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SENIOR SEMINAR: FINAL PROJECTS ED 495 Fall 2015. Senior Seminar Final Projects 1. Action Research Project 2. Portfolio Brochure 3. Digication Portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "SENIOR SEMINAR: FINAL PROJECTS ED 495 Fall 2015. Senior Seminar Final Projects 1. Action Research Project 2. Portfolio Brochure 3. Digication Portfolio."— Presentation transcript:


2 Senior Seminar Final Projects 1. Action Research Project 2. Portfolio Brochure 3. Digication Portfolio

3 Final Countdown DateTopics & ReadingsAssignments Due 11/16Ethics & the Law no readings Portfolio Artifacts (2 domains) 11/23Keeping it Together Burant et al. (2010) Chapter 2 (pp. 67-82) Chapter 3 (pp. 180-181) Chapter 4 (pp. 251-283) Portfolio Artifacts (2 domains) 11/30Brochure Presentations (Our last class) Burant, Chapter 5 (pp. 339- 353) Action Research 5 & FINAL Brochure FINAL (bring 1 hard copy to class) 12/7In lieu of a final examDigication Portfolio FINAL

4 Action Research Project

5 1. Action Research Final Submission Submit all 5 entries and your appendix as one document. Double-space your entries. Add a cover page that includes: The Title of Your Action Research Project Your Name November 30, 2015 ED 495

6 AR Final Submission Format Title each entry by number, name, and original entry date: Entry #1: Introduction (September 21, 2015) Entry #2: Action Plan (date) Entry #3: Reflections on Intervention, Part I (date) Entry #4: Reflections on Intervention, Part II (date) Entry #5: Conclusions and Final Reflection (date) You do not need to start a new page for each new entry, though you may. Include an Appendix. Start a new page for each appendix and label it with a letter of the alphabet and a title. Include a Reference list in APA as the last page of the paper.

7 AR: Use Pseudonyms Give each student a pseudonym consistent with the child’s gender and ethnic heritage. DO NOT use the students’ real names or abbreviations that de-humanize the children (e.g., Student X or Student #3).

8 AR: Eliminate Identifying Information If you include student work samples, place a post-it over the child’s name before photographing or scanning the image. If you have already scanned an image with a child’s actual name, crop it or cover the name with a black box using a paint program.

9 AR: Consider using Tables for Student Populations Table 1: Student Participants Student Participants GenderEthnicityL1/L2 JaneFemaleEuropean American English JoselynFemaleLatina (Puerto Rican descent) Spanish/English MarcoMaleLatino (Mexican descent) Spanish/English DaveMaleEuropean American English

10 AR: Consider using Tables for Data Table 2: Student’s WPM Scores StudentWPM Week 1WPM Week 2 Jane3550 Joselyn4045 Marco4360 Dave2725

11 AR: Include an APPENDIX Your Appendix should be placed after Entry 5. Each document included in the appendix should have its own page(s), letter of the alphabet, and a title centered: Appendix A: Jane’s Journal Writing Appendix B: Joselyn’s Journal Writing Appendix C: Marco’s Journal Writing Appendix D: Dave’s Journal Writing

12 AR: Refer to your Appendix Refer to each Appendix in the body of your entries as follows: Jane demonstrated an awareness of audience in her writing when she wrote, “You can clearly see that I want to be an astronaut when I grow up” in her October 1 st journal entry (see Appendix A).

13 AR: Reference List After the Appendix, include a Reference list in APA for any references you cite.

14 AR: Entry 5 Note: There is no feedback on Entry 5 prior to submission. It gets submitted with the final submission for a final grade.

15 Brochure

16 2. Brochure Cover A professional picture of yourself Your degree program Elizabethtown College (name or logo) An overall professional design/color/font Back Cover Contact information Clearances and tests passed Professional references Link or QR code to your Digication portfolio

17 2. Brochure For Danielson’s 4 Domains 2-3 artifacts per domain Artifacts from a range of grade levels Artifacts from a range of subject areas Artifacts from all your areas of certification For Each Artifact A brief description of what it is An explicit statement about your competence this artifact highlights in this domain (vary your verbs: shows, demonstrates, exemplifies, represents…)

18 Digication

19 3. Digication 4-6 artifacts for each domain Artifacts representing a range of grade levels and subject areas Artifacts that vary in form (e.g., written text, images, video, …) A reflection on each artifact: What it is and what it demonstrates about your competence in this domain. Additional image Gallery tab (add captions for each image)

20 3. Digication Use post-it notes to plan your distribution of artifacts across all four domains: Color CodeSubject OrangeSocial Studies PurpleLiteracy BlueMath GreenScience YellowSpecial Education

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