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Understanding India Coach Friend World History. Indus River Valley Review Question 30 Sept. 2014 A.D. Discuss: What does this photograph of a sewer trench.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding India Coach Friend World History. Indus River Valley Review Question 30 Sept. 2014 A.D. Discuss: What does this photograph of a sewer trench."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding India Coach Friend World History

2 Indus River Valley Review Question 30 Sept. 2014 A.D. Discuss: What does this photograph of a sewer trench suggest about the Indus Valley civilization?

3 What Do we Already Know? HHinduism… MMany gods, reincarnation, karma, brought by Aryans CCaste System… PPriests, warriors, landowners, peasants, untouchables BBuddhism… MMeditation, reincarnation, karma,

4 Where Is India?

5 Mauryan Empire 321-185 BC

6 King Chandragupta  Challenged the Greeks and established the expansive Mauryan Empire in India

7 Asoka 269-232 BC 88 years of warfare expanding empire TTremendous leader and fighter commanded respect of his warriors GGrew horrified of bloodshed RRenounced violence, converted to B uddhism

8 Asoka the Buddhist AAs a Buddhist… EEveryone should live peacefully IImproved roads, built hospitals, encouraged education EEmpire flourished during this time AAfter his death the empire slowly fell apart…

9 Which ruler would you prefer? AAs a team, make a T-chart about the advantages and disadvantages of a ruler who is more focused on peace and kindness than one who is focused on being a strong, powerful ruler.

10 Quick Write Write about which ruler you would prefer:  Asoka before his conversion to Buddhism or after. Explain.

11 Venn Diagram  Read p. 86 in Mastering the TEKS.  Create a Venn Diagram to compare the Gupta Empire to the Mauryan.  Write a paragraph about which empire was more successful and why. Use evidence from the book.

12 Gupta Empire 320-535 AD

13 The “Golden Age” of Hindu Culture WWhat is a “golden age”? ……a period of peace and prosperity with advancements in the arts and literature.

14 Gupta Legacy WWhat does legacy mean? Something left behind that is remembered WWhat did they leave behind? Concept of zero, idea of infinity, d ecimal system Arabic numerals (still used today) Earth not flat, but round and rotates on axis Doctors set bones and did minor skin grafts

15 Review Q’s? WWho was the great ruler during the Mauryan Empire? WWhat major change happened to him? HHow did he improve the empire? WWhat is a “golden age”? NName two key advancements in math and science from the Gupta Empire that we still use today. SSimilarities and Differences between Mauryan and Gupta Empires in India?

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