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巨量開放資料與互聯網防備災架構 PI: 何建明 (Jan-Ming Ho) 中央研究院資訊科學研究所及資訊科技創新研究中心 DRBoaST Presenter: 張韻詩 (Jane W. S. Liu) 中央研究院資訊科學研究所及資訊科技創新研究中心 Disaster Resilience through.

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Presentation on theme: "巨量開放資料與互聯網防備災架構 PI: 何建明 (Jan-Ming Ho) 中央研究院資訊科學研究所及資訊科技創新研究中心 DRBoaST Presenter: 張韻詩 (Jane W. S. Liu) 中央研究院資訊科學研究所及資訊科技創新研究中心 Disaster Resilience through."— Presentation transcript:

1 巨量開放資料與互聯網防備災架構 PI: 何建明 (Jan-Ming Ho) 中央研究院資訊科學研究所及資訊科技創新研究中心 DRBoaST Presenter: 張韻詩 (Jane W. S. Liu) 中央研究院資訊科學研究所及資訊科技創新研究中心 Disaster Resilience through Big Open Data and Smart Things

2 巨量開放資料與互聯網防備災架構 DRBoaST Disaster Resilience through Big Open Data and Smart Things Objectives: To develop the sciences & technologies that  Make emergency management decision support infrastructure disaster resilient,  Enhance disaster preparedness of living environment,  Improve the state of the practice of disaster response. Will build on the foundation established by Project OpenISDM (Open Info. Sys. for Disaster Management)

3 Sub-Project Names Main Project : DRBoast Sub-project 1: SIDiRC Strategies and Information for Disaster Resilient Communities Sub-Project 2: RTEIC Real-Time Earthquake Information Cloud for Disaster Preparedness and Response Sub-Project 3: DiSRC Disaster Scenario and Record Capture – Authoring Technologies Sub-Project 4: ADiPLE Active, Disaster Prepared Smart Living Environment Sub-Project 5:CSAI Crowdsourcing Situation Awareness Information - Foundation Sub-Project 6: DRCom Disaster Resilient Communication - A Named Data and Software Defined Framework Sub-Project 7: TEPP Trustworthy Emergency Privacy Protection with Quantifiable Privacy Loss Principle and Co-Principle Investigators PI: 何建明 (Jan-Ming Ho), IIS and CITI, Academia Sinica Co-PI: 張韻詩 (Jane W. S. Liu), IIS and CITI, Academia Sinica PI: 林峰田 (Feng-Tyan Lin), Urban Planning, NCKU Co-PI’s: 周學政 (Hseuh-Cheng Chou), Geography, NTNU 林漢良 (Han-Liang Lin), Urban Planning, NCKU PI: 李建成 (Jian-Cheng Lee), IES, Academia Sinica Co-PI: 梁文宗 (Wen-Tzong Liang), IES, Academia Sinica PI: 許聞廉 (Wen-Lian Hsu), IIS, Academia Sinica Co-PI’s: 林富士 (Fu-Shih Lin), IHP, Academia Sinica 李香潔 (Hsiang-Chieh Lee), Socia & Economic System,,NCDR PI: 郭大維 (Tei-Wei Kuo), CITI, Academia Sinica Co-PI’s: 朱宗賢 (Edward T.-H. Chu), CSIE, YunTech 張韻詩 (Jane W. S. Liu), IIS and CITI, Academia Sinica PI: 邵家健 (John Kar-Kin Zao), CS, NCTU Co:PI’s: 朱宗賢 (Edward T.-H. Chu), CSIE, YunTech 張韻詩 (Jane W. S. Liu), IIS and CITI, Academia Sinica PI: 施吉昇 (Chi-Sheng Shih), CSIE, NTU Co-PI’s: 林靖茹 (Ching-Ju Lin), CITI, Acadmia Sinica 張韻詩 (Jane W. S. Liu), IIS and CITI, Academia Sinica PI: 王柏堯 (Bow-Yaw Wang), IIS, Academia Sinica Co-PI: 邵家健 (John Kar-Kin Zao), CS, NCTU 陳郁方 (Yu-Fang Chen), IIS, Academia Sinica

