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2013-04-17 Peter Wihlborg Director PoM Workgroup Swedish Programme of Measures 2015 Interaction for new Policy Instrument Measures.

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Presentation on theme: "2013-04-17 Peter Wihlborg Director PoM Workgroup Swedish Programme of Measures 2015 Interaction for new Policy Instrument Measures."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013-04-17 Peter Wihlborg Director PoM Workgroup Swedish Programme of Measures 2015 Interaction for new Policy Instrument Measures

2 Legal Preconditions The Water Framework Directive (EU) The Water Management regulation (SE) Environmental Code (SE) Planning and Building Act (SE) National Regulations, Manuals, etc. Objectives, framework and limitations Other Preconditions Available Data Data Quality Practical Implementation of Measures Geographical Scale Opportunities and constraints

3 The EU Commission’s comments - PoM 2009 Better link to physical measures Better geographical connection Justification of less stringent environmental objectives Broader definition of water services

4 PoM 2009 37 Policy Instruments Measures: who and overall objectives # 33: Municipalities need to require high protection level for waters with status < EQS Water AuthorityLocal CouncilOperators Water Body X

5 PoM 2009 Environmental Code Various laws provide different potential for measures Effective measures can be required where legislation overlap Planning and Building Act The Water Management Regulation

6 ALBERT EINSTEIN “Make things as simple as possible (but not simpler)”

7 Prerequisites for PoM 2015 Further development of the PoM 2009 Addressed to the authorities and municipalities Through policy instruments measures lead to local physical measures Coordinated with other Swedish environmental work Coordinated with the Marine Environment Regulation Not include the provision of knowledge for own needs

8 PoM 2015 – How to achieve more? Better foundation: Necessary conditions and defined physical measures Early interaction with PoM authorities A better use of the means of legislation contributes to more and efficient measures! The Water Management Regulation Planning and Building Act Environmental Code

9 Policy Instruments Measures in PoM 2015 Revised "37-list” - Authorities and municipalities – Who Condition necessary to comply with EQS – Where and What  Suggested physical measures – How  Suggested policy instruments PoM 2015 – How to achieve more? Collaboration process PoM supporting documents Policy instruments: Tools used by authorities and municipalities to initiate physical measures Legislation, regulations, regulatory guidance, grants, information…..

10 Policy Instruments Measures – PoM 2015 Authority 1 needs to ensure the biological restoration of 3590 km timber floating channels in the area XX1, in order to comply with EQS. Proposed measures is found in PoM supporting document XX1 Proposed policy instruments are X1 and X2 Authority 2 needs to ensure that the mean concentration of lead in water bodie(s) SE 000 (- SE000) is reduced by XX mg/l, in order to comply with EQS. Proposed measures is found in PoM supporting document XX2 Proposed policy instruments are X5 Authority 3 needs to ensure that the effects of the environmental problem X1 reduced, in order to comply with EQS. Proposed measure is a national information campaign suggesting XXX


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