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Viva New Jersey By Teacher Jasmine.

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Presentation on theme: "Viva New Jersey By Teacher Jasmine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viva New Jersey By Teacher Jasmine

2 How do we learn to connect with others in a new place?
Big Question How do we learn to connect with others in a new place?

3 Compare and Contrast When you compare you tell how two or more things are alike. When you contrast you tell how two or more things are different. P.82-83

4 Vocabulary Corridors Destination Groping Menacing Mongrel Persisted
Pleas P.84-85

5 Corridors Narrow hallways or passageways

6 Destination The place to which one is going

7 Groping Reaching about uncertainly

8 Menacing Threatening

9 Mongrel An animal that is a cross between, or a mixture of, different breeds

10 Persisted Held firmly

11 Pleas Earnest requests

12 Explore Have you ever moved to a new neighborhood, city, state or country? How did you feel before and after you moved? If you have not moved, do you know someone who has moved? What kinds of feelings did that person experience before and after the move?

13 Realistic Fiction Tells stories about ordinary characters in everyday situations. Both characters and events are imaginary.

14 Guide Questions Is Lucinda comparing or contrasting? Clue word. Any other examples? What can you infer about Lucinda’s feelings about the dog. How does the author help you visualize the setting in which Lucinda discovers the dog?

15 Guide Questions At the end of page 91, Lucinda discovers that Chauncy is white. What is the cause of her discovery?

16 Guide Questions What is the main idea of the story?
How would you summarize Lucinda’s feelings about the life in New Jersey? Have you ever hidden something from your parents? Why did you conceal something from them?

17 Guide Questions When the lights go off, Lucinda realizes Chauncy must have hit the switch. What does this say about her character? Why does Lucinda decide to go to Ashley’s house? What does this say about her character? What can you conclude about Lucinda’s concern for the way the adults might view her?

18 Guide Questions How are Lucinda and Ashley similar?
How would you summarize Lucinda’s interactions with Ashley and Chauncy? What can you infer about Ashley’s character from what she tells Lucinda?

19 Guide Questions Does the author sate the girls’ goals?
How do you compare the two girls’ feeling at the end of the story? Briefly summarize Viva New Jersey. What can you infer about the kind of friend that Ashley would be? How does the author help the reader visualize the story?

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