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WORLD FAMILY OF RADIO MARIA Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese)

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD FAMILY OF RADIO MARIA Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD FAMILY OF RADIO MARIA Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 MEETING 7° OF JUNE 2013 World Family and Radio Maria Netherlands together for fund raising best practises

2 WORLD FAMILY OF RADIO MARIA Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 INDEX OF CONTENTS Digital activity: best practice and newsletter proposal Fund raising planning-tools: Civi –cash donation proposal Legacy-bequest and big donors approach Twitter: some ideas

3 WORLD FAMILY OF RADIO MARIA: Fundraising project Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 Legacies and Major Gifts

4 INTERNATIONAL DATA Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 All over the world, and particularly in Europe and the United States the propensity to make a will towards a Nonprofit organization of religion and social support is increasing year by year. It is estimated that the global value of bequests to non-profit organizations will grow by 25% by 2020 Large donations (alive or bequests) to Radio Maria, they can grow a lot, but each radio must define a strategy and a work plan and follow it with continuity. The results are beginning to see normally after 3 years of starting, but when they arrive really make a difference in the revenue of the association. Examples: Platforms on Anglo-Saxon bequests: (UK, consorzio di Onp) (USA, iniziativa dei grandi miliardari americani) (USA, campagna sensibilizzazione) (Australia, materiale interessante)

5 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 To deepen: Radio Maria can get a great deal through bequests, because we have a tool that no one else has: THE RADIO We talk to our listeners 24 hours a day and we have countless moments in which we can explain that a bequest to Radio Maria is a gesture of love for Our Lady and for all those who receive help from Radio Maria Through the radio we can bear witness to the good that we do and that message can then be supported by all other actions related to the donor.

6 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 A few basic concepts: When we talk about donations and bequests the donor must be the center of our reflections; The bequest is almost never improvised action but was born as the result of a relationship of trust between the organization and the donor; Strategic planning of activities on bequests is so because an operation organized by the trust to Radio Maria steps to the legacy; It 'important to develop and give visibility to the donors of RM plans and why his legacy will make a difference for the future development of the shared project It’s important give evidence that radio Maria can receive bequests and how a donors can proceed to make a will in favor of Radio Maria ( official telephone number per bequest, site with info etc)

7 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 General strategy What should Radio Maria to increase bequests and major gifts? Formally inform that Radio Maria can receive bequests in radio and other means Raise awareness and educate all listeners to the idea of ​​ making a will, creating a true culture of the legacy; Promote gifts to radio Maria in radio and communication on all the donors (explaining why leave RM is a gesture of love and what good will) Cure in a personal relationship with the 30 most important donors in the database involving them in the mission Organizing of campaigns as it deems appropriate

8 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 Where we talk about the legacies to our listeners?: RADIO to explain, engage and explain where to find info; MAILING It 'important to leave on all the letters to donors on how to donate a space at Radio Maria and legacies (eg a legacy to RM is an act of love. Many have helped us, do it too. For more information see our site (link) or call "..." to the number...); NEWS LETTERS : Send internet newsletter dedicated to the legacies to explain what a legacy, legislative updates, testimonies of RM activities made ​​ possible thanks to the heritage; WEB SITE: will be shown on the site well because it is important to make a bequest to Radio Maria and how to do it, then it goes an area dedicated to the legacies where to download the "Guide to the legacies in pdf» and maybe even a brochure on the importance of making a bequest to RM ; TERRITORY: to give volunteers a flyer presentation on why and how to make a bequest to RM or organize events on the radio or in the territory dedicated to the legacies (also inviting a professional); OTHER eg texting with messages such as: donate or make a bequest to RM is an act of love. Learn more on our website or call..........

9 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 Prepare also the internal structure LEGACY MANAGEMENT The management of bequests implies professionalism and Persons responsible: it is an activity follows: -number of documents; often-cited more beneficiary entities; -a long time; -collaboration with professionals;... But the return on investment (ROI) is very high!

