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Presentation on theme: "LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:


2 Library Information System
Conceptualization Library: Books, Journals and Newspapers Members: Register, Browse, Borrow and Return Librarian: Issue, Renew, Order and Validate Supplier: Supply

3 Library Information System
Analysis: Identify Function Points Actors Members Librarian Supplier Use-cases Member registers details Member browses, borrows and returns books Librarian orders for new books Supplier ships to Library Librarian updates details

4 Use Cases and Actors

5 Use Case Diagram

6 Library Information System
Analysis: Identify Scenarios Scenario 1 Member registers details Librarian issues ID card and library cards Member browses and borrows books Member Shows ID card Librarian validates the ID Card Failure? Invalid ID card Exit Loop Member browses Member selects the books Librarian enters details Member presents library cards Librarian accepts the cards Issues books Member done

7 Library Information System
Analysis: Identify Scenarios Scenario 2 Member returns book Librarian checks due date Pay fine if date exceeded Librarian updates details in the register Librarian returns library cards Librarian stacks books in the rack

8 Activity Diagram for Member Registration process

9 Activity diagram for Book Browsing and Borrowing process

10 Activity Diagram for Book Return process

11 LIS (Classes) Design: Identify Classes Library Librarian Members
Student Staff Supplier Books Reference Regular

12 Classes With Names

13 Library Information System
Design: Identify Inheritance Relationships Among Classes Inheritance Reference book is-a Book Regular Book is-a Book Student is-a Member Staff is-a Member

14 Classes with Inheritance

15 Library Information System
Design: Identify Attributes of Classes Isolated class design - attributes Library Name CourseName ContactNumber Book Id Author Price Publisher Category ReferenceBook RegularBook Status Librarian Address PhoneNo Supplier Name Address PhoneNo Member MemberNo ContactNo Student CoursePersuing Staff

16 Classes with Attributes

17 Library Information System
Design: Identify Methods of Classes Class methods Member Borrow() Return() PayFine() Student Staff Book ReferenceBook RegularBook DateofIssue() DateofReturn() Librarian EnterDetails() IssueIDCard() RenewIDCard() IssueForm() RecieveForm() ValidateForm() ValidateIDCard() IssueBook() ReceiveBook() RenewBook() OrderNewBook() Supplier Supply() Sell() Library AddMember() DeleteMember() AddNewBook() DiscardOldBook() RequestNewBook() PurchaseBook()

18 Classes with Methods and Relationships

19 Library Information System
Analysis: Identify Objects Member browses and borrows/returns books and other items Present ID Card Get Member object Librarian validates Member ID Failure? Invalid Exit Success Member object initialized Member permitted to borrow books Loop Member browses for/returns book Get/stack books from/in book rack Member selects/Stacks book Member object created SelectedBook/ReturnedBook object created from the books selected/returned Librarian enters details Librarian requests/returns Library cards Member/Librarian signs register SelectedBook/ReturnBook object authorized Member takes the book/Library Cards

20 Sequence Diagram for Member Registration process

21 Sequence diagram for Book Borrow process

22 Sequence Diagram for Book Return process

23 Collaboration Diagram for Member Registration process

24 Collaboration Diagram for Book Borrow process

25 Collaboration Diagram for Member Book Return process

26 Component Diagram Member Registration

27 Component Diagram for Book Borrow and Book Return Process

28 Database Modeling Member.db SupplierInfo.tbl Books.tbl transaction.tbl
LibraryInfo.db StudentInfo.tbl SupplierInfo.tbl Books.tbl transaction.tbl StaffInfo.tbl

29 Object Diagram Object Diagram for Library Information System

30 Thank You


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