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Going Beyond Criminalisation: Engaging the Key Affected Populations (KAP) in the consultative process of the Global Fund New Funding Module (NFM) in a.

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2 Going Beyond Criminalisation: Engaging the Key Affected Populations (KAP) in the consultative process of the Global Fund New Funding Module (NFM) in a Challenging Environment Gabriel Ikor Undelikwo Joy Backory Bilali Camara

3 Presentation outline  The Background  Methodology  Outcome of the process  Lessons learnt  Key recommendation  Conclusion

4 Background One of the Technical Assistance demanded from UNAIDS under the Global Fund New funding model(NFM)was to facilitate a meaningful engagement of key affected population (KAP) in the processes leading to the Concept Note & grant making with following objectives :  Systematize and strengthen the KAP, PLWD and CSO engagement throughout the NFM process and grant cycle.  Empower KAP member(s) to engage their constituencies in the robust and inclusive NFM process.  Strengthen in-country network capacities to engage with the NFM process through adequate technical assistance support  Foster an innovative platform for better communication and joint strategy building between & among KAP constituencies

5 Background UNAIDS Nigeria piloted consultative process including the development of KAP Engagement Plan & involvement of KAP (HIV/TB) in a less-friendly environment :  The “Same sex marriage prohibition act (2013)’’ prohibiting gay organisations and meetings, their sustenance and engagement.  All stakeholders were nervous and unwilling to work with the Key populations  Tension amongst FSW & PWID who suffered rights abuse, were marginalized but scared of engaging with MSM.  The KAPs had no prior involvement in any national consultation or planning process.  The KAP groups had no formal structures for engagement  Relevant government agencies and the KAP community harboured mutual suspicion of each other  The LGBTI community suffered a division within the period arising from the Cotonou meeting called in reaction to the Same sex law

6 Methodology  Close doors negotiations between the UNAIDS Country Director and the national authorities with a verbal agreement reached that UNAIDS can facilitate the consultations involving FSW, MSM and PWID. NACA issued a press release on access to services not limited by same sex marriage prohibition law.  The UCD appointed the UCO Community Mobilization Adviser and his counterpart in RST-Dakar to facilitate the consultations  A comprehensive consultative process was initiated including :  confidence building and role clarification,  Pre consultation meeting and identification of community members  Identification of focal persons and representations of the various KAP constituents  National meeting with relevant stakeholders and Community members to agree on the engagement plan.  Develop TOR for Consultants, provided oversight & facilitation of the meetings.

7 Methodology Cont.  The National Consultation meeting to adopt the intervention priorities of the key affected population to be included in the concept note  An experience sharing workshop on best practices of KAP engagement and empowerment.  Focused group discussions held in selected states and validated at KAP constituent meetings to generate priorities & strategic information.  engagement in the various stages of the Concept Note development  A KAP Committee was inaugurated with a secretariat to act a coordination and feedback structure.  Feedback meetings and dialogues on the grant making, Community System strengthening and KAP representations in CCM

8 Outcome of the process  An unprecedented participation of KAP groups in the Concept Note development processes was achieved with a $15m allocated for MSM, FSW and IDU interventions  A sustainable consultative structure for KAP engagement and joint strategy building in the Country established.  The mutual mistrust and apprehension by National AIDS Control Agency and the KAP groups in engaging with each other was resolved and a focal point for issues relating to Key Affected population created in the Agency  Shared understanding of priorities, opportunities and challenges of KAP and how to accelerate progress

9 Outcome of the process  The National Association of Nigeria Female Sex Workers formalized  The first ever national stakeholders consultation on PWID held and PWID identified for subsequent engagement.  An Examination and review of current KAP size estimations & identification of priority for further data improvement.  New allies and Stakeholders identified for KAP  KAP networks have stronger knowledge of the NFM process and could engaged in the CCM membership nomination process

10 Some Key lessons Learnt  Within a conservative environment, tactful approaches drawing on officials’ professionalism & empowering the community members can generate a more inclusive and meaningful KAP participatory processes and build their confidence  Addressing prohibitive laws, and policies requires a combination of strategies but access to services represent a good entry point  The involvement of representatives of key affected populations and other stakeholders promoted ownership and provided a rare opportunity for marginalized groups to be part of National processes and break down barriers.  The existing data on KAP estimates and evidence from the Focus groups discussions provided strong evidence to advocate for programmes that addresses KAP issues and rationale for prioritizing action.  It is very productive within a challenging environment to adopt silent diplomacy, build alliances and partnership through gradual engagement and enlightenments of critical stakeholders.

11 Recommendations  We need to sustain a focus on access to services and engagement with service providers to enhance their understanding and appreciation of sexual diversity, KP issues and warming up the situation for a bottom-up policy dialogue.  We need to limit the apparent impression that promotion of KP issues and rights are externally driven devoid of local content by empowering national institutions and networks to play leading roles.  The promotion of subtle diplomacy and behind the doors engagement of stakeholders should be sustained as it seems to accomplish more within a challenging environment.

12 Appreciation Global Fund NACA MSM,FSW,PWID Communities Consultants & Facilitators UNAIDS, UNDP, UNODC

13 Conclusion Thank you Merci

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