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The Yaqui. Main Points and Issues  Yoeme  Diaspora  Deer Dance  Banderas  Cajeme  Pascua Yaqui  Guadalupe  Octaviana Trujillo.

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Presentation on theme: "The Yaqui. Main Points and Issues  Yoeme  Diaspora  Deer Dance  Banderas  Cajeme  Pascua Yaqui  Guadalupe  Octaviana Trujillo."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Yaqui



4 Main Points and Issues  Yoeme  Diaspora  Deer Dance  Banderas  Cajeme  Pascua Yaqui  Guadalupe  Octaviana Trujillo

5 Rancheria Period  Cahitan language, Uto-Aztecan  Rio Yaqui  30,000 people, 80 rancherias  Resistance to Spanish

6 Mission Period, 1617-1767  Jesuit relations  Christianity, consolidation, technology  Moderate colonization  Religious incorporation  Native Christian-traditional leaders

7 Autonomous Period, 1740-1887  Increasing pressure from mining  Yaqui-Mayo Revolt, 1740  Expulsion of the Jesuits led to century and a half of autonomy  Yaquis resisted secularization  Disintegration of Spain  Juan Banderas Rebellion  Multi-tribal autonomous nation  Pressure increased in 1850s  Resistance and execution of Cajeme, 1866 Cajeme was a Yoeme governor & used tactics he learned in Mexican military to fight the military

8 Relocation & Diaspora, 1887-1906  Military occupation  Deportation and slavery  Yucatan & Arizona  Migrant agricultural labor  Yaqui settlement in Guadalupe

9 Yucatan

10 Yaqui Men, 1930s

11 JM GarciaJ Corrall

12 Yaqui communities  Rio Yaqui, Bacatete Mts  Sonoran cities  Old and New Pasqua (reservation)  Guadalupe (Phoenix); Scottsdale, Tucson, Marana  15,000 in U.S.

13 Religion and Worldview  Several spiritual worlds (aniam)  Division of ceremonial calendar symbolizes the “balance” of Yoeme/Catholic ceremonies  Flowers & the Virgin Mary  Deer Dancer

14 Deer Dancer, Sonora

15 Women in Sonora, 1890s

16 Continued  Easter Ceremonies  Medieval Jesuit Catholicism and dramatization: displays of historic, mythic, stories and traditions Conquest of the Moors Conversion of La Malinche Passion & Resurrection

17 Society and Government  Fusion of government & religion Five different “authorities:” Realms of responsibility  Church, governor, military, customs, celebrations/ceremonies  Consensus, communal participation, seniority, respect  Fiestas: pahko  Kin networks, compadrazgo, cofradias  Accepted an IRA government, 1980s 11 Council members. Chairwoman today

18 Vicam Pueblo, Sonora

19 Modern Yaqui World  Lazaro Cardenas set aside land, 1939  Federal Recognition for Pascua Yaqui, 1978  Modern-Rural  Binational & trilingual

20 Continued…  All Yaquis have access to tribal membership in Pascua  Must be ¼ “blood quantum”  Guadalupe is NOT a federally protected reservation  Two casinos & marketplace  Proposition 202 (2002) Revenue Sharing  Low power radio station

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