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Science Geography Music Easy ($1,000) Medium ($10,000) Difficult ($100,000) Hard ($1,000,000) Easy ($1,000) Easy ($1,000) Easy ($1,000) Medium ($10,000)

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Presentation on theme: "Science Geography Music Easy ($1,000) Medium ($10,000) Difficult ($100,000) Hard ($1,000,000) Easy ($1,000) Easy ($1,000) Easy ($1,000) Medium ($10,000)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Science Geography Music Easy ($1,000) Medium ($10,000) Difficult ($100,000) Hard ($1,000,000) Easy ($1,000) Easy ($1,000) Easy ($1,000) Medium ($10,000) Medium ($10,000) Medium ($10,000) Difficult ($100,000) Hard ($1,000,000) Difficult ($100,000) Difficult ($100,000) Hard ($1,000,000) Hard ($1,000,000) Sports

3 1. What does your heart pump?____________ 2. Which is the nearest star?____________ 3. Which is heavier, gold or silver?____________ 4. How many sides does a triangle have?____________ 5. What is H20?____________ 6. How many legs does a butterfly have?____________

4 1.Blood 2.The Sun 3.Gold 4.Three 5.Water 6.Six

5 1. Which is bigger, a lake or an ocean?____________ 2. Which country has the most people?____________ 3. What is the capital city of Norway?____________ 4. What is the biggest state in the U.S.A.?____________ 5. Which country has the biggest land area?____________ 6. In which ocean is Hawaii?____________

6 1.An Ocean 2.India 3.Oslo 4.Alaska 5.Russia 6.Pacific Ocean

7 1. What sport is played at Wimbledon?____________ 2. In which country were the 2008 Olympic Games held?____________ 3. What country does the football player Rivaldo come from?____________ 4. What is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.?____________ 5. In which sport was Muhammad Ali the world champion? ____________ 6. Which famous golf player's mother comes from Thailand? ____________

8 1.Tennis 2.China 3.Brazil 4.Basketball 5.Boxing 6.Tiger Woods

9 1. How many strings does a violin have?____________ 2. Where was Ricky Martin born?____________ 3. What pop group is Howie D. in?____________ 4. Which singer usually sings rap music, Mariah Carey or Eminem? ____________ 5. Which instrument is often used in jazz music, a saxophone or a tuba?____________ 6. What nationality is Robbie Williams?____________

10 1.Four 2.Puerto Rico 3.Backstreet Boys 4.Eminem 5.Saxophone 6.English

11 1. Blood is filtered by which pair of organs?____________ 2. Which planet is the fifth from the sun?____________ 3. Who developed the theory of relativity?____________ 4. Which chemical element is represented by the symbol N?____________ 5. In which organelle of a living cell is DNA found?____________ 6. Which travel faster, light or sound waves?____________

12 1.Kidneys 2.Jupiter 3.Albert Einstein 4.Nitrogen 5.Nucleus 6.Light Waves

13 1. In which country is Mount Everest?____________ 2. Which continent has the biggest population?____________ 3. What is the capital city of New Zealand?____________ 4. In which continent is the Sahara desert?____________ 5. Name the two longest rivers in the world.____________ 6. Which ocean is to the east of Africa?____________

14 1.Nepal 2.Asia 3.Wellington 4.Africa 5.Amazon & Nile 6.Indian Ocean

15 1. What is longest running race in the Olympic Games called?____________ 2. Who won the 2003 British Open golf tournament?____________ 3. In snooker, what is the colour of the last ball potted?____________ 4. What nationality is the tennis player Lleyton Hewitt?____________ 5. In which sport can you throw a 'curve ball'?____________ 6. Which team won the 2003 Formula One car racing championship?____________

16 1.The Marathon 2.Ben Curtis 3.Black 4.Australian 5.Baseball 6.Ferrari

17 1. Which pop singer married British movie director Guy Ritchie?____________ 2. Which rock group did George Harrison belong to?____________ 3. Which classical composer became deaf near the end of his life?____________ 4. How many strings does a bass guitar usually have?____________ 5. In what country did reggae music originate?____________ 6. How many instruments are there in a string quintet?____________

