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Ex Nutr c2-fuel source1 Michael Phelp’s diet 193 cm, 85 kg, 8% body fat Very high metabolic rate Burning more calorie sitting than most people burn walking.

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Presentation on theme: "Ex Nutr c2-fuel source1 Michael Phelp’s diet 193 cm, 85 kg, 8% body fat Very high metabolic rate Burning more calorie sitting than most people burn walking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source1 Michael Phelp’s diet 193 cm, 85 kg, 8% body fat Very high metabolic rate Burning more calorie sitting than most people burn walking Consume 12,000 kcal/day Burn 1000 kcal/hr in training High CHO, mostly refined CHO Quick digestion, faster energy source Only has ~1 hr between competitions Relatively high fat, not suitable for every athletes if you’ve got to eat that much, it better be enjoyable, or you won’t be able to keep up

2 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source2 Michael Phelp’s breakfast 14 14 3 fried egg sandwiches: cheese; tomatoes; lettuce; fried onions; mayonnaise 3 chocolate-chip pancakes 5-egg omelette 3 sugar-coated slices of French toast bowl of grits ( 玉米糊 ) 2 cups of coffee

3 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source3 Michael Phelp’s lunch 500 g enriched pasta 2 large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise on white bread 1000 kcal energy drinks

4 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source4 Michael Phelp’s dinner 500 g pasta, with carbonara sauce based on eggs, cheese, bacon, black pepper 1 large pizza 1000 kcal energy drinks

5 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source5

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7 7 Fuel Stores in Skeletal Muscle Glycogen – 13-18 g/kg wet weight (75-100mmol glucosyl units/kg w.w.) ~300 g glycogen in leg muscles Triacylglycerol – 12 g/kg w.w. Plasma-derived FA only ~50% total FA oxidized during exercise Reduction of 25-35% in intramuscular TG after 1-2 hr at 55-70% VO2max Fat oxidation alone can only supply ATP at rate to maintain intensity of 60% VO2max Protein: only stored as functionally important molecules

8 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source8

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11 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source11 Regulation of Energy Metabolism Hormones- Epinephrine Insulin Glucagon Cortisol Growth Hormone Sex-hormone binding protein (SHBG), total T/SHBG Intramuscular Factors ATP/ADP Pi AMPCa + Sympathetic nervous system - Norepinephrine

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16 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source16 Causes of Fatigue in High-Intensity Ex Can maintain 95-100% VO2max for ~ 5 min Power/force drop ~40-60% during 30s all-out ex Causes of fatigue Lactate, H+ (questionable) Ca transport slow, reduction in Ca re-uptake by SR Excitation-coupling failure, reduced nervous drive at spinal level In repeated bouts, incomplete PCr resynthesis during recovery between successive bouts

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21 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source21 Causes of Fatigue in Prolonged Ex Depletion of CHO Muscle CHO can fuel ~80 min ex at marathon- running pace (~19 kcal/min) Inability of fat oxidation to increase sufficiently to offset the deficit Ingestion of CHO during prolonged ex ↓muscle glycogen utilization, fat mobilization and oxidation ↑CHO oxidation, endurance capacity

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36 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source36 Metabolic adaptation to training Adaptations to aerobic endurance training ↑capacity to oxidize fat and CHO ↑relative cross-sectional area of type I fiber ↑intramuscular TG ↑capacity to use fat during submax ex Training for strength, power, or speed ↑ATP, PCr, glycolytic energy delivery systems ↑muscle buffering capacity Stretch, contraction, damage to muscle fibers during exercise provide stimuli for adaptation

37 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source37 Influence of endurance training on hormonal response to prolonged ex

38 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source38

39 Ex Nutr c2-fuel source39

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