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Rose-anne Camilleri Hi kids, I’m Carby and today I would like to introduce you to some friends of mine.

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Presentation on theme: "Rose-anne Camilleri Hi kids, I’m Carby and today I would like to introduce you to some friends of mine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rose-anne Camilleri Hi kids, I’m Carby and today I would like to introduce you to some friends of mine.

2 Rose-anne Camilleri They are Proteina, Vitaman, Fruity, Mr. Calcium, Fatso. They are the food groups. Do you want to know more about them then look them up in a search engine. Oops!! Do you know what search engines are?

3 Rose-anne Camilleri Here are some search engines you can use: www.askkids. com m Well a search engine is a program which looks for keywords in documents and websites.

4 Rose-anne Camilleri KidsClick is a search engine which searches lists compiled by librarians and not by a computer. 100 Top Kid Sites is a site with 100 of your favourite sites so have a look

5 Rose-anne Camilleri Now how about some specialized sites about particular topics try out this site: Specialized Searches for Kids Just scroll down to : Specialized Searches for Kids

6 Rose-anne Camilleri Let’s try one out. Write the keywords in the space near the word ‘search’. Keywords are the words you are looking for. Let’s take for example the word Food. Write it down here:

7 Rose-anne Camilleri The search engine then shows us a list of websites which show that word.

8 Rose-anne Camilleri Now as I was telling in the beginning I would like you to search the Internet for more information about my friends. Just to remind you again they are Proteina from Protein, Vitaman from Vitamin, Fruity from fruit, Mr. Calcium from calcium, Fatso from fats. So then HAPPY SEARCHING.


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