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GAMING IN LIBRARIES CE Jamboree May, 2008 WHY WON’T THEY JUST GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY????? (this is NOT the title or sentiment of today’s class!)

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Presentation on theme: "GAMING IN LIBRARIES CE Jamboree May, 2008 WHY WON’T THEY JUST GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY????? (this is NOT the title or sentiment of today’s class!)"— Presentation transcript:


2 GAMING IN LIBRARIES CE Jamboree May, 2008

3 WHY WON’T THEY JUST GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY????? (this is NOT the title or sentiment of today’s class!)

4 Emily’s Ground Rules: Open your minds to a new perspective Remember--we WANT young people in the library Put on the proper “hat”

5 Quick Poll: Who in the room allows games on library computers? Who in the room has held a game-related event at the library? Who in the room has played anything that would be considered an electronic game? Who in the room just thinks, “I’m too old for this junk—let’s just turn off the computers altogether!” ?

6 What do you think? What is the average age of gamers? What percentage of video games sold world- wide carry the “M-for-Mature” rating? True or False: Women 18 and older make up a higher percentage of the game playing population than Males 17 and younger.

7 So...WHY GAMING? Because gaming in libraries involves: Literacy Narrative Community

8 So...WHY GAMING? LITERACY Narrative Community

9 Literacy—Then... Traditional definition: The quality or state of being EDUCATED or CULTURED Traditional process: Research, reading, writing, interpreting Traditional library service: reference and research (non-fiction)

10 Literacy—Now... Today’s definition: No change! Today’s process: “Street-smart” vs. “Book- smart” Today’s library service: Allow gamers to research their hobbies by purchasing books and magazines about gaming

11 So...WHY GAMING? Literacy NARRATIVE Community

12 Narrative—Then... Traditional definition: Something that is narrated, i.e. a story Traditional process: Involves plots, characters, settings, etc. Traditional library service: collections of fiction books for all ages

13 Narrative—Now... Today’s definition: No change! Today’s process: Production vs. consumption Today’s library service: Allow patrons to produce their own stories by playing games on library computers

14 So...WHY GAMING? Literacy Narrative COMMUNITY

15 Community—Then... Traditional definition: A unified body of individuals Traditional process: A group of people meet together in a common location for a shared purpose. Traditional library service: Story times

16 Community—Now... Today’s definition: No change! Today’s process: Real vs. virtual locations Today’s library service: Allow local gamers to interact during a game night at the library

17 Consider Quilting… Literacy: We offer books about quilt patterns, techniques; we make copies of patterns on our photocopier Narrative: We buy fiction books about quilts (Jennifer Chiaverini—Circle of Quilters) Community: We allow the local Quilters’ Club to meet in our library meeting room

18 Why should gaming be treated any differently than quilting?

19 What’s RUNESCAPE? Massive Multi- Player Online Role- Playing Game (MMPORPG)

20 Literacy & RuneScape

21 Narrative & RuneScape

22 Community & RuneScape

23 Game Night at N.C.L. Friday, April 20 th. 6 pm to 9 pm Pre-registration required—limited to 12 kids All kids must have parent-signed Internet User Agreement on file Kids would be “locked-in” Menu: pizza, Mt. Dew, snacks (all free) We only have 7 public computers, so movies and traditional games were also available

24 Game Night at N.C.L.

25 Results were OUTSTANDING! Most asked “When can we do it again?” Most offered to help pay for food next time Most now greet us with a smile and by name Best: The story of Shawn…

26 So...WHY GAMING? Literacy Narrative Community

27 Something to Consider... What if computer gaming was invented before books?

28 Resources Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making You Smarter--By Steven Johnson Available on SILO “Why Gaming” in Library Technology Reports, Sept. – Oct., 2006. Available in Full Text on EBSCO

29 Go home and Get Gaming!


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