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Vocabulary Unit 1 Materials: Bubble map Notebook paper.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 1 Materials: Bubble map Notebook paper

2 Today’s Goals: ► I can understand the meaning of the root Ab and the meaning of consent and convene. ► I can write using abandon correctly. ► I can write using the correct meaning of convene and consent. ► I can complete quickwrites using the unit’s words.

3 Consent – noun and verb n. An agreement on an opinion or course of action Read the batman box for the word consent used as a NOUN. v. To give permission, permit, or approve Example Sentence: ► Ms. Johnson’s students must have her consent before they can leave the classroom. ► NOW….in the batman box, write a sentence using Consent.

4 Convene –verb v. To come together or assemble, usually for some public purpose ► Example Sentence: ► We convene every Friday for VOCAB FRIDAY!. ► NOW….in the batman box, write a sentence using Consent.

5 Ab ► Ab - absent  Abduct  Abide  Abnormal  Abolish  Abandon

6 Abandon ► Get started on the BUBBLE Map. ► You have 5 minutes.

7 QUICKWRITES Review for Vocab Test Oct. 12th 1.Write a sentence using evanescent when describing the British taking over the Native Indians’ land. 2.Describe the major component to an effective argument. 3.What was one time your parent/guardian consented to something you really wanted to do. 4.Describe a time that would not be convenient for you to convene for school. 5.Describe a time when you decided to abandon your responsibilities to do something fun.

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