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Leaders Mormon Travels Mormon Soldier Trivia Everything Else Railroad 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders Mormon Travels Mormon Soldier Trivia Everything Else Railroad 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaders Mormon Travels Mormon Soldier Trivia Everything Else Railroad 100 200 300 400 500

2 Final Jeopardy All About Central Davis

3 Final Jeopardy Two of the current administrators at Central Davis were once teachers at the school. Name one of them.

4 Final Jeopardy Who is Mr. Barker or Mrs. Miller

5 Leaders – 100 First leader of the Mormon Church.

6 Leaders – 100 Who is Joseph Smith

7 Leaders - 200 Man who became the leader of the LDS church after Joseph Smith.

8 Leaders - 200 Who is Brigham Young

9 Leaders - 300 Leaders of an ill fated handcart company who were caught in a winter snow storm in Wyoming.

10 Leaders - 300 Who are Willie and Martin

11 Leaders - 400 Bodyguard of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young

12 Leaders - 400 Who is Rockwell

13 Leaders - 500 Father of the Utah Mining Industry.

14 Leaders - 500 Patrick Conner

15 Mormon Travels - 100 Date Brigham Young enter the Salt Lake Valley

16 Mormon Travels - 100 What is July 24 th, 1847

17 Mormon Travels – 200 Brigham Young led the Mormons from Missouri to this place, while their leader, Joseph Smith was in jail.

18 Mormon Travels – 200 What is Illinois

19 Mormon Travels - 300 The route Mormons built to come to Utah; building roads, bridges and planting crops along the way for those who followed.

20 Mormon Travels - 300 What is the Mormon Trail

21 Mormon Travels - 400 Biggest killer of Mormon Pioneers.

22 Mormon Travels - 400 What is diseases

23 Mormon Travels - 500 Two pull factors for Mormons to move to Utah.

24 Mormon Travels - 500 What is to build the kingdom of God or protection

25 Mormon Soldier - 100 Group that helped pay for the Mormon Pioneers to travel to Utah.

26 Mormon Soldier - 100 What is the Mormon Battalion

27 Mormon Soldier - 200 Mormon Battalion members helped in the discovery of this in California.

28 Mormon Soldier - 200 What is gold

29 Mormon Soldier - 300 The Mormon Battalion members never did this.

30 Mormon Soldier - 300 What is fight in a battle

31 Mormon Soldier - 400 Where the Mormon Battalion ended their march and discharged.

32 Mormon Soldier - 400 What is California

33 Mormon Soldier - 500 Number of miles walked by the Mormon Battalion.

34 Mormon Soldier - 500 What is over 2000

35 Trivia - 100 The Utah Boys were happy to travel from Utah to Iowa to pick up immigrants since they missed out on this.

36 Trivia - 100 What is farm work

37 Trivia - 200 The item Mormon Boys got first picks of when they traveled with the Down and Back Wagons.

38 Trivia - 200 What are girls

39 Trivia - 300 Many Mormons died during the winter of 1846 in this place along the banks of the Missouri River after leaving Nauvoo.

40 Trivia - 300 What is Winter Quarters

41 Trivia - 400 Date Brigham Young left Nauvoo.

42 Trivia - 400 What is Feb. 1846

43 Trivia - 500 Once the Mormons reached Utah, these were large enough to have a garden, house, and barn for every family; usually about 10 acres.

44 Trivia - 500 What are city blocks

45 Everything Else - 100 Fastest, cheapest means to travel to Utah and to ship good out of Utah after 1869.

46 Everything Else - 100 What are trains

47 Everything Else - 200 Type of migration for Mormons from Europe to come to Utah.

48 Everything Else - 200 What is voluntary migration

49 Everything Else - 300 Mormons organized their towns in this design that made it easy to get around.

50 Everything Else - 300 What is a grid pattern

51 Everything Else - 400 Mormons were discouraged from doing this, but for many non-Mormons, this became a pull factor to come to Utah and get rich.

