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Some food for thought…. Race, Class, and Gender in the Food System Community Alliance for Global Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "Some food for thought…. Race, Class, and Gender in the Food System Community Alliance for Global Justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 some food for thought…

2 Race, Class, and Gender in the Food System Community Alliance for Global Justice

3 Food Sovereignty Beyond “Thinking Globally and Acting Locally”

4 Privilege and Exploitation Food Access and The Color of Food Up the Food Chain in the United States Naturalizing Exploitation: History of the Global Food System The “Corporate Food Regime”: International Trade and Corporate Power Standing in Solidarity

5 Food Access What kind of stores are in your neighborhood? Where do you shop? What do you see and how do you choose? If you had more/less money, how would your choices change?

6 Food Access



9 The Color of Food


11 Farm Work in the US

12 Holmes, Seth. 2013. Fresh Fruit Broken Bodies. Berkeley: University of California Press


14 American Agriculture in Historical Context

15 Food Regimes in Historical Context: A History of Exploitation A food regime is a "rule-governed structure of production and consumption of food on a world scale" (Friedman 1993a)" (110). ●First global food regime (1870-1930): Colonialism ●Second global food regime (1950s-1970s): American domination, International Development and the “Green Revolution” ●Third global food regime (1980s to the present): Corporate domination and expropriation.

16 Today: a Corporate Food Regime?

17 Trade and the Corporate Food Regime

18 NAFTA at 20: Mexico

19 NAFTA at 20: USA Some findings: (In combination with 1996 Farm Bill) Disappearance of independent producers in certain industries (hogs, poultry, sheep) Farm consolidation – loss of mid-sized farms Limits on food labeling (especially COOL) Rising food costs and lowered pay to farmers in some sectors farmers%E2%80%9420-years-later#_edn1

20 NAFTA at 20: Who won? CARGILL- $350 million in 1992 to $597 million in 1999 (1/4 of grain trade to Mexico) Arthur Daniels Midland-$100 million in 1993 to $301 million in 2000 CONAGRA-$143 million in 1993 to $413 million in 2000 Banamex-owned by Citibank is Mexico’s #2 bank General Electric, General Motors, Chrysler, Ford, WalMart, Sony

21 Next Generation: The TPP

22 Whose deal?


24 Can everyone vote with their fork?

25 Beyond the “local economy” Adapted from: Martínez-Torres, María Elena, and Peter M. Rosset 2010 La Vía Campesina: The Birth and Evolution of a Transnational Social Movement. Journal of Peasant Studies 37(1): 149–175. Adapted from: Martínez-Torres, María Elena, and Peter M. Rosset 2010 La Vía Campesina: The Birth and Evolution of a Transnational Social Movement. Journal of Peasant Studies 37(1): 149–175.

26 CAGJ Solidarity Campaigns


28 Thank You Get involved! contact_us@seattle 206-405-4600

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