4 Information Science and Human Computing History, Linguistics, Socioeconomics, Land Use and Urban Planning Information and Communication Technologies Earth, Earthquake & Climate Sciences About DRBoaST Sub-Projects SIDRC: Strategies and Information of Disaster Resilient Communities RTEIC: Real-Time Earthquake Information Cloud CSAI: Crowdsourcing Situation Awareness Information TEPP: Trustworthy Emergency Privacy Protection DiSRC: Disaster Scenario & Record Capture DRCom: Disaster Resilient Communication: A Named Data and Software Defined Framework ADiPLE: Active, Disaster Prepared Smart Environment

5 Proposed DRBoaST Project Team Urban Planning, NCKU  林峰田 (Feng-Tyan Lin)  林漢良 (Han-Liang Lin) Geography, NTNU & NCDR  周學政 (Hseuh-Cheng Chou) IES, Academia Sinica  李建成 (Jian-Cheng Lee)  梁文宗 (Wen-Tzong Liang) IHP, Academia Sinica  林富士 (Fu-Shih Lin) Socio-Economic Systems, NCDR  李香潔 (Hsiang-Chieh Lee) CSIE, NTU  施吉昇 (Chi-Sheng Shih) Computer Science, NCTU  邵家健 (John Kan-Kin Zao) CSIE, NYUST  朱宗賢 (Edward T.-H. Chu) IIS & CITI, Academia Sinica  何建明 (Jan-Ming Ho)  許聞廉 (Wen-Lian Hsu)  郭大維 (Tei-Wei Kuo)  林靖茹 (Ching-Ju Lin)  王柏堯 (Bow-Yaw Wang)  陳郁方 (Yu-Fang Chen)  張韻詩 (Jane W. S. Liu)

6 Prototypes from OpenISDM Project

7 SIDRC: Strategies and Information for Disaster Resilient Communities, RTEIC: Real-Time Earthquake Information Cloud, and CSAI: Crowdsourcing Situation Awareness Information  Will strengthen the contents and capabilities of individual prototype information repositories and support systems;  Enable synergistic use of component systems as a virtual preparedness and response decision support cloud for multiple types of disasters and compound disasters;  Carry out case studies based on real-life scenarios to demonstrate future capabilities to  Generate timely and accurate early warnings,  Warn users in location-, context- and user-specific ways,  Rally ubiquitous devices and mobile APP to response.

8 Examples of Proposed Work  By SIDiRC Sub-Project:  Expand the pilot study on narrative approach to compiling and validating information on disaster risks of disaster prone communities  Develop community-specific preparedness and response strategies for sample communities  By RTEIC Sub-Project:  Improve the capability of TESIS to generate timely, reliable, location-specific warnings  Crowdsource observations and assessments from trained volunteers  By CSAI Sub-Project:  Develop support tools for crowdsourcing situation awareness information in general  Release tools as open source software  By SIDiRC, RTEIC, and CSAI in collaboration  Develop a virtual community-specific disaster information cloud prototype  Carry out case studies

9 Disaster Scenario and Record Capture Authoring System Server Recorder with mobile capture tool Other recorders  Storage for cached maps and support information to enable stand alone use  Automatic capture of event time and geo-coordinates  Event/condition analysis  Real-time Inconsistency detection Capabilities include Input from crowd and recorders Output for human readers RDF Machine readable output Analysis, simulation and animation tools

10 Proposed Work of Sub-Project DiSRC (Disaster Scenario and Record Capture)  Design and development: Anticipated result is a proof- of-concept system of disaster scenario capture and historical record authoring tools, including  Scenario capture tool on common mobile platforms  Authoring system for merging data and information from multiple capture tools and social reports  Approaches: will  Exploit related IT and authoring technologies  Leverage existing components (e.g., VGIS)  Make use of existing tools (e.g., CROSS)  Evaluation and validation: Capture methods and support tools will be evaluated in terms of  Usability, performance and effectiveness  Result qualities from end-users’ perspective

