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Alex Kennedy, Campaigns Manager. The London Elections Fifth Mayoral Election First one to not be won by Ken or Boris Taking place 5 th May 2016 Same day.

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Presentation on theme: "Alex Kennedy, Campaigns Manager. The London Elections Fifth Mayoral Election First one to not be won by Ken or Boris Taking place 5 th May 2016 Same day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alex Kennedy, Campaigns Manager

2 The London Elections Fifth Mayoral Election First one to not be won by Ken or Boris Taking place 5 th May 2016 Same day as the Greater London Assembly election

3 Why does it matter? Before 2008 the Mayor’s responsibility for homelessness was limited Successful campaigning led all candidates to commit to end rough sleeping That failed because of housing crisis, benefit cuts… …but that commitment led to far more focus on homelessness in City Hall

4 Why does it matter? Next mayor will have: A £34m homelessness budget Powers to commission and coordinate homelessness services Powers on housing, policing, public health and transport

5 Why does it matter? But 7,500 slept rough last year, double figure in 2009/10. We need ambition and policies to match the scale of the problem, not business as usual Risk that even though housing will be a big focus, homelessness could get forgotten

6 Lead London Home


8 999 Club Albert Kennedy Trust Bench Outreach Big Issue Foundation Cardboard Citizens Cardinal Hume Centre Centrepoint Crisis DePaul Divine Rescue Evolve Homeless Link Housing Justice Pathway Robes Project SHP St Mungo's Streets of London Thames Reach The Connection at St Martin's The Passage Trinity Homeless Projects West London Mission YMCA England

9 Social media Guests: Volunteers:

10 Online action Almost 3000 online actions – petition and messages direct to candidates

11 Online action “I was homeless in 2015. I was lucky to secure a place with No Second Night Out after approaching some Outreach workers from Westminster. I now have a small private studio and am extremely grateful. Other homeless rough sleepers I know are not so lucky. They have fallen through the loop-holes in the law and cannot get housing because they were not in one place long enough so they do not exist.”

12 What we’re calling for (1) The next Mayor of London should: 1.Lead a new drive to end rough sleeping, including providing at least 2000 homes and a Housing First programme for former rough sleepers. 2.Prioritise homelessness prevention and support calls for a new law so that no one can be turned away by councils to sleep on the streets. 3.Increase access to private rented sector housing and tenancy support for people on the lowest income.

13 What we’re calling for (2) The next Mayor of London should: 3.End destitution by working across the European Union to find solutions to EU nationals sleeping on the streets. 4.Embed the needs of homeless people at the heart of London’s public services. 5.Fight for a better deal for London to mitigate the negative impact of welfare reform on people who are homeless and at risk of homelessness.


15 Sadiq Khan’s manifesto Set up a ‘No Nights Sleeping Rough’ initiative –taskforce to oversee implementation of Mayor’s rough sleeping work & funding priorities. Focus young people facing homelessness, including prevention measures such as family mediation and steps to help young people into work. Coordinate councils’ efforts to find stable private rented housing instead of desperate boroughs being forced to outbid each other for homes from landlords.

16 Caroline Pigeon “I fully support the Lead London Home manifesto and would not only protect London’s existing budget for tackling homelessness but would also initiate a new drive to end rough sleeping in the capital. Alongside this I would also conduct a full review of the help given to single homeless people, many of whom are currently deemed ‘not vulnerable enough’ to get help from local councils.”

17 Sian Berry

18 George Osborne £100 million to fund 2000 units of accommodation for move on from hostels and domestic violence refuges £10 million to develop innovative ways to support rough sleepers “particularly in London” Doubling of the rough sleeping Social Impact Bond (5 to 10 million) to include funding for Housing First approaches Rolling out of new approaches to reconnect rough sleepers from the EU to return to their home countries

19 Coming up Contacting GLA candidates and MPs Hustings event Drawing attention to borough level CHAIN stats Continue to promote online email action and social media Responding to manifestos – pushing candidates for more

20 How you can help Take action: Promote to clients, volunteers, supporters Raise the issue on the doorstep Call LBC on Tuesday morning!

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