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What is sustainability? Define sustainability. Draw the 3 circles of sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "What is sustainability? Define sustainability. Draw the 3 circles of sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is sustainability? Define sustainability. Draw the 3 circles of sustainability.

2 Sustainability Lesson "Human needs" refers to the basics of human life. The primary needs include income, shelter, food, water, safety, and health. – others might argue that educational and spiritual components should be included.

3 Sustainability Sustainable development means meeting basic needs in a way that protects our environment for future generations to enjoy. There appear to be four basic parts of SD – human needs technology needs economics needs environmental needs.

4 "Economic needs" refers to monetary systems used by human beings in their activities. most individuals (and nations) seek to improve their economic status, increasing their incomes in order that more goods and/or services can be bought.

5 " Technology needs " refers to the tools, methods, and/or systems used by humans. – These include energy production, the use of natural resources, manufacturing, communication, transportation, and others. – Humans use technologies to help them meet their economic needs.

6 "Environmental needs" refers to the protection, preservation, and conservation of biotic and abiotic resources in the natural world.

7 Solid and hazardous waste Solid waste= solid materials such as paper, metals and yard waste that are thrown away

8 Hazardous Waste: Waste that is very dangerous to living things and the environment.

9 Solid waste Divided into two categories: Biodegradaeble nonbiodegradeable

10 Sources: Municipal solid waste=garbage generated by homes, businesses and institutions Household hazardous waste=Harmful wastes like paint and batteries generated by households

11 Municipal solid waste Garbage, trash, rubbish Most common is paper, packaging, cardboard Hazardous waste includes paint, bleach, batteries, lawn chemicals

12 Agricultural solid waste 13 % of our solid waste Crop and animal waste

13 Industrial solid waste Waste from manufacturing and other industrial processes Examples: sludge=semisolid leftovers from the sewage treatment process Fly ash=waste ash from coal-burning electrical power plants slag=the waste leftover from smelting

14 Open dumps A place where garbage is dumped without environmental conrol Pests attracted, caught fire, odor, water seeped from landfill into water systems

15 Sanitary landfill A site for disposing of solid waste on land Waste spread in 3 m deep holes, compacted, soil added to top Often has a plastic liner and compacted clay at bottom May have a leachate collection system


17 Incinerator A facility where trash is burned instead of being buried in a landfill

18 Recycling and composting recycling=a process designed to recover value from waste Reduce, reuse, recycle composting=another way to remove waste from the waste stream Composting converts organic matter into fertilizers for gardens...

19 How to make compost Just layer organic materials -- garden clippings, dry leaves, kitchen vegetable scraps, shredded paper -- and a dash of soil to create a concoction that turns into humus, the best soil builder around. Avoid meat/dairy items because they attract animals and bugs.

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