11 ADiPLE ( Active Disaster Prepared Living Environment)

12 Alert xmlns: … Sender: Central Weather Bureau Status: Actual MsgType: Alert Scope: Public Info Category: Geo Event: Earthquake Urgency: Immediate Severity: Strong Certainty: Observed Description: A strong earthquake measuring 7.8 occurred in … Parameters: Magnitude, depth, … Areas: Polygons specifying affected areas Resources: … … ADiPLE: Motivation Scenario Other EAS and CMAS Effectiveness is limited due to  Non-specificity of alerts  Limitation in human reaction time to take advantage

13 Alert xmlns: … Sender: Central Weather Bureau Status: Actual MsgType: Alert Scope: Public Info Category: Geo Event: Earthquake Urgency: Immediate Severity: Strong Certainty: Observed Description: A strong earthquake measuring 7.8 occurred in … Parameters: Magnitude, depth, … Areas: Polygons specifying affected areas Resources: … … ADiPLE: Future Scenario Active use of alerts Earthquake, Stay calm, Move to checkout counter area

14 General Structure and Major Components  Standard-based alarm delivery and message exchanges as parts of DM infrastructure  Standard interfaces for processing & responding to standard-based alarms  Dependable, low-cost, customizable smart devices for enhanced disaster readiness CAP Message Processor Alert type & information Alert records Affected areas Alert message buffer Modem Signature validation XML parser Location filter Device Controller Device interfaces Configuration files Device location Resources Local data Rule processor Rule engine Activation parameters and rules “Cyber-physical elements of enhanced disaster prepared smart environment,” by Liu, Chu and Shih, in IEEE Computer “Ubiquitous smart devices and applications for disaster preparedness,” by Liao, et al, in Proceedings of UFirst, UIC 2012

15 iGad iGaD Structure data Spatial and layout data Maintenance records Local sensor data Building Information Model Cloud iGaD: Intelligent guard against disasters

16 Proposed Work of Sub-Project ADiPLE (Active Disaster Prepared Living Environment)  High-level objective: Enabling pervasive deployment and use of iGaDs (smart devices and mobile APP for disaster preparedness) in 5-10 years  Work on iGaDs and Internet of things in general  Architecture and components for configurability  Energy consumption management for mobile iGaDs  Responsive alerts delivery to iGaDs and people  Work on Interfaces and standards, including interfaces  With information sources (e.g., BIM, store layouts, building management information system, etc.)  With sensors, actuators, location devices/services, etc.  Work on enablement, including dependability, dual use applications, and missing standards

17 From J. P. G. Sterbenzm et al., “Resilience and survivability in communication networks: strategies, principles and survey of disciplines,” Computer Networks, 54, 2010 Resilience Disciplines Resilience Disciplines Disaster Resilience Challenge tolerance  Survivability: many to numerous failures, to global failure  Disruption tolerance  Environmental: connectivity, mobility, and delay  Energy  Traffic tolerance: flash crowd Trustworthiness  Dependability:  Maintainability  Availability  Performability: QoS measures

18 Correlated (disaster) failures Random failures Modeling disaster failures Combating disaster failures Connectivity assessment Transport service recovery Physical connectivity recovery Full restoration Degraded service provision Connectivity repairs Backup connectivity Dynamic data delivery Multi-failure survivability Issues on Disaster Resilient Networks and Transport Services addressed by OIGY (Open Information Gateway)

19 TRIPS: Trustful Real-time Information Pub/sub Services HAPPY: Heterogeneous And Plug-n- PlaY networks OIGY Open Information Gateway

20 Real-Time Pub/Sub Services Connectivity Assessment Service Recovery Network Recovery TRIPS Service recovered Delayed or failed delivery Access points required Service brokers required Backup nodes available HAPPY

