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Presentation on theme: "EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION OVERVIEW. EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION Day 1."— Presentation transcript:



3 Services for State Employees

4 New Employees New Employee Orientation

5 Where Do I Fit In? Introduction to CA State Govt.

6 Where Do I Fit In? What Do I Need to Know About State Government through State Policies

7 Benefits and Services Health, Dental, Vision, and Consolidated Benefits

8 Benefits and Services Retirement Benefits – Other Benefits

9 Required Forms and Other Forms

10 Required Forms

11 Miscellaneous Forms

12 Other Forms

13 Career Development and Training

14 Current Employees

15 Departments That Most Affect Your Job as a Personnel Specialist California State Controller’s Office (SCO) California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) California State Personnel Board (SPB) California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) Department of General Services (DGS) Department of Finance (DOF)

16 State Controller’s Office (SCO) How does SCO impact my job as a Personnel Specialist? SCO handles the payroll for all State employees as well as the California State University System. As a Personnel Specialist the Division within SCO that you will interact with the most is the Personnel/Payroll Services Division (PPSD). SCO provides training for you to enter and process transactions in the Uniform State Payroll System.

17 State Controller’s Office (SCO) Uniform State Payroll System What is the Uniform State Payroll System? It’s a decentralized system which you as the Personnel Specialist enter data into to provide for the accurate processing of personnel and payroll records.

18 State Controller’s Office (SCO) Personnel/Payroll Services Division How does PPSD affect what I do as a Personnel Specialist? As a Personnel Specialist you key information into the Payroll Information Management System (PIMS) or the Payroll Input Process System (PIP) for your employees. This results in warrants being issued, adjustments being made, deductions being withheld etc. PPSD is the Division that does the following: Issues payments Processes adjustments to pay Processes mandatory and voluntary deductions Issues wage and tax statements Provides information and guidance

19 State Controller’s Office (SCO) Resources Are there resources to help me do my job? Yes, yes, yes! PPSD publishes several references you will use daily in your job. Payroll Procedures Manual (PPM) which provides information and instructions for completing and submitting payroll documents for keying. The PPM also includes information on the various codes used, position process, attendance reporting cycles/cutoffs/and transfer dates, disability, miscellaneous payments, deductions, and general processes.

20 State Controller’s Office (SCO) Resources, cont. Personnel Action Manual (PAM) which explains the procedures and forms used in the Employment History System (EH). The PAM includes information on the purpose and use of the Personnel Action Request (PAR) and it contains information for PAR line item descriptions, transactions codes, and definitions. It also provides information on: The Employee Action Request (EAR) Separation/disposition of CalPERS contributions Notice of Personnel Action (NOPA) Processing of transactions which includes corrections, out-of-sequence, voids, and decentralized procedures.

21 SCO Resources Letters, Memos, and Calendars Personnel letters Payroll letters Leave Accounting letters Payroll Calendars Civil Services Benefits Cut-off Calendar Decentralized Payroll Calendar

22 SCO Resources Calculators Enhanced Nonindustrial Disability Insurance Calculator Industrial Disability Leave Supplementation Calculator State Disability Insurance Supplementation Calculator NEW Leave Offset Calculator Lump Sum Leave Balance Calculator Paycheck Calculator

23 California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) How does CalHR impact my job as a Personnel Specialist? CalHR is responsible for all issues related to employee salaries, benefits, job classifications, position allocations, civil rights, training, exams, recruitment and retention. As a Personnel Specialist the Division within CalHR that your HR Liaison will interact with the most is the Personnel Services Branch (PSB). CalHR provides training and resources to help you do your job.

24 CalHR Resources Are there resources to help me do my job? Yes, CalHR publishes several references you will use daily in your job. Policy memos known as PML’s (Personnel Management Liaisons) Bargaining Unit Contracts California State Civil Service Classification Pay Scales Benefits Administration Manual (BAM) Pay Letters Pay Scales

25 CalHR Fun Bargaining Unit Facts Since 1982 civil service rank-and-file employees been covered by collective bargaining which is a process for negotiating wages, hours, terms, and/or conditions of employment. The Ralph C. Dills Act (GC 3512-3524) governs the process. The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) administers and enforces the Dills Act. There are 21 bargaining units that represent more than 200,000 civil service employees. Each bargaining unit is represented by a union and in some cases the same union represents multiple bargaining units. SEIU is an example – they represent nine different bargaining units.

26 California State Personnel Board (SPB) How does SPB impact my job as a Personnel Specialist? SPB oversees and audits the merit-based, job-related recruitment and selection process for hiring state employees. Provides Civil Service laws, rules, and policy direction to departments. Audits departments for merit system, ADA, and EEO compliance. Investigates and resolves alleged violations of Civil Service law. Conducts appeals for the disciplinary process and establishes and/or adjusts classifications as needed, per decisions made by the Board.

27 California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) How does CalPERS impact my job as a Personnel Specialist? CalPERS is responsible for retirement contributions and benefits and the administration of health benefits and long-term care programs. As a personnel specialist you will need to be aware of the different benefits that impact employees and know how to input health benefit enrollments, changes, and deletions into the MyCalPERS system.

28 CalPERS Resources Are there resources to help me do my job? Yes, CalPERS publishes several references you will use daily in your job. CalPERS State Reference Guide (online only). Will assist you when enrolling employees into the CalPERS retirement system State Health Benefits Guide. Contains valuable information on enrollment, eligibility requirements, health plans, billing instructions, Medicare participation, group continuation, and forms completion. HBD-12 Instruction Sheet

29 Department of General Services (DGS) How does DGS impact my job as a Personnel Specialist? DGS approves and publishes the State Administrative Manual (SAM) and also provides standard forms which are used statewide for various program purposes. As a personnel specialist you will use various standard forms which are found on DGS’s website.

30 California D epartment of Finance (DOF) How does DOF impact my job as a Personnel Specialist? DOF is the Governor’s fiscal policy advisor. DOF also institutes hiring freezes, approves and funds State positions, and is involved in setting State Civil Service salaries. As a personnel specialist you may complete the STD 607 which is used to establish and change positions.

31 Who Does What SCO, CalHR and SPB State Controllers Office (SCO) Administers the Uniform State Payroll System, audits and processes all personnel and payroll transactions for state civil service and exempt employees. California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) Responsible for all issues related to employee salaries and benefits, job classifications, civil rights, training, exams, recruitment and retention. State Personnel Board (SPB) Oversees the merit-based, job-related recruitment and selection process.

32 SAMPLE CHECKLISTS and ACRONYMS Orientation Checklist (New to State Service – Rank and File and Excluded Employees) Orientation Checklist (Transfer) Separation Checklist Acronyms


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