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PROGRESSIVE ENGAGEMENT: A Promising Practice. SLC Snapshot FMR in Salt Lake County - $901/2 bdrm Rental Vacancy Rate - <3% Roughly 80% of all people.

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3 SLC Snapshot FMR in Salt Lake County - $901/2 bdrm Rental Vacancy Rate - <3% Roughly 80% of all people experiencing homelessness live in Salt Lake County The Road Home serves 1,000 people experiencing homelessness each night

4 The Road Home Housing First purists Central Housing Agency (Coordinated Access Plan 2014) for Salt Lake County 90% of all homeless individuals in Utah are sheltered at The Road Home – we shelter about 1,000 men, women and children each night Housing priorities for households, Veterans, Individuals who are Chronically Homeless


6 Progressive Engagement is the practice of helping households end their homelessness as rapidly as possible, despite barriers, with minimal financial and support resources. More supports are applied to those households who struggle to stabilize.

7 Growth of People Served at TRH 2004 Shelter: 2,100 people served Total nights: 163,096 Provided less than 50,000 housing nights Maintained waiting list for shelter 2014 Shelter: 7,082 people served Total nights: 349,111 Provided 454,626 housing nights No wait list for shelter



10 How is RRH/PE Fair? Every household is offered the same initial package: housing location assistance, barrier debt elimination, move in and rental assistance Amount of assistance fluctuates depending on available funding sources and # of households in need of assistance Generally, households don’t compare notes after 4 months of assistance

11 Prioritization and/or PE? Every community is different We assess for housing barriers ONLY We expect that every household will be successful with RRH A CM sticks close to the household and helps admin determine more assistance The household helps us determine the point of stability We are bad predictors of stability

12 Lining Up the Resources A base source is helpful Worked with funders to repurpose sources Repurposed almost all TH to PSH PSH are reserved for unstable households Every population can benefit from PE

13 Set Up for Success Messaging to households is important Landlord work is key household choice in housing is important On the admin side: Plan for PSH but expect RRH Program management must be nimble

14 Oct 2009-June 2014 Over 3,000 households served since 2009 Includes households with all types of histories Ave financial assistance per household = $4000 Ave length of PE per household = <4 months 10% of PE households moved to PSH Overall rate of stability = 86% for families, 71% for high shelter utilizers, 89% for Veteran households

15 PE Challenges Constant mid-course shifts Accounting acrobatics Funding Buy in Proof that it works We have to make hard decisions Case managers are on their toes

16 Melanie Zamora, MPA Director of Housing Programs The Road Home Salt Lake City, UT

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