21 Proposed Work of Sub-Project DRCom (Disaster Resilient Communication)  Objective: To develop a NDN-SDN framework for building disaster resilient communication networks  Rationales: To exploit research/development opportunities:  NDN (Named Data Networking), forwarding data on content basis, naturally supports prioritized delivery.  SDN (Software Defined Networking), separating control plane from data plane, naturally supports virtualization.  NDN-SDN based network systems will be designed to support multi-level QoS requirements during disasters.  Anticipated results: To produce deployable technology:  Innovation in approaching disaster resilience from a communication systems perspective  Software components including disaster resilience QoS specification, prioritized forwarding, NDN-SDN interfaces  Proof-of-concept NDN-SDN based network system

22 Data Plane Control Plane Application SDN Controller NDN server NDN-SDN Based Network System Concept NDN- supported end-user view SDN Controller Responder Coordination Msgs Victim safety reports Command-control & information msgs Heterogeneous Plug-and-Play Networks Search and rescue team Authorities Affected people

23 Information Access During Emergencies Break-the-glass (BTG) extensions :  Works well for emergency access to health information system  May not be responsive during mega disasters TIBS (Trustworthy information brokerage service)  Proactive loading of information on points of service (POS)  Information release based on traceability and accountability Filters Scenario analysis SOPs & DSA workflows Information requirements Sources Filtered information Release and accountability causes Handle requests & enforce release policies POS

24 TIBS Use Scenario Filtered data Typhoon Earthquake scenarios … Request-for-Information (what, when, purposes, criticalities, etc.) Government sources Non-government sources Filtered data and release and accountability clauses Point of R & A Services Point of R & A Services Point of R & A Services Point of R & A Services Release & accountability enforcement processes DSA and SOP Workflows PTIBS RTIBS

25 Information Accountability For protection of privacy according to laws and regulations --------- Who got what data? Appropriate usage?

26 HTTPA (Accountable HTTP) WebID Smart Client Web Server Verification Agent WebID Data transfer Provenance tracker Network (DHT) HTTPA Log Logs trails Logs  Data provider specifies usage restrictions based on consumer’s credential  Data consumer selects restrictions to abide  Provenance tracker logs the agreement and logs provenance trails  Verification agent is responsible for authenticate the parties

27 Proposed Work of Sub-Project TEPP (Trustworthy Emergency Privacy Protection)  High-level objective: To determine the limitation in privacy protection of accountability-based emergency information brokerage services  Scope of work  Design and prototype light-weight alternatives to Accountable HTTP  Design and assess means to enable and/or improve traceability and for detection of conspiratorial usages (e.g., traceable blurring, random marker, correlated noise injection)  Theoretical foundation of privacy protection methods with quantifiable privacy loss

28 Proposed Annual Budget (in thousand NTD) TEPP: Trustworthy Emergency Privacy Protection Main Project SIDiRC: Strategies and Information for Disaster Resilient Communities RTEIC: Real-Time Earthquake Information Cloud for Disaster Preparedness and Response DiSRC: Disaster Scenario and Record Capture – Authoring Technologies ADiPLE: Active, Disaster Prepared Smart Living Environment CSAI: Crowdsourcing Situation Awareness Information – Foundation and Tools DRCom:Disaster Resilient Communication – Named-Data and Software-Defined Framework 1000 750 1000 7000 Total

29 Thank You!

30 A Framework for Building Open ISDM Jan-Ming Ho (IIS), Ching-Teng Hsiao (CITI), Der-Tsai Lee (IIS) and Jane W. S. Liu (IIS & CITI) Application Component Disaster Information System for Resilient Communities Feng-Tyan Lin (NCKU) Hsueh-Cheng Chou (NCDR) Han-Liang Lin (NCKU) Climate Extremes and Weather Disasters Data Repository Shaw-Chen Liu (RCEC); Chia Chou (RCEC) Shih-Chun Lung (RCEC) & Mong-Ming Lu (CWB) Crustal Deformation and Faulting Behavior Databases Jian-Cheng Lee (IES), Long-Chen Kuo (IES) Wen-Tzong Liang (IES) & Nai-Chi Hsiao (CWB) IT Component Flow Control and Fusion of Symbiotic Information John K. Zao (NCTU), Sheng-Wei Chen (IIS) Jane W. S. Liu (IIS) & Edward T.-H. Chu (NYUST) Virtual Repository Ching-Teng Hsiao (CITI), Pen-Chung Yew (U of Minn) David Hung-Chang Du (U. of Minn) Open Information Gateway Chi-Sheng Shih (NTU), Ling-Jyl Chen (IIS) Phone Lin (NTU), Kwei-Jay Lin (UCI) Ching-Ju Lin (CITI) & Wei-Ho Chung (CITI)

