration of Independence- 1776, written by Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence was the ultimate piece of patriotism, declaring independence, establishing the United States of America, and citing a tyrannical king prohibiting their rights. The Declaration of Independence summarized for the public all the injustices of Britain, and also everything the patriots believed in. This was a turning point in the independence movement, and helped consolidate the public”s view of us as not colonies, but United States in America, independent from Britain

10 Type 3- connections Do it in the conclusion Connecting your argument to another historical period Economic issues of the government’s involvement in the economy continue as US grows. Specifically, Hamilton and Jefferson’s disagreements over issues like the Bank of the United States lead to the formation of national political parties. Later, debates over tariffs continue as the federal government attempted to institute the American System. In protest to the tariffs that were a part of the American System, an independence movement of sorts forms, as John C Calhoun argues that the South should secede from the Union.

11 What is Synthesis? There are three types of synthesis: 1.counter arguments, 2.An additional category 3.Connections Important to recognize that synthesis is the “icing on the cake” – You need a cake to have proper icing Integration into argument

12 Warm up- Slavery in antebellum America What do you know about slavery in America up until the Civil War? Write as much as you can (bullet points, not complete sentences!)

13 Context Slavery the Mainspring Indentured servitude to slavery 3/5 compromise Rise of abolition movement in the 19 th century  William Lloyd Garrison North and South differences  economic, political, social Was slavery harmful or beneficial to antebellum America?


15 Structured Academic Controversy: Overview Team A= harmful to US  Documents A, B, and C Team B= beneficial to US  Documents D, E, and F Close Reading and Guiding Questions (10 min) Preparing Your Team’s Argument (5 min) Structured Academic Controversy: – Team A presents to Team B (5 min) – Team B presents to Team A (5 min) Coming to Consensus and Discussion (10 min)

16 Close Reading and Guiding Questions Objective: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it. Please do NOT write on the document packet. 10 minutes

17 Preparing for the Structured Academic Controversy Team A argues that slavery was beneficial Team B argues that slavery was harmful Students collect evidence/data for their side using their graphic organizer. Use specific quotes/references. Decide which Team Member will share which pieces of evidence. 5 min.

18 Structured Academic Controversy Question: Was slavery harmful or beneficial for the United States from 1789-1850? Team A presents to Team B while Team B members write down key points. – Team B repeats arguments back to Team A, until Team A is satisfied. 5-7 minutes Team B presents to Team A while Team A members write down key points. – Team A repeats arguments back to Team B, until Team B is satisfied. 5-7 minutes

19 Coming to Consensus Consensus: Teams try to reach consensus. Question: Was slavery harmful or beneficial for the United States from 1789-1850? Share out groups’ consensus. Discuss: – Based on these documents, was slavery in the antebellum period more harmful or beneficial? – What conclusions can we make about slavery in this time period? – Why did each side of this debate feel so strongly?

20 Slavery in the mid 1800’s There were many different 19th century viewpoints slavery. Slavery was an incredibly complex institution. There were economic, political, and social/ cultural side to this issue. Because of these differing viewpoints as well as the complexity, slavery becomes the most divisive controversy in early America.

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