52 Everything Else - 400 What is mining

53 Everything Else - 500 Utah has less traffic problems today because of this design.

54 Everything Else - 500 What is wide streets

55 Railroad - 100 Place where the railroads joined together.

56 Railroad - 100 What is Promontory

57 Railroad - 200 Railroads made this industry profitable.

58 Railroad - 200 What is mining

59 Railroad - 300 Railroads put an end to this transportation.

60 Railroad - 300 What is covered wagons

61 Railroad - 400 Railroad that built from Nebraska west to Utah.

62 Railroad - 400 What is the Union Pacific

63 Railroad - 500 Railroad company that built from San Francisco East to Utah.

64 Railroad - 500 What is the Central Pacific

65 Mormon Push Factors Letter “P” Mormon Problems MigratePlaces Everything Else 200 400 600 800 1000

66 Mormon Push Factors - 200 Mormons claimed to the be the only one.

67 Mormon Push Factors – 200 What is the true faith

68 Mormon Push Factors - 400 Missouri believed in this, but most Mormons did not.

69 Mormon Push Factors - 400 What is slavery

70 Mormon Push Factors - 600 Mormons could control this, which upset their neighbors.

71 Mormon Push Factors - 600 What are elections

72 Mormon Push Factors - 800 Non Mormons believed that these people in the communal society had too much power.

73 Mormon Push Factors - 800 What are leaders

74 Mormon Push Factors - 1000 Mormons believed in living so that they shared everything in the community.

75 Mormon Push Factors - 1000 What is a communal society

76 Letter “P” - 200 Theme of Geography that would describe what resources the immigrants looked for to make their settlements.

77 Letter “P” - 200 What is place

78 Letter “P” – 400 Name for people who are first to find new land or start new settlements or new ideas.

79 Letter “P” - 400 What are pioneers

80 Letter “P” - 600 Place where the railroads joined together.

81 Letter “P” - 600 What is promontory

82 Letter “P” - 800 Funds people could borrow to pay for their journey to Utah, they would then pay the money back and it would be loaned to others.

83 Letter “P” - 800 What is Perpetual Emigration Fund

84 Letter “P” - 1000 Term for causing people to suffer because of their religious beliefs.

85 Letter “P” - 1000 What is persecution

86 Mormon Problem - 200 First state the Mormons were chased out of.

87 Mormon Problem - 200 What is New York

88 Mormon Problem - 400 Term for having on man married to more than one wife, which non-Mormon despised.

89 Mormon Problem - 400 What is polygamy

90 Mormon Problem - 600 Second gathering place for Mormons.

91 Mormon Problem - 600 What is Ohio

92 Mormon Problem - 800 That state Mormons were forced to leave or be killed.

93 Mormon Problem - 800 What is Missouri

94 Mormon Problem - 1000 Joseph Smith was arrested, put in jail, and killed in this state.

95 Mormon Problem - 1000 What is Illinois

96 Migrate - 200 Slowest and usual mean of travel to Utah by the pioneers.

97 Migrate - 200 What is oxen

98 Migrate - 400 Built a trail from Fort Bridger into the Salt Lake Valley that the first company of Mormon pioneers followed.

99 Migrate - 400 Who is the Donner Reed Party

100 Migrate - 600 1856 Pioneers started to use these to carry their possessions to Utah to save money. They often went hungry as they traveled.

101 Migrate - 600 What are handcarts

102 Migrate - 800 Farm boys sent east to pick up immigrants and bring them to Utah.

103 Migrate - 800 What are Down and Back Wagons

104 Migrate - 1000 Two terms that mean to leave an area or to enter an area.

105 Migrate - 1000 What are emigrate and immigrate

106 Places - 200 State where Mormonism started.

107 Places - 200 What is New York

108 Places - 400 Largest city in Illinois during the 1840s. Built by the Mormons.

109 Places - 400 What is Nauvoo

110 Places - 600 Where farms were located in Mormon settlements.

111 Places - 600 What is outside the city

112 Places - 800 Mount Pisgah and Garden Grove are places where Mormons did this to feed the pioneers coming after them from Illinois.

113 Places - 800 What is planting crops

114 Places - 1000 Area where Mormons were harassed and had the most difficult time.

115 Places - 1000 What is Missouri

116 Everything Else - 200 When people are forced to leave an area.

117 Everything Else - 200 What is forced migration

118 Everything Else - 400 Area Mormon pioneers were headed to was owned by this country.

119 Everything Else - 400 What is Mexico

120 Everything Else - 600 Title of the area Mormon were heading towards, not Utah

121 Everything Else - 600 What is Upper California

122 Everything Else - 800 Brigham Young led the advanced group of Mormons to this area in the west.

123 Everything Else - 800 Utah

124 Everything Else - 1000 When people choose to immigrate from Europe to settle in Utah.

125 Everything Else - 1000 What is voluntary migration

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