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The ABC’s of Kindergarten Curriculum Night 2014 Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Johns.

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Presentation on theme: "The ABC’s of Kindergarten Curriculum Night 2014 Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Johns."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ABC’s of Kindergarten Curriculum Night 2014 Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Johns

2 A-Attendance- Please send a note to school explaining your child’s absence. Please refer to “Attendance Protocol” guidelines concerning multiple absences. “Animal friends” B-Behavior Management- “Stoplight” behavior chart in our classroom: Green-Great Behavior Black- Warning (sit out 5 minutes at recess) Yellow- Caution (sits out 10 minutes at recess) Red- Stop (No recess and phone call to parents) Birthdays- Special treats at lunchtime. Buddy Folder- Goes home daily and has reading log inside. Behavior Chart- will be sent home daily in buddy folder and needs to be initialed and returned each day. “Book in the bag”-Coming Soon…

3 C-Clinic- the Clinic nurse is on duty from 8- 3:30. Conferences- October 20-24 CAFÉ- Guided Reading strategies Communication! Calendar Math Character Education- life skills Cooperative Learning Celebrations! D-Dismissal- Any changes need to be written and in your child’s buddy folder. Daily Schedule-Changes may occur. Daily 5 E-Envelopes-Money and notes always need to be labeled. Email:

4 F- Field Trips- Enrichment activities to enhance your child’s learning. Must have signed permission slips. “Fuzzies”- chart for positive reinforcement, given randomly for outstanding behavior and acts of kindness! 5 fuzzies= a trip to our treasure box! Fridays-Always wear your spirit wear! G-Guests-Must register in the office and get a visitor sticker. Guided Reading- Reading groups daily /Independent Levels H-Help Wanted-Always! Healthy Snack daily- Extra snacks and treats always welcomed! Please do not pack snacks in your child’s lunchbox. Handwriting- Zaner-Bloser and always neat!

5 I-Identify all belongings-Label book bags, lunch boxes, etc. J-Journals- daily writing for all students. K-Kindergarten is Cool!!! L- Library-We will visit the library weekly to check out books. Literacy Tasks- Our centers are Monday-Thursday from 9:00-10:00. Center parents are necessary and greatly appreciated! Room Moms will be contacting you. Lunch-Please join us! Our lunchtime is 10:18-10:48 except on early release days or other special days. M- Mystery Reader-Will be setting up readers for every other Friday. Medicine-Will be in the clinic and given by the nurse.

6 N-Newsletter-Will be sent home on Mondays. (Hoppin’ Happenings) O-Organized- I try to be! P- Parties- Only one party per year is permitted. Positive Discipline and reinforcements- “Fuzzies” Phonics-Teaches sounds, blending of words, syllables, etc PTA- please join. Purple Powerful Poetry Folder- Sent home on Fridays. Q- Questions- please feel free to ask them! R-Read at home! - Record in your reading logs! Report cards- Sent home every nine weeks Routine- Important for young children. Rest towel- Small towel and will be sent home on Fridays for washing.

7 S-Sight Words Snacks- one sent daily, no drinks please, except for water Science Lab! T- Teachers: P.E. - Mrs. Janas and Coach Devore Music- Mrs. Mason Art- Mrs. Armstrong Guidance- Ms. Wixon Computer Lab- Ms. Taylor Thinking Maps THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!!! U- Unique- We recognize each child as a unique individual. V- Volunteers- Volunteers are needed in many areas of our school. W- Wish List- Optional and see board. Writing Workshop- instruction given daily in our classroom! Water Bottles welcome

8 X- eXtra special- that’s what each child is to Me! Y- You! You are special too! Please be a partner in your child’s education. Z-Zaner-Bloser- handwriting program Zoom…. We’re on our way to a great year in kindergarten! Thank you, Parents! Together, we will make this a great year for your child, from A to Z!!!!!

9 Information from Administration Car Rider Procedures at Morning drop off/car pool line begins at 7:20. Late afternoon check out needs to occur prior to 2:00. From 2:00-2:30, our front office is very busy with dismissal. Attendance Policy Bus Lot/Fire Lane Transportation Changes Mandated Reporter Law Buzz In System

10 Wellness Wednesdays ➢ Students are encouraged to bring fresh fruit or veggies for snack each Wednesday. ➢ Fruit donations are provided to one grade level each week. ➢ Our Partners in Education and other local businesses in our community are sponsoring this program. Please visit them. ➢ Parents: The cost is $30 to sponsor a grade level. Please consider sponsoring a week for this great program. Visit for more info or email

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