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LeHo Learning at Home and in the Hospital WP2 Dissemination Presentation by Livia Turzó European Distance and E-Learning Network.

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Presentation on theme: "LeHo Learning at Home and in the Hospital WP2 Dissemination Presentation by Livia Turzó European Distance and E-Learning Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 LeHo Learning at Home and in the Hospital WP2 Dissemination Presentation by Livia Turzó European Distance and E-Learning Network

2 The largest active and developing professional community of researchers & practitioners of open, distance and e-learning in Europe 2 /12 Introducing EDEN MembershipOpen for all levels and sectors of education and trainingOpen for institutions, individuals and networksMore, than 180 institutional members1100 NAP members: Network of Academics and Professionals – meeting and communication forum30 European or national networksMore than 400 institutions from over 50 countries within and outside Europe MembershipOpen for all levels and sectors of education and trainingOpen for institutions, individuals and networksMore, than 180 institutional members1100 NAP members: Network of Academics and Professionals – meeting and communication forum30 European or national networksMore than 400 institutions from over 50 countries within and outside Europe Membership  Open for all levels and sectors of education and training  Open for institutions, individuals and networks  More, than 180 institutional members  1100 NAP members: Network of Academics and Professionals – meeting and communication forum  30 European or national networks  More than 400 institutions from over 50 countries within and outside Europe

3  EDEN Annual Conferences since 1992 Zagreb, 10-13 June 2014 „E-Learning at Work and the Workplace”  Research Workshops Bi-annual events October 2014  Synergy Workshops Bi-annual events October 2015 The EDEN Conferences 3 /12 Introducing EDEN

4 EDEN’ EU projects  ODS  ProM  i-TUTOR  Revive-VET  VISIR  POERUP  eLene2learn  NEST  MOVE-ON   SEVAQ+  Links-up  FREE  EquNet  TESPIS  HEXTLEARN  Learnovation  eTTCampus  VM-PASS  LACE  ARMAZEG  TALOE  LeHo  E-SOLVE  EduWorks  Carer+  CareNet 4 /12 Introducing EDEN

5 DeliverableDelivery date Supporting elements, other info D2.1 Dissemination StrategyJan 2014Dissemination graph (DG): detailed list of actions to plan and monitor activities, operative reminderdetailed list D2.2 LeafletMar 2014 Logo, visual identity D2.3 International Exchange Forum Jun 2014EDEN Annual Conference, Zagreb 10-13 June D2.4 Transnational WorkshopJun 2015EDEN autumn conference: Research Workshop (Oxford, 2014 Oct.) / Synergy Workshop (Budapest, 2015 Oct.) D2.5 Final ConferenceOct 2016European HOPE Congress for hospital-teachers and other professionals involved in education and care of children and adolescents with medical needs Dissemination ReportDec 2016 Reporting templates: to collect data of the dissemination actions done by the partners, Dissemination Graph Google analytics Other dissemination tools and channels: - newsletters, press releases, events, online social communities, synergies with similar initiatives, e-mail lists of networks WP2 Dissemination: Deliverables and tools

6 Stakeholders’ map

7 Disseminate for awareness: communication of the project aims and objectives Disseminate for understanding and sharing progresses: this refers to the groups/audiences targeted by the dissemination activities who can benefit directly from the project outcomes and outputs and need therefore to have a deeper understanding of the project work. Disseminate for action: change of practices by means of the project outputs: the exploitation of the results of the project Dissemination strategy The overall strategy for dissemination and exploitation of results builds upon a multi-layer and multi-channel communication action, and is aimed at:

8 Dissemination strategy – Stakeholders’ Involvement in Change Source: Change Management Toolbook, based on Peter Senge: Fifth DisciplineChange Management Toolbook

9 First steps  Dissemination Graph Dissemination Graph  Identifying Stakeholders  Proposal to the EDEN Annual Conference  E-Learning at work and the workplace – From Education to Employment and Meaningful Work with ICTs  Submission deadline 31 January – extension already requested 

10 The success of the dissemination actions depends on the involvement of all the partners!

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