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Midterm in class this Tuesday, October 27 you will not need a blue book.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm in class this Tuesday, October 27 you will not need a blue book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm in class this Tuesday, October 27 you will not need a blue book

2 Late Medieval Religion Ely CathedralLady Chapel

3 Saint Agatha, Easbyinterior

4 Saint Agatha, Easby, Labors of the Months

5 Ruins of the Abbey at Easby

6 Christendom Archbishoprics (provinces) of Canterbury and York -21 dioceses (bishops) -over 9,000 parishes -750 monasteries/convents -60,000 clergy (4% of pop.; 8% of male pop.) Benefit of clergy -ecclesiastical courts Tithes (10% of income)

7 Central doctrine: Christ’s sacrifice made human salvation possible through divine grace; grace is transmitted through the sacraments Sacraments: 1.Baptism (infant) 2.Mass/Eucharist -transubstantiation 3.Reconciliation (confession and penance) -purgatory 4.Confirmation 5.Marriage 6.Ordination (clergy only) 7.Extreme Unction/Last Rites Celebration of the Mass

8 Saint Michaels, Doddiscombleigh Grace issuing from Christ’s wounds and into the sacraments

9 Rood Screen, St Birinus, Dorchester on Thames

10 Cult of the Saints Relics (physical remains) Pilgrimage Canterbury -Saint Thomas Becket Walsingham -Virgin Mary Durham -Saint Cuthbert Exeter -Saint Sidwell Restored shrine of Saint Thomas Cantilupe Hereford Cathedral

11 Criticism Erasmus of Rotterdam (d. 1536) Abbey of Bury Saint Edmunds Syncretism Wills - Robert Jannys Parish account books Religious guilds Artist rendering of the original Abbey of Bury St. Edmund

12 Cardinal Wolsey -Lord Chancellor 1515-29 -pluralism Anticlericalism Sacerdotal Cardinal Wolsey

13 Reformers -John Collett, dean of St. Paul -convocation -Thomas More -Bishop John Fisher -Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall Lollards -heretics -John Wycliffe (d. 1384)>Jan Hus (d. 1415)>Martin Luther (d. 1546) Evangelicals -Thomas Cranmer (d. 1556) -Thomas Bilney (d. 1531) -William Tyndale (d. 1536) Thomas Cranmer

14 Henry VIII -Defense of the Seven Sacraments (Assertio Septum Sacramentorum), 1521 -Defender of the Faith (Fidei defensor), 1521 -Catherine of Aragon (d. 1536) Pope Clement VII (1523-1534) Emperor Charles V (d. 1556) -Catherine’s nephew Catherine of Aragon

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