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1) Sea level has risen more in the last decade than it has in the past century 2)Global warming and cooling is a natural earth process 3)If we take action,

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Presentation on theme: "1) Sea level has risen more in the last decade than it has in the past century 2)Global warming and cooling is a natural earth process 3)If we take action,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1) Sea level has risen more in the last decade than it has in the past century 2)Global warming and cooling is a natural earth process 3)If we take action, we can reverse what has already been done. 4)There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in the last 800,000 years. 5)Global warming: Fact or Fiction?


3 - Global Warming is what we refer to as an average increase in the Earth’s temperature which will cause a change in climate. - If the Earth was to warm up, we may see changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of different impacts on wildlife, plants, and humans. - Global Warming is not a concern about natural climate change. It is a concern about climate changes that are caused by human activities.

4 - Global warming is happening because of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are being let into the atmosphere. - Some greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere naturally, but there are and increasing number of greenhouse gases being released by human activity. - There is a certain mixture of gases in our atmosphere and by releasing extra gases into the atmosphere we are disrupting the mixture.

5 - Global Warming will not just affect certain people. It will ultimately effect everyone. - Coastal cities (Halifax, New York, etc...) will be some of the most affected and could become completely underwater, depending on how much the climate increases. - Some people may not be affected directly, but will be affected in some other way. Some parts of the world may not be directly effected but will be affected because of the loss of supplies coming from places that are affected by global warming.

6 - Other people that will be severely affected are people that live in places such as California, Florida, and the Caribbean because there will be increased Hurricane and Tornado activity. - Even places as far north as the northern states, and some parts of Canada could start to see tornadoes. - Eventually, places in the northern hemisphere could actually experience a “Little Ice Age”.

7 -The Earth is going to get hotter because of Global Warming. The Earth’s average temperature is expected to rise about 3 – 10 degrees Fahrenheit before the year 2100. - That may not seem like a lot but the oceans absorb more heat than the land and the oceans will expand. Therefore, the oceans will rise and some glaciers will melt, causing even higher rises in ocean level. - Coastal cities will flood and places that normally get lots of rain and snowfall will probably become hotter and drier. This will create more droughts, making it hard to grow crops. - Lakes and rivers may also dry up, resulting in less water availability for drinking, showers, and swimming pools. - Some plants and animals may not be able to survive the change in heat. - Heat has a major effect on the weather. Hurricanes, tornadoes and other storms which are run by heat, will become much more common, and will be much more deadly. - After everything warms up and floods, scientists predict that there will actually be a “Little Ice Age”, in the northern hemisphere.

8 1979 2003 - The Earth has heated approximately 8 times faster in the last 20 years than it has in the past 100 years. - Arctic ice is now melting at about 9% per decade. - Satellites now show that the arctic is warming at a very high pace. The North American arctic is warming over twice as fast as the Eurasian arctic. North American Arctic - warming approx. 1.06ºC per decade Eurasian Arctic - warming approx. 0.5ºC per decade

9 - Action is being taken at every level to reduce, avoid and to educate people about the risks of a climate change. - Many cities and states across the United States have Greenhouse gas Inventories. These inventories show how much gas they emit, so they can pursue programs that will result in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. - Many cities are encouraging car pooling, public transit, or electric powered cars, so there are less gas emissions let into the atmosphere.

10 - Some people think that Global Warming doesn’t have any effect on people yet, but that is not true. - The increased amount of hurricanes is partly cause by global warming. - Since the year 2000 we have had twice as many hurricanes than any other 10 year span in the history of weather records. - People that help those effected are organizations such as the Red Cross and the government will provide assistance in major disasters like that. - The military also helps when there are major disasters that have major clean up and in some cases, evacuation. - Countries will also have to help other countries in the case where a country may have to be evacuated. (in the future).

11 - Many people may think that they can’t do anything, but everyone can help stop Global Warming. - If everyone just changed one thing about the way they lived, that would have a positive impact on Global Warming, the changes would be significant. - If all 30 million people in Canada (or on a bigger scale, all 6 billion people in the world) just changed one thing that would help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions the results would be very good. For Example : If everyone drove electric cars, greenhouse gases would be reduced by over 50%.

12 Explain the meaning of each of the following cartoons.


14 YOUR TASK You are to create a letter, or a journal entry to someone in the future (future family member, yourself, friend, or stranger from the future) will read The focus of this written task is to discuss strategies on reducing your ecological footprint and what you can do, to help protect our planet from global warming. OR: How we all could reduce the size of our footprint without reducing our standard of living. Transportation Water Use Clothing Recreation Food Garbage

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