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Primary School in Stresa. In our own little garden in early March came the snow!

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Presentation on theme: "Primary School in Stresa. In our own little garden in early March came the snow!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary School in Stresa

2 In our own little garden in early March came the snow!

3 We created snow in class

4 14 th March Let’s introduce the children of the classes 2 nd A and 2 nd B. You can read our names in the picture. To get to know and respect each other today we have been talking about friendship between children.

5 15 th March In our garden many beautiful flowers are getting ready to bloom. We can see, and we took pictures of “viole, primule, camelie e crocus”. In our own little garden, instead of the snow, the crocus that we have been planting in winter are now blooming.

6 In our garden of yellow crocus and violets...

7 Small daisies and yellow primroses...

8 Forsythia and rosemary...

9 magnolia and camelia...

10 shrubs with bright flowers

11 16 th March We have been drawing spring’s flowers…

12 16 th March And yellow mimosa

13 17 th March The “ rondini” are not back yet from hot countries, so the meantime, with the help of a japaneese mum, we have made them out of paper (origami). 17 March

14 Our turtle “Speedy” now back from her long winter’s sleep and she is finally walking happy in the school’s garden. now back from her long winter’s sleep and she is finally walking happy in the school’s garden.

15 Our classes in the spring

16 21 th March We celebrate the first day of spring in our garden. Today is warm and we are dancing “Welcome Spring”. Enjoy the spring in your country too … Bye bye

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