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CESA 10 Summer 2013, Day 2 1 Reading & Math WKCE WAA 2.

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2 CESA 10 Summer 2013, Day 2 1

3 Reading & Math WKCE WAA 2

4  Consider the Accountability School Report Card 3 ACHIEVEMENT (Rdng & Math) % of Students at Proficiency Levels GROWTH (K-8 Rdng & Math) Year-to-year change compared to state GAPS (Rdng & Math) Gap closure for subgroups ON-TRACK (Rdng & Math) 3 rd Grade Reading & 8 th Grade Math  Provides focus for Data Inquiry  The state assessment plays a major role in external accountability  Summative assessments can reveal internal achievement issues ◦ Marginalized subgroups ◦ Inadequate progress ◦ Persistent low achievement

5  Which questions are most important to explore? 4 Common WSAS Data Inquiry Topics (Rdng/Math) My Data Inquiry Questions  Achievement by grade level  Achievement by grade level - trends over time  Inconsistencies in grade level achievement  Achievement differences between comparisons (gaps)  Gap Trends by Gender  Gap Trends by Disability  Gap Trends by Race/Ethnicity  Gap Trends by ELL Status  Gap Trends by Economic Status

6  Go to your data inquiry WSAS question to start.  Follow the four steps. 5

7  QUESTION ◦ Enter your data question the data source  INVESTIGATE ◦ Enter WISEdash. Navigate and apply filters to find the data picture that answers the data question.  CLARIFY ◦ Document data findings. Fill in the areas indicated on the Fillable Form.  HYPOTHESIZE ◦ Pose and categorize hypotheses of teacher and leadership practices related to the data findings. 6

8  Share your Fillable Form showing your data inquiry. 7

9 8 Current WSAS (WKCE & WAA) Future SBAC Local Assessments Local data should predict external assessment results

10 9

11  Because WISEdash allows you to “drill down” to specific students, think ahead about the role that the WSAS plays in planning for students.  Conduct the “drill down” after completing the Data Inquiry Process.  Respect confidentiality. Save data in a secure data folder. 10 Student Lists Will you need lists of … Students who are at minimal or basic levels? Students who achieve at advanced levels? Students who took the WAA? Student Profiles Will you need individual student data such as … Standards Performance Index (SPI) “skill” data in reading or math? The primary disability and educational environment? The language proficiency level?

12  Example: Student List of math “minimal” WSAS students in a school 11

13 12 Example:  Note yellow “tabs” for further details for a student  Provides entire WSAS test history  Note SPI scores are “extrapolated” percent correct scores. Sort to discover lower scoring skill areas.

14 WISEdash ATTENDANCE Data Inquiry 13

15 14

16  Consider the Accountability School Report Card 15  Provides focus for Data Inquiry Attendance Rate All and lowest attending subgroup Chronic Absenteeism Rate

17  Which questions are most important to explore? 16 Common ATTENDANCE Data Inquiry Topics My Data Inquiry Questions  What are the differences in attendance rates for groups of students?  Which students have chronic absenteeism?  What is the achievement level of low attending students? ACTIVITY 14

18  Use the filters to view the attendance rates for subgroups.  View year-by-year trends. 17

19  Go to your data inquiry ATTENDANCE question to start.  Follow the four steps. 18

20  QUESTION ◦ Enter your data question and select the data source  INVESTIGATE ◦ Enter WISEdash. Navigate and apply filters to find the data picture that answers the data question.  CLARIFY ◦ Document data findings. Fill in the areas indicated on the Fillable Form.  HYPOTHESIZE ◦ Pose and categorize hypotheses of teacher and leadership practices related to the data findings. 19

21  Share your Fillable Form showing your data inquiry. 20

22  Think ahead about attendance detail investigations that are important.  Some helpful “drill-down” investigations when studying “attendance.” 1.Who are the low-attending students? 2.How do attendance patterns align with WSAS achievement patterns?  Respect confidentiality. Save data in a secure data folder. 21

23 22

24  Data Inquiry Process for all Dashboards  Take time to Explore  Questions? 23 Enrollment and Attendance* Assessments (including WSAS*, ACT, AP and ACCESS for EL) Student Growth Percentiles High School Completion Postsecondary Enrollment Student Profile Student Search MDAT

25  If so, please send fillable forms electronically to Kristen Gundry  Also, sign a copy of the 2 nd page of the form on this slide (Available on back table) 24

26  Consider your district’s next steps  How will your staff use WISEdash?  How will you set up security for your staff?  How will your staff be trained?  What support will you need?  Discuss in your teams and be prepared to share your thoughts 25


28  Erica or Judy sent email this afternoon  Short  Through Survey Monkey  Thanks  Enjoy the rest of your summer! 27

29 Rules  Stand in a circle with 5-6 participants  The purpose of the game is to see how many times your group can hit the ball without dropping it or having it go out of your circle  A person can not hit the ball two times in a row.  Count out loud together for each hit Variation  After 3 or 4 times, set a goal and try to meet it  Challenge: try having each person hit the ball once before anyone can hit it a second time

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