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1  Position of China and Japan Test exemption for vehicles with isolation monitoring system should be approved. The water test should be included in EVS-GTR.

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Presentation on theme: "1  Position of China and Japan Test exemption for vehicles with isolation monitoring system should be approved. The water test should be included in EVS-GTR."— Presentation transcript:

1 1  Position of China and Japan Test exemption for vehicles with isolation monitoring system should be approved. The water test should be included in EVS-GTR Phase 1.  Action item China and Japan provide idea of how to confirm the functionality and reliability of isolation monitoring system. Japan proposal is sent to China by the end of March. After considering Japan proposal, China prepares a proposal to TF1.  Japan proposal Specific test procedures for the isolation monitoring system are added into current EVS-GTR draft. The test procedures are based on a performance confirmation test in FMVSS305. FMVSS305 requires the isolation monitoring system for FCVs. Japan proposal for EVS-GTR TF1 Summary EVSTF-08-15e

2 6.1.2. Confirmation method for functions of on-board isolation resistance monitoring system The function of the on-board isolation resistance monitoring system shall be confirmed by the following method or a method equivalent to it. A resistor that does not causes the isolation resistance between the terminal being monitored and the electrical chassis to drop below the minimum required isolation resistance value shall be inserted. The warning signal shall be activated. The on-board isolation resistance monitoring system shall be tested using the following procedure. 1.Determine the isolation resistance, Ri, of the high voltage source electric power train with the electrical isolation monitoring system using the procedure outlined in S7.6.2 through S7.6.7 6.1.1. 2.If the minimum isolation resistance value required in accordance with paragraphs or is 100 ohm/V, insert a resistor with resistance Ro equal to or greater than 1/(1/(95 times the working voltage of the high voltage source electric power train) - 1/Ri) and less than 1/(1/(100 times the working voltage of the high voltage source electric power train) - 1/Ri) between the positive terminal of the high voltage source electric power train and the electrical chassis. 2 TF1: Protection against Water Current EVS-GTR Draft Additional Text Proposal based on FMVSS305 Japan Proposal for modification of current EVS-GTR draft

3 3 3.If the minimum isolation resistance value required in accordance with paragraphs or is 500 ohm/V, insert a resistor with resistance Ro equal to or greater than 1/(1/(475 times the working voltage of the electric power train) - 1/Ri) and less than 1/(1/(500 times the working voltage of the electric power train) - 1/Ri) between the terminal of the electric power train and the electrical chassis. 4.The electrical isolation monitoring system indicator shall display a warning visible to the driver seated in the driver’s designated seating position. TF1: Protection against Water Additional Text Proposal based on FMVSS305

4 4  Merits  Reduction of vehicle manufacturers’ burden  Increase in motivation of vehicle manufacturers for installing isolation monitoring systems in their vehicle systems  Rationale  Isolation loss is not an immediate risk for electric shock. Then, providing a warning when isolation loss is detected is an effective protection against electric shock. TF1: Protection against Water Test exemption for vehicles with isolation monitoring system

5 5.X Protection against water effects (EVS-08-17e) Protection against water effects shall be provided by an isolation resistance monitoring system, or by protecting or shielding the voltage class B equipment from exposure to water. If the vehicle is equipped with an isolation resistance monitoring system, the requirements of 5.X.1 shall apply. If the vehicle is not equipped with an isolation resistance monitoring system, the tests given in 6.X.1 shall be performed in order that the requirements of 5.X.2 are met. 5.X.1 If an isolation resistance monitoring system is provided, and the isolation resistance less than the requirements given in is detected, a warning shall be indicated to the driver. The function of the on-board isolation resistance monitoring system shall be confirmed as described in 6.1.2. 5.X.2 If the test procedures specified in 6.X.1 are performed, just after each exposure, and with the vehicle still wet, the vehicle shall then comply with isolation resistance test given in 6.1.1, and the isolation resistance requirements given in shall be met. In addition, after a 24 h pause, the isolation resistance test specified in 6.1.1 shall again be performed, and the isolation resistance requirements given in shall be met. 5 TF1: Protection against Water Related part in current EVS-GTR draft Confirmation of the isolation resistance monitoring system performance is required in current EVS-GTR draft.

6 6.1.2. Confirmation method for functions of on-board isolation resistance monitoring system The function of the on-board isolation resistance monitoring system shall be confirmed by the following method or a method equivalent to it. A resistor that does not cause the isolation resistance between the terminal being monitored and the electrical chassis to drop below the minimum required isolation resistance value shall be inserted. The warning signal shall be activated. 6 TF1: Protection against Water Related part in current EVS-GTR draft This part is the confirmation procedures of the isolation monitoring system and used in Japan proposal.

