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4. Enfoque de salvaguardas para REDD+ a nivel país y mecanismos de salvaguardas 4. Country safeguards approach and safeguards mechanisms.

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Presentation on theme: "4. Enfoque de salvaguardas para REDD+ a nivel país y mecanismos de salvaguardas 4. Country safeguards approach and safeguards mechanisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 4. Enfoque de salvaguardas para REDD+ a nivel país y mecanismos de salvaguardas 4. Country safeguards approach and safeguards mechanisms

2 Understand what the country-level REDD+ safeguards approach is and its elements Understand the stages for developing a safeguards approach Become familiar with the different international mechanisms for safeguards Understand the differences and links between the different international safeguards mechanisms Learning Objectives

3 The Seven (7) REDD+ Safeguards in the UNFCCC (a)Objectives of national forest programs and other relevant agreements and conventions. (b)Transparent and effective structures of national forest governance. (c)Respect for knowledge and rights of Indigenous Peoples and local community members. (d)Full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders. (e)Conservation of natural forests and biological diversity Not used for the conversion of natural forests, Protect and conserve natural forests and ecosystem services, Improve social & environmental benefits. (f)Actions dealing with risks of reversal. (g)Actions to reduce displacement of emissions. REDD+ countries have to respect….

4 Additionally the countries have to comply with…. Examples FCPF ONU-REDD Germany Norway Others Safeguards applicable to donors for REDD+ Their own country Safeguards Examples Assessment of environmental impact Information Law Consultation process

5 Summarizing… Country REDD+ Safeguards from the UNFCCC Donor Safeguards Country- applicable Safeguards

6 How are these safeguards put into operation? Through a Country-level safeguards approach

7 What are the possible elements of an approach? Institutions (formal and informal) In order to ensure fair and effective design and implementation of these elements Safeguards Information System Indicators of process, policies, and results Monitoring methodology Reporting frameworks for addressing different information needs Mechanism for Feedback, Grievances, and Redress Mechanism at country level to receive and address grievances related to the national safeguards approach Policies, Laws, and Regulations Regulatory framework that defines and puts into operation the interpretation of country-specific REDD+ safeguards Processes and Procedures To determine the elements, such as the consultations, access to information, strategic assessments, analysis, implementation reports, etc.

8 1. Identification of indicators for REDD+ social & environmental performance 2. Development of monitoring and assessment methodologies and institutional arrangements 3. Development of reporting methodology and institutional arrangements 3. Creation of new PLRs and procedures (if necessary) 1. Definition of PLRs based on which grievances presented 2. Clear, transparent, and timely treatment guidelines 3. Grievance response system Institutions Safeguards Information System Policies, Laws, and Regulations Feedback, Grievance, and Redress Mechanism Processes and Procedures 1. Definition of objectives for safeguards approach 2. Gap analysis of existing social & environmental PLRs and procedures What are the main stages for developing each element of the approach?

9 What is the existing input at the national level that can be used? Which policies and laws linked to safeguards exist in the country? For example, about participation, information, etc. What social & environmental information systems exist in the country? Are there any grievance mechanisms that could be relevant?

10 Development ‘Process’ How can national input be supported? 1. Identification of indicators for REDD+ social & environmental performance 2. Development of monitoring and assessment methodologies & institutional arrangements 3. Development of reporting methodology and institutional arrangements 3. Creation of new PLRs and procedures (if necessary ) 1. Definition of PLRs based on which grievances presented 2. Clear, transparent, and timely treatment guidelines 3. Grievance response system Institutions Safeguards Information System Policies, Laws, and Regulations Feedback, Grievance, and Redress Mechanism Processes and Procedures Forest, social, and biodiversity Indicator, Monitoring, and Reporting System 1. D efinition of objectives for safeguards approach 2. Gap a nalysis of existing social & environmental PLRs and procedures Existing grievance and redress systems Existing PLRs and Institutions (legal and customary)

11 What are the safeguards mechanisms at the international level? International Safeguards Mechanisms Tools provided donors or other entities to address safeguards FCPF ONU-REDD CCBA/CARE SESA ESMF PGA BeRT SEPC REDD+ SES CAST