31 A Framework for Building Open ISDM Jan-Ming Ho (IIS), Ching-Teng Hsiao (CITI), Der-Tsai Lee (IIS) and Jane W. S. Liu (IIS & CITI) Application Component Disaster Information System for Resilient Communities Feng-Tyan Lin (NCKU) Hsueh-Cheng Chou (NCDR) Han-Liang Lin (NCKU) Climate Extremes and Weather Disasters Data Repository Shaw-Chen Liu (RCEC); Chia Chou (RCEC) Shih-Chun Lung (RCEC) & Mong-Ming Lu (CWB) Crustal Deformation and Faulting Behavior Databases Jian-Cheng Lee (IES), Long-Chen Kuo (IES) Wen-Tzong Liang (IES) & Nai-Chi Hsiao (CWB)  To develop repositories of  Experiences & knowledge on disaster susceptibility & vulnerability of disaster- prone regions collected from local communities  Climate extremes and weather disaster risk data  Crustal deformation and faulting behavior data  To exploit the available data in research on disaster risk assessment and reduction

32 A Framework for Building Open ISDM Jan-Ming Ho (IIS), Ching-Teng Hsiao (CITI), Der-Tsai Lee (IIS) and Jane W. S. Liu (IIS & CITI) IT Component Flow Control and Fusion of Symbiotic Information John K. Zao (NCTU), Sheng-Wei Chen (IIS) Jane W. S. Liu (IIS) & Edward T.-H. Chu (NYUST) Virtual Repository Ching-Teng Hsiao (CITI), Pen-Chung Yew (U of Minn) David Hung-Chang Du (U. of Minn) Open Information Gateway Chi-Sheng Shih (NTU), Ling-Jyl Chen (IIS) Phone Lin (NTU), Kwei-Jay Lin (UCI) Ching-Ju Lin (CITI) & Wei-Ho Chung (CITI) To develop innovative ICT:  Virtual repository for creating incrementally linked data as needed and supporting their use at run-time  Trustworthy emergency information broker service  Fusion of information from things and people  Resilient and dynamic open information gateway  Ubiquitous intelligent things for disaster preparedness

33 Crustal Deformation & Faulting Behavior DB Earthquake detection & alert Real-time, automated earthquake source inversion Interface services Access control, format conversion & interoperability services Metadata management CDEF DB Real-time seismic data streams Palert Other seismic datasets Information sources Raw GPS data Position time series Network strain Network velocity Taiwan GPS lab Risk assessment & management QCN CWBSNBATS

34 Weather Disaster Risk Database Survey data GIS data Data Sources Population & Vulnerability Database (PV DB) Climate Extreme & Weather Disaster Database (CEWD DB) WDR DB Filter, fusion and visualization tools for weather disaster risk assessment & other scientific studies Interface services Meteorological and pollution data Risk Management for Mitigation & Adaptation Disaster Risk Assessment for weather disasters Access control services

35 CROSS Command Center Locations and data (CROwdsourcing Support system for disaster Surveillance) Participants Assignments & Exploration paths

36 Mobile base stations OIGY (Open Information Gateway) Connectivity Repair Last-mile mesh Gateway router  Mobile cellular base stations provide coverage for large areas temporarily.  Last-mile mesh networks & gateway routers extends the coverage area and relays data through mobile cellular base stations to and from the Internet Internet

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