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…. The Divided Kingdom Lesson 2 REVIEW Review  Saul 1040 – 1000 B.C.  David 1000 – 960 B.C.  Solomon 960 – 920 B.C.  Divided Kingdom 921 – 721 B.C.

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Presentation on theme: "…. The Divided Kingdom Lesson 2 REVIEW Review  Saul 1040 – 1000 B.C.  David 1000 – 960 B.C.  Solomon 960 – 920 B.C.  Divided Kingdom 921 – 721 B.C."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Divided Kingdom Lesson 2 REVIEW

3 Review  Saul 1040 – 1000 B.C.  David 1000 – 960 B.C.  Solomon 960 – 920 B.C.  Divided Kingdom 921 – 721 B.C.

4 Review  Solomon Riches – silver like stones Maximum land size Turned away from God  Foreign wives  Idols  Pagan worship

5 Kingdom would divide  Because of Solomon’s unfaithfulness  Remnant left for David’s sake 1 Kings 11:1-13, 2 Samuel 7  Rehoboam Solomon’s son Judah in the south; two tribes  Jeroboam, tribe of Ephraim Israel in the north; ten tribes

6 Divided Kingdom  200 years  Israel fall to Assyria in 721 B.C.  Judah left Very small Fell to Babylon in 586 B.C.

7 Relationship to God  Obedience = blessings  Sin = curses and punishment  NO good kings in Israel  A few good kings in Judah

8 After Solomon’s death  Rehoboam assumes kingdom  Calls for meeting at Shechem  Jeroboam, son of Nebat Promised ten tribes by Ahijah, the prophet Fled to Egypt to escape Solomon Returned after Solomon’s death Spokesman for people before Rehoboam

9 Option for Rehoboam  Lighten the load and we will serve you  Wants three days to decide  Old advisers Listen to the people Reduce the taxes; they will serve you  Younger men Would be sign of weakness

10 Rehoboam’s decision  My little finger will be thicker than my father’s thigh  My father chastised you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions  Rebellion at the news  Stoned Adoram

11 Judah  Rehoboam  17 years  Evil  Remnant of house of David  Tribes of Judah and Benjamin  Capital in Jerusalem  Temple to Jehovah

12 Israel  Jeroboam  22 years  Evil  Ten tribes  Headquartered in Shechem  Larger of two kingdoms




16 Shechem from Mt Gerizim

17 Shechem—ancient city wall with Mt Gerizim in the background

18 The Divided Kingdom Lesson 2

19 Judah  Jeroboam has led ten tribes away  Rehoboam is ready to do battle  Army of 180,000 men  To re-unite the kingdom

20 Judah  God sent Shemaiah  Do not go to battle; go home  This is MY doing  Rehoboam obeyed

21 Judah  Rehoboam fortifies the cities Especially south and west of Jerusalem  A new Pharaoh is in Egypt Shishak The treaty with Solomon is long past

22 Israel  God promised Jeroboam the kingdom as long as he remained faithful A reigning dynasty like David’s  Jeroboam was fearful Afraid people would defect when going to Jerusalem to the temple to worship

23 Israel  He set up golden calves at Dan and Bethel These are your gods, that brought you out of Egypt remember—idol worship is nothing new…

24 Steps leading to the calf site at Dan

25 Jeroboam’s high place at Dan

26 Israel  A different worship required more changes Priest not from Levi Changed date of annual atonement Offered sacrifices to the calves  But, we are still serving Jehovah REALLY???

27 Judah  The Levites in Israel had been replaced  They fled to Judah  Other faithful left Israel and the false worship fleeing to Judah  Judah was strengthened  Judah served Jehovah faithfully for three years

28 Judah  Rehoboam married 18 wives and had 60 concubines  He had 28 sons and 60 daughters

29 Judah  One wife was Maacah, daughter of Absalom  Her son Abijah would succeed Rehoboam  He scattered his sons in the kingdom With good salaries and many wives

30 Israel  Jeroboam is at Bethel to dedicate the altar  A man of God cries at the altar A prophecy about Josiah  Jeroboam seizes him  The young man refused to go with Jeroboam He had instructions from Jehovah

31 Israel  An old prophet came after the young prophet and lied to him God told me to take you home with me to eat and drink  As they were eating God told the old prophet that the young prophet would die on the way home He left and was killed by a lion  The old prophet buried him any remorse?

32 Judah  Rehoboam feels secure  He abandons Jehovah  They would still go to the temple, but idolatry was everywhere  God delivers them to Egypt Shishak invaded in fifth year Captured the fortified cities Came up to Jerusalem

33 Judah  God sent the prophet Shemaiah to Rehoboam  You abandoned me; I have abandoned you  Rehoboam is humbled But they must learn God did not destroy them Shishak took gold from the temple

34 Israel  Shishak also invaded Israel Not in Biblical record  Jeroboam did not retreat from his idolatry  “the sin of Jeroboam the son of Nebat”


36 Lessons  Changes in worship Priest not from Levi Changed date of annual atonement Offered sacrifices to the calves  But, we are still serving Jehovah (??)  Changes in worship today Instrument; women preachers, etc We’re still singing?Word is being taught? What is the basic thing wrong with this picture?

37 Lessons  An old prophet came after the young prophet and lied to him God told me to take you home with me to eat and drink  Be careful whose advice (spiritually) you follow God has spoken Remember David—we did not seek Him about the proper order “inquired of the Lord”

38 Lessons  The Levites in Israel had been replaced  They fled to Judah  Other faithful left Israel and the false worship fleeing to Judah  Stand up for truth and right  Leave surrounding of sin 2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. John 17:15 "I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. 16 "They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 16 "They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

39 Judah  God sent the prophet Shemaiah to Rehoboam  You abandoned me; I have abandoned you  Rehoboam is humbled But they must learn God did not destroy them consequences 2 Samuel 7


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