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The Causes and Steps of the American Revolution CHAPTER 7 (&8)

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1 The Causes and Steps of the American Revolution CHAPTER 7 (&8)

2 Cause: Navigation Acts  1651  Goods to colonies must first pass thru GB and pay a duty.  Also certain goods could only be exported to GB.  Passed to protect trade b/c colonies valuable trade source.  Not really enforced.

3 Cause: French and Indian War  vs. British and Americans 1754-63  Fought over land claims and trade.  British won, dispute over who should pay for the war/protection; GB/US.  Other issues were the Treaty of Paris, Pontiac’s Reb., Proclamation of 1763.  Geo. Grenville would then enforced the Navigation Acts.

4 Cause: Sugar Act/American Revenue Act  1764  1st tax revenue law in American colonies.  Tariff on sugar from W. Indies.  Many protested & it was reduced very low.

5 Cause: Quartering Act  1765  Some colonies feed & house troops.  Result of tempers after French & Indian War (pay for protection).  Expired 1767.

6 Cause: Stamp Act  1765  Made a direct tax on newspaper, ship documents, playing cards, legal papers...  Led to boycott of GB products (NONIMPORTATION) & burned stamps.  Sons of Liberty (& Daughters).  Stamp Act Congress Repealed in 1766.

7 Cause: No Taxation With Out Representation  1765  Said can’t tax w/o American representatives in Parliament.  Grenville:  “Hairsplitting absurdities”  “Virtual Representation”  “Legislation v Taxation”  Did colonists really want Independence?

8 Cause: Townshend Act s  1767 Indirect Tax  Taxed glass, lead, paper and tea…  Many very upset and led to boycotts again. Led to many events:  Boston Massacre (Mar. 5, 1770) 5 dead in angry mob.  Committees of Correspondence (1772)  Phil, NY, Annapolis, Charleston (1773)  Tea Act/Boston Tea Party (Dec. 16 1773) dressed as Nat. Am. & dump tea

9 Cause: IntolerableActs  1774 aka Coercive Acts  Boston Port Act - shut down Boston Harbor until tea paid off, martial law.  Quartering Act - continued housing of soldiers (least offensive).  MA Govt. Act - reduced self government (< town meetings).  Admin. Of Justice/Murder Act - British officials tried in GB.  Quebec Act - no settling from Appalachians to Mississippi (Part of IA?)

10 Steps: 1st Continental Cong.  Sept. 5, 1774  55 (Hancock=56)colonial delegates.  Met for 7 weeks.  Discuss how achieve self rule (not indep.) or end British injustices.  Minutemen set up.  Not legislative, but consultative.  Set up “ The Association ” (3 NONS)

11 Steps: Shot heard ‘round the World  April 19, 1775  GB troops sent by Governor Gage to seize supplies in Concord.  70 farmers stop them at a bridge in Lexington, refused to let pass, shot fired?  battle moves to Concord where held off and pushed to Boston,  Next day 100 colonists casualties 300 GB troops, word spreads like fire.

12 Steps: Second Continental Congress-  May 1775  Set up army and G. Washington as military commander.  Sent “Olive Branch Petition” to G3, and he said “No”.  August 1775 G3 proclaims colonies in rebellion

13 Steps: “Common Sense”  Jan. 1776  Summed up what happened to colonists & said to separate.  Remember Lexington & Concord,  Indep. Reasonable and do not settle, break away.  “The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, Tis time to part”

14 Steps: Declaration of Independence  July 4, 1776  Thomas Jefferson states reasons why colonists should break away.  He said it was inevitable, lasts 1775/6- 81/3.  June 7, 1776 Richard Henry Lee of VA declares indep, said should put it in writing-Timothy Matlack

15 War Begins

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