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Wyoming Fund for Teachers Reflection Reflection by Amy Aguirre and Teresa Decker.

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Presentation on theme: "Wyoming Fund for Teachers Reflection Reflection by Amy Aguirre and Teresa Decker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wyoming Fund for Teachers Reflection Reflection by Amy Aguirre and Teresa Decker

2 Why Fund for Teacher  PD history Due to our elementary school not qualifying for Title 1 funding, our professional development was lacking. We were missing out both personally and professionally. Implementation of more rigorous standards with limited learning resources, is here.

3 Our Current State -It wasn’t a gradual implementation, our students were taught, retaught, and assessed -The district assessments were used for student progress reporting

4 We wanted our student to be successful not frustrated  Traditionally in the United States we teach students lots of drilling and memorization  Concrete-Abstract Approach  New Math Curriculum Resources=$$$$  Singapore Math  Focuses on Mastery, over memorization  Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (there is a visualization element between)  Strategies are inexpensive

5 Singapore Math Strategies  Aligned to the Common Core  July 14-July 21  Differentiated by Grade Level (K-2) and (3-5)  Allow us to share our knowledge to all our colleagues  Model lessons using our newly learned strategies

6 Day 1(Bonus) Integrating Technology into the Classroom  CCS-How do I align my instruction  iLearn, iRemember and iPad  Smart Boards +Smart Teachers= Smart Students  Lori Elliot with Lori’s Latest Links  Grant Writing (  Keynote Ron Clark

7 Day 2-Live Lesson using Singapore Math  C-P-A (Concrete Pictorial Abstract)  Math Games  Number Bonds  Number Sense “Number Sense can’t be taught, it needs to be developed.”

8 Part-Whole Equations and Word Problems

9 10 8 2 10 – 8 = 2

10 7 4 3 7 – 4 = 3

11 How many more blue blocks do I have than red blocks? 7 3 ? 7 – 3 = ?

12 11 5 6 11 – 5 = 6

13 Difference Do I have more red or blue blocks?

14 How many more blue do I have than red blocks? 8 5 ? 8 – 5 = ?

15 Difference 8 is 3 more than 5 5 is 3 less than 8 3 less than 8 is 5 3 more than 5 is 8

16 Day 3  Anchor Tasks  Math Vocabulary  Organizing Singapore Math Lessons-very detailed  Place Value  Meaningful Math Assessments “By adding 5 seconds wait time, elementary students increase 230% on correct answers

17 Day 4  Classroom Management  Bar Models  Singapore Sight Word Phrases

18 Day 5  Math Tool Boxes (MakeThinking Visible)  Do-It-Yourself Math Tools  Greg Tang-Fact Fluency

19 Learning Experiences Modeled Drawings -After using in Mrs. Decker’s 3 rd Grade Classroom…they get word problems!

20 Math Night was a success

21 Where do we go from here?  We share!

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