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CAPT David B. Moskoff, USMS Professor of Marine Transportation United States Merchant Marine Academy Master Mariner – USCG Unlimited CAPT David B. Moskoff,

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Presentation on theme: "CAPT David B. Moskoff, USMS Professor of Marine Transportation United States Merchant Marine Academy Master Mariner – USCG Unlimited CAPT David B. Moskoff,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAPT David B. Moskoff, USMS Professor of Marine Transportation United States Merchant Marine Academy Master Mariner – USCG Unlimited CAPT David B. Moskoff, USMS Professor of Marine Transportation United States Merchant Marine Academy Master Mariner – USCG Unlimited Shipboard Navigation Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS Technologies Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU 1 Maritime Cyber Security Learning Seminar and Symposium Jointly sponsored by CCICADA Center at Rutgers University and American Military University 2 - 3 March 2015

2  Shipboard Perspectives: Critical ENav Concerns  Electronic Navigation Global Terms  Shipboard Equipment and Systems  GPS/GNSS Vulnerabilities and Options  Shipboard Perspectives: Critical ENav Concerns  Electronic Navigation Global Terms  Shipboard Equipment and Systems  GPS/GNSS Vulnerabilities and Options Presentation Overview Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU 2

3 m m Deck and Engine Watch Officers and crew must be ready 24/7 for fire, flooding, explosion, spills, emergencies of all types. While underway three basic concerns are: 1. avoiding collision/allision 2. always knowing your precise position 3. ensuring adequate UKC relative to the bottom (including reefs, rocks, bars, shallows, etc.) Bridge Resource Management (BRM) is used throughout the industry and involves training and the use of shipboard equipment and systems as critical resources. Deck and Engine Watch Officers and crew must be ready 24/7 for fire, flooding, explosion, spills, emergencies of all types. While underway three basic concerns are: 1. avoiding collision/allision 2. always knowing your precise position 3. ensuring adequate UKC relative to the bottom (including reefs, rocks, bars, shallows, etc.) Bridge Resource Management (BRM) is used throughout the industry and involves training and the use of shipboard equipment and systems as critical resources. For a Ship Underway “Location” is Paramount! Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GPS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU 3

4 Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU 4 26.5 knots (30+MPH!) 26.5 knots (30+MPH!)

5 VISA ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) AIS (Automatic Identification System) Radar (Radio Direction and Ranging) ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) Compass (Gyro, Fluxgate, GPS and others) Steering (Computerized Automatic Steering System) VDR (Voyage Data Recorder –”Black Box”) GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) Numerous other advanced units and systems ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) AIS (Automatic Identification System) Radar (Radio Direction and Ranging) ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) Compass (Gyro, Fluxgate, GPS and others) Steering (Computerized Automatic Steering System) VDR (Voyage Data Recorder –”Black Box”) GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) Numerous other advanced units and systems Ship’s E-Nav Bridge Equipment Technology Much More Sophisticated Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU5

6 VISA An Electronic Chart Display and Information System is: computer-based navigation system-complies with IMO can be used as an alternative to paper navigation charts integrates a variety of real-time information automated decision aid - continuously determining ship’s position in relation to land, charted objects, navigation aids and unseen hazards An ECDIS includes electronic navigational charts (ENCs) and integrates position information from a GNSS – typically the Global Positioning System (GPS) - and other navigational sensors, such as radar, fathometer and automatic identification systems (AIS). It may also display other navigation-related information, such as sailing directions and navigational aids detail. An Electronic Chart Display and Information System is: computer-based navigation system-complies with IMO can be used as an alternative to paper navigation charts integrates a variety of real-time information automated decision aid - continuously determining ship’s position in relation to land, charted objects, navigation aids and unseen hazards An ECDIS includes electronic navigational charts (ENCs) and integrates position information from a GNSS – typically the Global Positioning System (GPS) - and other navigational sensors, such as radar, fathometer and automatic identification systems (AIS). It may also display other navigation-related information, such as sailing directions and navigational aids detail. ECDIS Definition Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU6

7 VISA CA ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU7

8 VISA CA ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU8

9 VISA AIS (Automatic Identification System) Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU9

10 VISA ECDIS with AIS Overlay (Courtesy Transas) Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU10

11 VISA AIS Symbols and Information Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU11 Note TCPA and CPA Above – Based on GPS Position Input

