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Dr. Brad E. Oliver Indiana Wesleyan University. Personhood Respect – People follow because of who you are and what you represent. People Development Reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Brad E. Oliver Indiana Wesleyan University. Personhood Respect – People follow because of who you are and what you represent. People Development Reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Brad E. Oliver Indiana Wesleyan University

2 Personhood Respect – People follow because of who you are and what you represent. People Development Reproduction – People follow because of what you have done for them. Production Results – People follow because of what you have done for the organization. Permission Relationships – People follow because they want to. Position Rights – People follow because they have to.

3 Influence Time Relationship Culture

4 ArtifactsEspoused BeliefsCore Assumptions Schein, 2010

5 ArtificialSuperficialBeneficialSacrificial Transactional Transformational Oliver, 2011

6 Chronos Kairos Guinness, 2011

7 Key Components of Leadership Outcomes of Key Components CharacterCredibilityInfluence CapabilityCapacityImpact TRANSACTIONAL TASK-ORIENTED TRANSFORMATIONAL MISSION-ORIENTED Kubicek, 2011 CONSTRAINTS

8  What do you want?  What do you not want?  What do you need?  What are you afraid of losing?


10  Social  Example: I am unclear as to my role.  Mental  Example: I am overwhelmed and can not mentally process anything else at this time.  Physical  Example: I am physically not well and others who are well will have to carry my load.  Emotional  Example: I am worried about what others will think. I am not confident in my own ability to lead.  Spiritual  Example: I am unsettled with respect to my purpose in life.

11  What do you want?  What do you not want?  What do you need?  What are you afraid of losing?

12  You have to know yourself first, before you lead yourself first!  You have to know others to lead others!  You have to know the team to lead the team!  View your work (leadership) as a mission, not a job!

13 Key Components of Leadership Outcomes of Key Components CharacterCredibilityInfluence CapabilityCapacityImpact SUCCESSFUL JOB FULFILLED MISSION TRANSACTIONTRANSFORMATION NURTURE

14  The rate of change going on around us is increasing and will probably not slow down.  The mind sets we created for today may not work.  Leaders must be able to assume a mind set toward being a change agent and model change.  Leaders in schools must work to create change as a value.

15  Leads with vision  Leads from the head and the heart  Practices humility and service to others  Influences rather than pushes or demands  Invests in the success of others first  Rises above unethical practices, pressure, and petty politics  Attracts a diverse and dedicated team of future leaders  Delivers more than expected  Wields the tools of forgiveness, gratitude, and laughter  Reaches out to make the last first Kubicek, 2011, Pg. 77


17  Give Trust to Become Trustworthy  Learn to give your trust to others.  While you are measuring another person’s character, be aware that your character is also under scrutiny.  Be consistent. Whether you say yes or no, stick to it.  Make it clear what you want or don’t want, so that there is no room for dangerous ambiguity.

18  Become Credible, Not Just Smart  Credibility typically comes with depth of knowledge.  Remember…credentials only suggest credibility.  Credibility comes when you put your competencies to work in service to others so that your knowledge and skills make a difference – which in turn makes you relevant.  Trust is crucial. Credibility is vital.

19  Be Intentional in Your Influence  Influence is a mixture of purposeful action and virtuous character.  One of the keys to intentional influence is through tangible action on behalf of others.  To understand influence is to understand responsiveness…to be aware of others first, especially as you lead them.  Influence is a process. It is a leader’s outgrowth of realizing the connection between character and competence.

20  Break Through Your Walls of Self-Preservation  You must want freedom from whatever holds us back from lives of fulfillment ▪ Social, Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual  Having a longing for peace, growth, love, friendship, and fulfillment.  Be willing to risk what you have, fight through change, and work for something better.

21  Pursue Relationship Before Opportunity  True influence is about establishing authentic relationships.  Relationships are the keys to opportunities because opportunity is a natural extension of goodwill.  Transactions are fleeting. Relationships are transformational.  Relationship before opportunity. In the opportunity, serve the relationship.  Recognize that deep relationships culminate in covenant.

22  Give Yourself Away  Develop an “Abundance Mentality” (i.e., there are no limitations on what you can give because there are no limits on what you can receive).  Self-preservation is about getting and keeping. Fulfillment lies in letting go and giving.  Practice ways to give yourself away without losing yourself…

23  Become Significant in Your Impact  Those who have significantly impacted our lives had to: ▪ Grew in character as they learned to trust. ▪ Became credible in competency. ▪ Learned how to become intentional in motives. ▪ Broke through fears and self-preservation. ▪ Pursued relationships in the midst of opportunities. ▪ Shared their gifts with others. ▪ Learned how to be significant with memorable impact.


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