7 7 TF1: Protection against Water Related part in FMVSS305NPRM S5.4.4 Electrical isolation monitoring. Each DC high voltage sources of vehicles with a fuel cell system shall be monitored by an electrical isolation monitoring system that displays a warning for loss of isolation when tested according to S8. The system must monitor its own readiness and the warning display must be visible to the driver seated in the driver's designated seating position. FMVSS305requires the isolation monitoring system for fuel cell systems.

8 S8. Test procedure for on-board electrical isolation monitoring system. Prior to any impact test, the requirements of S5.4 for the on-board electrical isolation monitoring system shall be tested using the following procedure. 1.The electric energy storage device is at the state of charge specified in S7.1. 2.The switch or device that provides power from the high voltage system to the propulsion motor(s) is in the activated position or the ready-to-drive position. 3.Determine the isolation resistance, Ri, of the high voltage source with the electrical isolation monitoring system using the procedure outlined in S7.6.2 through S7.6.7. 4.Insert a resistor with resistance Ro equal to or greater than 1/(1/(95 times the working voltage of the high voltage source) - 1/Ri) and less than 1/(1/(100 times the working voltage of the high voltage source) - 1/Ri) between the positive terminal of the high voltage source and the electrical chassis. 5.The electrical isolation monitoring system indicator shall display a warning visible to the driver seated in the driver’s designated seating position. 8 TF1: Protection against Water Related part in FMVSS305 Confirmation of the isolation resistance monitoring system performance is required in FMVSS305. It’s more specific than current EVS-GTR draft. Paragraph 2. to 5. is used in Japan proposal.  See next page.

9 S7.6.2 The voltmeter used in this test has an internal resistance of at least 10 MΩ. S7.6.3 The voltage(s) is/are measured as shown in Figure 1 and the high voltage source voltage(s) (Vb) is/are recorded. Before any vehicle impact test, Vb is equal to or greater than the nominal operating voltage as pecified by the vehicle manufacturer. S7.6.4 The voltage(s) is/are measured as shown in Figure 2, and the voltage(s) (V1) between the negative side of the high voltage source and the electrical chassis. S7.6.5 The voltage(s) is/are measured as shown in Figure 3, and the voltage(s) (V2) between the positive side of the high voltage source and the electrical chassis. S7.6.6 If V1 is greater than or equal to V2, insert a known resistance (Ro) between the negative side of the high voltage source and the electrical chassis. With the Ro installed, measure the voltage (V1′) as shown in Figure 4 between the negative side of the high voltage source and the electrical chassis. Calculate the electrical isolation resistance (Ri) according to the formula shown. Divide Ri (in ohms) by the working voltage of the high voltage source (in volts) to obtain the electrical isolation (in ohms/volt). S7.6.7 If V2 is greater than V1, insert a known resistance (Ro) between the positive side of the high voltage source and the electrical chassis. With the Ro installed, measure the voltage (V2′) as shown in Figure 5 between the positive side of the high voltage source and the electrical chassis. Calculate the electrical isolation resistance (Ri) according to the formula shown. Divide Ri (in ohms) by the working voltage of the high voltage source (in volts) to obtain the electrical isolation (in ohms/ volt). 9 TF1: Protection against Water Related part in FMVSS305 Procedures for isolation resistance measurement

10 10 insert a resistor with resistance Ro equal to or greater than 1/(1/(95 times the working voltage of the electric power train) - 1/Ri) and less than 1/(1/(100 times the working voltage of the electric power train) 1 95 ×Vb - Ri 1 1 1 100 ×VbRi 11 < R0 + Calculation of resistance value Battery MOT Inverter Ri R0 Ri: Isolation resistance of vehicle system Vehicle chassis R0: Isolation resistance to be inserted 1 100 ×Vb - Ri 1 1 <R0< < 1 95 ×Vb Resistance value at 100ohms/VResistance value at 95ohms/V 95 ohms/V < Combined resistance of R1 and R0 < 100 ohms/V 95% value of 100 ohms/V

11 11 insert a resistor with resistance Ro equal to or greater than 1/(1/(475 times the working voltage of the electric power train) - 1/Ri) and less than 1/(1/(500 times the working voltage of the electric power train) 1 475 ×Vb - Ri 1 1 1 500 ×VbRi 11 < R0 + Calculation of resistance value Battery MOT Inverter Ri R0 Ri: Isolation resistance of vehicle system Vehicle chassis R0: Isolation resistance to be inserted 1 500 ×Vb - Ri 1 1 <R0< < 1 475 ×Vb Resistance value at 100ohms/VResistance value at 95ohms/V 95% value of 500 ohms/V 475 ohms/V < Combined resistance of R1 and R0 < 100 ohms/V

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