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The UDHR - Article 1 Gi5o Everyone is born Free and Equal.

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Presentation on theme: "The UDHR - Article 1 Gi5o Everyone is born Free and Equal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The UDHR - Article 1 Gi5o Everyone is born Free and Equal

2 Should some people be treated differently? Black and White people Rich and Poor Minority and Majority groups Men and Women Adults and Children

3 Lesson Key Question Should adults and children be treated differently? Adults and Children

4 Looking Back… In pairs, look at the brainstorm we created in the last lesson: Are there any rights that children need more than adults? (circle them) Are there any rights that children might need that adults do not? Which? (note in books)

5 Table Talk One by one on your table explain your personal opinions and making sure you say why. “Should children be treated differently to adults?”

6 Different According to the UN children do need to be treated differently in certain things. In fact, it was seen as being necessary to write a whole different list of rights for children alongside the UDHR – this new list is called the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child). Lots of the rights are the same or similar but the UNCRC has 24 more rights than the UDHR.

7 Punishment One of the key differences is treatment under the law. Should children and adults receive the same punishments for the same crimes? What do you think? (initial opinions) The UNCRC says that children should not be given life sentences or the death penalty.

8 How does this work in real life? Twelve Year Old Lifer In 2012 in the United States a twelve year old was imprisoned for life for the murder of a friend’s step-dad. The United States helped to write the UNCRC, but nearly 20 years later it still has not signed up to it to say that it will follow its principles. So they US can imprison children for life unlike the UK (we signed it).

9 Watch… Twelve Year Old Lifer U Whilst watching consider the reasons why children should or should not be treated the same under the law.

10 Should the United States stop imprisoning children for life, even in the cases of murder? Does it undermine Article 1 (everyone born equal and free) if children are treated differently?

11 Personal Evaluation In your books, write a response having considered the opinions given and information heard in the lesson “Children should receive the same punishments as adults under the law” Do you agree?

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