10 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 It 'also possible to make separate campaigns: You can make bequests dedicated campaigns, organizing an action for a period focused on major gifts and bequests to Radio Maria (that’s can be very useful to make donors aware of this possibility, but could even be very dangerous if not well manage) : It 'important to first define Goal (inform about legacy? Communicate R.M. legacy office?) target period content communication channels investment and expected returns Structuring the radio to be able to support all the answers that come on the radio as a result of the campaign

11 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 An example: the country estates of Radio Maria Italy An example: the country estates of Radio Maria Italy: Objective: Increase over the next 3 years, the revenue derived from bequests; Understanding the feeling of our donors and the kind of concern to make e legacy to Radio Maria italia Communicate widespread how and why to make a bequest to radio Mary; Target: Our active Donors (even no active donors are very good target for bequest ) Notary Period: April and May 2013

12 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 An example: the country estates of Radio Maria Italy An example: the country estates of Radio Maria Italy: Contents: Mailing to all contacts in the database: Letter of Father Livio Questionnaire on bequests (download the questionnaire and cover letter at this link / on the questionnaire we gave a number to contact for clarification on the area legacies) Mailing to 5000 notary with letter and a brochure (download brochure on link...) Support from father Livio Radio that explained the importance the bequest to R.M. and the fact that we sent the questionnaire Support on the website, where, in bequests, shall be put in the questionnaire and the possibility to download the guide to the legacies Newsletter that explains that the site you can find all the information about bequests we can give and legislative updates or other

13 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 RM ITALY: Letter of Father Livio Brochure We have received to date approximately 1000 questionnaires and 500 calls from people interested in the legacies; If we estimate a redemption of 3% of the respondents we can predict 20/30 additional legacies in the next 3 years; We are developing a series of meetings with big donors to talk about the legacy of a personal encounter; The support to the legacies continue inserting how and why to make a bequest to RM in any communication where there are methods of donation. Letter of Father Livio Guide to the legacies

14 Regarding the methods of donation Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 It is important to remember the different ways of donation in any communication. This page is provided at the end of each letter and newspaper Padre Livio.

15 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 Some suggestions for the meeting with big donors It 's very important that representatives ESCOM meet, face to face, the big donors to the radio (top 30?) – do not propose legacy in the first meeting, but personal long term relation can facilitate a will thank them; More involved in the project Radio Maria / strengthen loyalty Grow their donation; Ask him to convey with their acquaintances progettoR.M.; Explain the importance of a legacy to R.M. Who is the donor who normally makes a bequest in favor of a religious body? Religious Donor leave a ONP for spiritual and religious reasons; gift because God wants me to help the other bequests local and international; seek satisfaction: when I made ​​ my will I feel better knowing that I had done good.

16 Casciago – 15 Marzo 2013 - ItalyWorld Family of Radio Maria - Sede di Casciago: Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 229500 Fax: +39 0332 826920 Some suggestions for the meeting with big donors 5 points to ponder and clear it before the meeting 1: The Project. Clearly, the meeting will be based on the sharing of a spiritual content, but if you want to ask a real help we need to be clear about what the project: Radio Maria in the country? A missionary help? Always get ready to show him the evidence of the good that Radio Maria with his help can bring emotional relationship- 2: The amount: it is already a major donor: I want to ask a more general help, or want to offer him a goal to be achieved (and therefore will have a budget), and together with him figure out how to make it happen? (from around him, trying to involve others...)? 3: The timing. When is the best time to meet the donor and ask for more support? Not in the first meeting. First we have to thank him and make it part of our project, in subsequent meetings the more you can ask for help 4: The group of request: what will be the group of people who will make the request? who will meet him? Identify the best group (or the best single person) is essential to maximize its involvement 5: To whom you ask? And 'the donor who decides, or we need to involve the wife or the whole family?

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