12 Social & Environmental Strategic Assessment (SESA) What? To identify risks, opportunities, and impacts How? An iterative analysis process and consultation with stakeholders Why? To improve design of REDD+ Strategy Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF) What? Framework for developing plans to mitigate and manage risks, results of SESA Why? To mitigate and manage risks REDD+ Preparation REDD+ Implementation

13 Social & Environmental Principles and Criteria (SEPC) What? Framework guide to address social & environmental issues in UN-REDD National Programs Why? To support countries in developing their national safeguards approach Who? National design team of the UN-REDD National Program Benefits and Risk Tools (BeRT) What? Series of questions Why? To guide design of UN-REDD National Programs, fully taking into consideration risks and benefits Who? National design team of the UN-REDD National Program Participatory Governance Assessment (PGA) What? Identify priority governance topics; define indicators; gather information for design feedback. How? Inclusive process with multi-stakeholders. Why? Improve design of REDD+ Strategy REDD+ PreparationREDD+ Implementation Country Approach to Safeguards Tools (CAST) What? Safeguards planning tool at country level How: To do a diagnosis of activities Who? REDD+ country teams

14 REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards (REDD+ SES) What? Framework for indicators to build a Safeguards Information System How? An inclusive process with multi-stakeholders Why? Monitor and report how safeguards are respected Design - Preparation Implementation

15 What are the safeguards mechanisms at the international level? FCPF CCBA/CARE SESA ESMF REDD+ SES Obligatory Voluntary Complementary ONU-REDD PGA BeRT SEPC CAST Guidance Tools

16 1. Identification of indicators for REDD+ social & environmental performance 2. Development of monitoring and assessment methodologies & institutional arrangements 3. Development of reporting methodology and institutional arrangements 3. Creation of new PLRs and procedures (if necessary 1. Definition of PLRs based on which grievances are presented 2. Clear, transparent, and timely treatment guidelines 3. Grievance response system Institutions Safeguards Information System Policies, Laws, and Regulations Feedback, Grievance, and Redress Mechanism Processes and Procedures Cancún safeguards International Conventions & agreements Donor operational policies SEPC UN-REDD REDD+ SES FCPF SESA (for risks/opportun ities) 1. Definition of objectives for safeguards approach FCPF SESA UN-REDD BeRT UN-REDD PGA (for governance) 2. Gap analysis of existing social & environmental PLRs and procedures FCPF ESMF UN-REDD FPIC guidelines FCPF/UN-REDD Guidance on establishing grievance mechanisms REDD+ SES PGA of UN-REDD (for governance) Indicators of WRI Forest Governance (for governance) REDD+ SES Potential International Input for Developing a Safeguards Approach at Country Level

17 Activity Finding partners: safeguards mechanisms Form groups Each group has vocabulary cards with the titles and acronyms of main safeguards mechanisms and their respective donors. Each group should connect the vocabulary cards indicating the safeguard mechanisms with the vocabulary cards corresponding to the Institutions.

18 SEPC: Social & Environmental Principles and Criteria SESA: Social & Environmental Strategic Assessment PGA: Participatory Governance Assessment ESMF: Environmental and Social Management Framework REDD+ SES: Social & Environmental Standards for REDD+ BeRT: Benefits and Risks Tool

19 Activity Safeguards and Scales We work with the diagram that has three circles: –International level –National level –Local level For each circle, identify: –existing policies and mechanisms –existing information systems –existing grievance mechanisms that are contributing to REDD+ safeguards.

20 Key Learnings How are REDD+ safeguards put into operation? Which are the three (3) elements of a safeguards approach? A country has to comply with (select) UNFCCC safeguards Safeguards from other countries Donor safeguards Safeguards from their own countries Which safeguards mechanisms apply for the country? Safeguards mechanisms are different but complementary. True/False FCPF’s SESA mechanism supports the analysis of Policies, Laws, and Regulations. True/False The REDD+ SES mechanism is obligatory and supports the development of the Safeguards Information System. True/False

21 Thank you!

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