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Ergonomics  An Overview of Repetitive Motion and Cumulative Trauma Injury reduction in the workplace.

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2 Ergonomics  An Overview of Repetitive Motion and Cumulative Trauma Injury reduction in the workplace.

3 What is ergonomics?  Ergonomics is a science that focuses on human capabilities and limitations in the design of jobs, workstations, tools and equipment.  Ergonomics programs seek to reduce Cumulative Trauma and Repetitive Motion Injuries. (CTI’s and RMI’s)

4 Common Injuries associated with CTI’s and RMI’s  When the space between the wrist bones and ligaments narrows and compresses the median nerve.

5 Common Injuries associated with CTI’s and RMI’s  Low Back strain - over exertion of the muscles in the lower back. Caused by taking the muscle beyond its normal range of motion or by repetitive twisting or stooping.

6 What can be done to prevent injuries?  Establish ergonomics  An Ergonomics Program should include:  Hazard Identification  Job Analysis  Training  Equipment  Medical Management  Program Evaluation

7 Hazard Identification  Management commitment and employee participation are critical.  Review employee complaints (from safety meetings or interviews) and injury logs to identify potential problem areas.

8 Evaluate Work Stations  As you look at the work station, ask the following questions:  Is there excessive wrist movement?  Is there excessive vibration?  Is there repetitive lifting (especially over chest height)?

9 Evaluate Work Stations  As you look at the work station, ask the following questions:  Is the employee required to sit or stand for long periods of time?  Are any awkward postures required?  What are the temperatures in the work environment?

10 Identify and Correct Problems  If problems are found, work with employees, safety personnel, medical personnel, and management, to develop solutions.  Understand that minimal changes to work stations yield tremendous results in alleviating problem areas.

11 Sitting and Standing Solutions  Some simple solutions may include:  Changing the height of a table or chair to allow plenty of clearance between the top of legs and bottom of table or desk.  Placing padding on a floor surface to reduce leg strain.  The chair used should adequately support your posterior, back legs, and permit smooth movement.  Desk and chair should allow easy range of motion at workstation.  Placing raw materials where they are easy to reach.  Workstation height should be adjustable and determined by the activity involved.

12 Training  Solution may be achieved through employee training.  Back Care  Posture  Job Rotation  Pre-Work and Break Time Exercise  Proper use of braces, belts, and other safety devices.  Knowledge is a powerful tool in the prevention of CTI's/ RMI’s.

13 Safety Equipment  PPE  Wrist Braces  Back Belts  Gloves  Shoes  Material Handling  Hand Trucks  Adjustable Work Tables and Chairs  Conveyors  Office/Computer  Video glare reduction  Adjustable equipment

14 Medical Management  Establish a baseline - this is done by evaluation of employee injury history or by pre-employment physical examinations.  Monitor employee injury data to match the employee to the job.  Encourage employee “wellness”  Exercise programs  Nutrition  Frequent check-ups  When appropriate, use exercise and work hardening in the treatment program for employees with CTI’s / RMI’s.

15 Regulations  OSHA currently has a proposed regulation on ergonomics.  California has adopted CCR 8:5110 as their ergonomics standard.  Check state plans for variations.

16 Summary Points  The most common injury in the workplace is the sprain/strain injury.  Effective ergonomic programs can minimize the number of sprain/strain injuries.  In most cases, the solutions to ergonomic problems are not cost prohibitive and do not require major design changes.  Employee participation and management commitment are critical to the success of the program.

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