18 1.Madonna 2.The Beatles 3.Beetoven 4.Four 5.Jamaica 6.Five

19 1. Which vitamin is abundant in citrus fruits?____________ 2. What instrument is used for measuring temperature?____________ 3. Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?____________ 4. What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?____________ 5. What do we call a shape with eight sides?____________ 6. What is the study of plants called?____________

20 1.Vitamin C 2.A Thermometer 3.Charles Darwin 4.Carbon Dioxide 5.Octagon 6.Botany

21 1. Which South American country has the greatest land area?____________ 2. What is the capital city of Sri Lanka?____________ 3. Which climate is generally hotter and more humid, tropical or temperate?____________ 4. What do we call a mountain which could erupt?____________ 5. Antarctica covers which of the earth's poles?____________ 6. On which continent is Sierra Leone?____________

22 1.Brazil 2.Colombo 3.Tropical 4.Volcano 5.South Pole 6.Africa

23 1. In which sport would you use a 'sand iron'?____________ 2. In boxing, what do the letters K.O. stand for?____________ 3. Baseball originated in the U.S.A. in which century?____________ 4. How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol?____________ 5. Which country won the 1998 FIFA World Cup football tournament?____________ 6. Who won the 2003 Wimbledon women's tennis championship? ____________

24 1.Golf 2.Knock Out 3.19 th Century 4.Five 5.France 6.Serena Williams

25 1. Which female pop singer had a hit called 'Baby, One More Time'?____________ 2. What pop group was Michael Jackson in when he was young?____________ 3. What type of music did Louis Armstrong play?____________ 4. What does an orchestra's conductor wave to keep time? ____________ 5. What nationality was Mozart?____________ 6. Which rock group is Michael Stipe the lead singer of?____________

26 1.Britney Spears 2.The Jackson Five 3.Jazz 4.A Baton 5.Austrian 6.REM

27 1. Triton is a moon of which planet?____________ 2. For what process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water?____________ 3. Which physicist wrote a book called 'A Brief History of Time'? ____________ 4. Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Zn?____________ 5. In which organ of the body is the cerebrum found?____________ 6. What do we call the study of birds?____________

28 1.Neptune 2.Photosynthesis 3.Stephen Hawking 4.Zinc 5.Brain 6.Ornithology

29 1. In which country is the world's highest waterfall?____________ 2. What natural phenomena are measured by the 'Richter scale'?____________ 3. Which two oceans does the Panama Canal link?____________ 4. What is South America's highest mountain range?____________ 5. What is the capital city of Kenya?____________ 6. What is the line of latitude 23.5 degrees north of the equator called? ____________

30 1.Venezuela 2.Earthquakes 3.Atlantic & Pacific 4.The Andes 5.Nairobi 6.Tropic of Cancer

31 1. In which athletic event is a heavy metal ball thrown?____________ 2. In what sport could you 'hit a six' or 'bowl a leg spinner'?____________ 3. Golf was first played in which country?____________ 4. In which sport could you find yourself in a headlock?____________ 5. In which sport are a bow and arrow used?____________ 6. What does a third-place getter at the Olympic Games win?

32 1.Shot Put 2.Cricket 3.Scotland 4.Wrestling 5.Archery 6.Bronze Medal

33 1. What instrument did the jazz musician Miles Davis play?____________ 2. Which British rock group do Liam and Noel Gallagher belong to?____________ 3. Which instrument has keys, pedals and strings?____________ 4. In which country is a 'gamelan orchestra' most commonly found?____________ 5. Who wrote the song entitled 'Yesterday'?____________ 6. Which is the largest stringed instrument in a classical orchestra?____________

34 1.Trumpet 2.Oasis 3.Piano 4.Indonesia 5.Paul McCarney 6.Double Bass

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