12 VISA Marine Radar Display – Sperry (Courtesy Sperry Marine) Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU12

13 VISA ECDIS with Radar Overlay (Courtesy Broadgate and Transas) Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU13

14 VISA The ECDIS becomes the ultimate “Magic Box” that is an extremely valuable tool for the well-trained navigator when positioning input is accurate. (Moskoff 2012) The ECDIS becomes the ultimate “Magic Box” that is an extremely valuable tool for the well-trained navigator when positioning input is accurate. (Moskoff 2012) Combining All Three on One Display Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU14

15 VISA AIS and Radar Overlay on ECDIS Integrated with Compass, Depth and other sensors Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU15

16 VISA Integrated Bridge (Courtesy Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU16

17 VISA Integrated Bridge (Courtesy Sperry Marine) Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU17

18 VISA The Good The Bad The Ugly ECDIS assisted ship groundings: why are they happening? CSL Thames Grounding: Not Enough ECDIS Training ttp:// ECDIS » Maritime Accident Casebook UNITED STATES COAST GUARD - U.S. Coast Guard The Good The Bad The Ugly ECDIS assisted ship groundings: why are they happening? CSL Thames Grounding: Not Enough ECDIS Training ttp:// ECDIS » Maritime Accident Casebook UNITED STATES COAST GUARD - U.S. Coast Guard Technology Onboard Ships Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU18

19 VISA ECDIS is a Computer Subject to Viruses, etc. Automatic Identification System (AIS) IT Attacks Against Ship (i.e. Spearfishing) Military Using Commercial GPS – C/A Code Lack of Low Frequency(LF) eLoran-Type Backup Electromagnetic Pulse Attack (EMP) Kills All? ECDIS is a Computer Subject to Viruses, etc. Automatic Identification System (AIS) IT Attacks Against Ship (i.e. Spearfishing) Military Using Commercial GPS – C/A Code Lack of Low Frequency(LF) eLoran-Type Backup Electromagnetic Pulse Attack (EMP) Kills All? Examples: Other ENav/GPS Concerns Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU19

20 VISA Use GPS/GNSS receivers (+$15) that detect spoofing and jamming to warn users. Provide as many inputs to navigation positioning as possible – i.e. LF eLoran - especially in coastal/shallow areas. Use Parallel Indexing and Cross Indexing Radar Techniques routinely. Use ECDIS/ECS units with both a primary and a secondary input at all possible times in all available areas. Use GPS/GNSS receivers (+$15) that detect spoofing and jamming to warn users. Provide as many inputs to navigation positioning as possible – i.e. LF eLoran - especially in coastal/shallow areas. Use Parallel Indexing and Cross Indexing Radar Techniques routinely. Use ECDIS/ECS units with both a primary and a secondary input at all possible times in all available areas. What Can Ships Do? Options? Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU 20

21 VISA Maintain Skillsets: Piloting, Celestial, Instruments (fathometer, fathograph) Audit and Test ships for jamming and other vulnerabilities: test in open water areas under controlled conditions. Conduct ship drills (similar to fire drills) on a regular basis: consider GNSS failure, GNSS jamming, GNSS spoofing, cyber attack, equipment failures, EMP attack, etc. Maintain Skillsets: Piloting, Celestial, Instruments (fathometer, fathograph) Audit and Test ships for jamming and other vulnerabilities: test in open water areas under controlled conditions. Conduct ship drills (similar to fire drills) on a regular basis: consider GNSS failure, GNSS jamming, GNSS spoofing, cyber attack, equipment failures, EMP attack, etc. What Can Ships Do? Options? Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU21

22 Maritime Cyber Security Learning Seminar and Symposium Jointly sponsored by CCICADA Center at Rutgers University and American Military University 2 - 3 March 2015 Maritime Cyber Security Learning Seminar and Symposium Jointly sponsored by CCICADA Center at Rutgers University and American Military University 2 - 3 March 2015 CAPT David B. Moskoff, USMS Professor of Marine Transportation United States Merchant Marine Academy Master Mariner – USCG Unlimited (516) 726-5856 CAPT David B. Moskoff, USMS Professor of Marine Transportation United States Merchant Marine Academy Master Mariner – USCG Unlimited (516) 726-5856 Shipboard Systems, Integrated Bridges and GNSS CAPT D. Moskoff 3 March 2015 at Rutgers MCSS for CCICADA/AMU 22 m

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